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"This weekend was fun." Jungkook yawns on Monday morning, once again he stayed up too late watching anime. Trying to catch up with what he's missed over the weekend.

"It was, Hoseok and I actually treated each other decently." Jimin says, a smile on his lips as he's no doubt thinking about the weekend.

"Yeah me and Tae too." He mutters only to be surprised when said omega pops up besides him. "Scoot over."

"Why don't you just ask me politely?" Jungkook asks, annoyed by the given demand. Wondering why Taehyung can't just ask him things but always has to demand them.

"If I wanted to ask you nicely I would've."

Jungkook sits up a little. "I really don't understand why you have to make everything so difficult?"

"Me?! I don't make anything difficult, you dumb alpha!" Taehyung's voice is raised and loud enough for the entire class to hear.

Yes, Taehyung called him that before and yes, he's accepted it but never with all these people watching. He's challenging his dominance right here and now in front of all his classmates. If he lets it slide they'll call him weak.

"Apologise." He demands, body tense and voice stern. He's not about to let Taehyung do this to him.

"No, why the fuck would I?"

Jungkook rises to his feet with narrowed eyes as he squares his shoulder. Clearly trying to look dominant and forcing submission from the omega.

The class watches in silence.

"No." Taehyung says coldly.

Only for soft mumbling to be heard. Even Jimin seems nervous about what's going to happen.

Jungkook's eyes nearly spit fire as he grabs the elder and drags him out of the classroom and to the nearest bathroom who luckily is empty.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" He snaps, caging the omega against the door. "You do not fucking speak to me like that, I'm so fucking sick of you disrespecting me."

"Jungkook I—"

"Shut up!" He yells, slamming his hand against the door. Missing the way Taehyung flinches as his eyes fill up with tears. "You're an omega and no matter what you make up in that little head of yours, you're not and never will be superior to an alpha." He raises his head a little. "Now apologise."

"I-I'm sorry." Taehyung whispers softly.

"Speak clearly." The alpha growls.

"I'm sorry."

He nods his head. "Good, now don't let it happen again."

The shorter nods, head bowed. "C-can I go?"

"Yes." Jungkook says watching the omega open the door and storm off. People outside the bathroom watching him go. It isn't an unusual sight to see such things happening but yet people remain curious.

He sighs, walking back to the classroom. Checking his watch to see it's still a minute before class starts.

"What did you do?" Jimin asks with wide eyes.

"I put him in his place." He says coldly, plopping down in his chair tiredly. "It needed to be done."

"Where is he?"

He shrugs. "Ran off somewhere."

"You didn't spank him right?" The shorter carefully asks.

"No, I just made sure he apologised and knew his place." The young alpha mumbles, wanting this day to be over already.

Maybe he was a bit harsh but Taehyung had it coming, he can't keep taking the omega's shit and not get mad. Anyone would eventually blow when they're constantly ordered around.

Yet he wonders, where his wolf went the second he grabbed Taehyung.

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