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Sitting on a large rock Taehyung smiles at the kid who's awkwardly kicking the dirt beneath his shoes. "What did you wanna talk about?"

"Well uh—" the kid pauses. "It's not important." The younger mutters turning to walk away only for the omega to reach forward and pull the boy back.

"No, no, no. We're going to talk."

"But it's dumb."

"Then we'll have a dumb conversation." The elder says with determination. He can tell the kid is bothered by something and he wants to help, especially if he feels like he can't talk to his father about it.

"Fine but you can't ever tell my dad!" The kid mutters. "I just feel like I'm some dumb omega to everyone."

The elder is a bit shocked, unsure where this type of thinking is coming from. Sure he —sort of— thinks about it the same way but he's twenty-two, this kid is only ten.

"What why?"

"Well I'm skinny and built like an omega. Everyone keeps telling me I'll be an omega and treats me like one." The kid shrugs. "I hate being an omega."

"Aish don't say that." Taehyung says sternly. "First of all nobody knows whether you'll be an omega, beta or alpha."

"Everyone knows!"

"Let me finish kid, everyone thought I was going to be an alpha. Hell, the cake on my sixteenth birthday even said happy birthday 'alpha' and then suddenly I started becoming an omega." He explains. "And at first I was like you, I let it define me. I even pushed away my alpha friends and Jungkook. Then some stuff happened and I hit rock bottom." He pauses, taking a deep breath. "After that, I decided I wasn't about to let the world decide who I'm supposed be."

Yoongi is listening to him with wide eyes.

"And yes, that means I fight with alpha's sometimes but at least I get to be me. Being an omega doesn't define you Yoongi, don't let others think they can define you."

"But my dad gets so disappointed when I fight and sometimes really mad." The boy mumbles sadly. "He doesn't understand what it's like to be treated like an omega."

"Then explain it to him, tell him what it's like. Look Yoongi, being an omega is unfair and as long as your dad has a say you'll have to listen to him, but despite your dad you let no one tell you what to do. Clear? And if someone older than you treats you unfairly you go to your father or one of us and we'll help you yeah?" He says softly nudging the younger's shoulder. "We got you."

The younger huffs. "I wish I was as cool as you, that dumb alpha is like your lap dog."

Taehyung chuckles. "Ah don't let him hear that, he'll throw a fit. Now c'mon we'll go to my tent. You're cool as you are but us omega's do love a make over."

Yoongi scoffs. "Yeah sure whatever." But the elder does notice a little smile on the boy's lips.

They make their way back to camp laughing and joking around together while Taehyung feels happy that him being an omega might help the kid.

Thanks for the ideas guys but I do know where I want to take my story, it's just that I had to decide between too endings I came up with. whether I want to go with the easy one which means Imm basically done or the harder one and then write up to 70/80 chapters. But I figured it out now.

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