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Jungkook is seated on the couch, sipping on his water when Taehyung takes a seat across from him with a smile.

"How have you been the past years?" The omega asks, suddenly a lot less hostile than before.

"Good I guess? I barely passed last year but I'm here, so I guess I'm good." Jungkook answers, leaning back as he feels himself calm down from the embarrassment he felt before.

"You look good, you grew taller than me and became very handsome." The omega compliments, a grin on his face. "Still, I'd win if we were to fight."

Jungkook scoffs. "Win? You? Do you have any idea of how strong I am?"

A light laugh leaves the elder's mouth before he speaks, the joyful sound catching the alpha of guard as it makes his stomach flutter. "I've got skill, when you piss of alpha's as often as I do you have get yourself a way out of trouble."

"You really haven't changed have you? You're still a troublemaker." Jungkook smiles, he likes this. They're not fighting nor yelling, this is what he'd call process.

"Yeah, also the reason why I got kicked out of that dumb omega school, though it was really fun being there." He says smiling brightly. "The school was dumb and besides regular classes we had to attend classes that would make us 'good omega's' You know me, I'm not good at anything."

Jungkook chuckles. "Don't say it like that, you have your talents. But if it was a dumb school? How was it fun?"

Taehyung shrugs. "Guess it felt good to make a difference. Omega's are often oppressed by alpha's and all our teachers were alpha's, they often used their alpha voice to get students to do what they wanted. We felt like freedom fighters there, raising hell everywhere we could."

Jungkook admires the fire in the elder's eyes. He hadn't realised how much he had missed his friend and his dumb ways of getting in trouble.

"Namjoon, Hobi and I really shocked the teachers. Last years at the end of the year we got other students to join in and that's when they gave us a last warning and we had to simmer down our trouble making. This year we started on the first day and kept going for about a week before they kicked us out permanently." He sighs. "It felt good, for the first time since I had been labelled omega I had a voice and people really listened to me."

Jungkook nods. "Is that why you're such a prick to all alpha's?"

The omega shrugs. "Guess so, I was extra angry with you, as I said for totally invalid reasons but later I realised how much I had missed you."

A warm feeling rises in his chest at the omega's words. "I missed you too." Yes, it taken him some time to realise too, but it's the truth. Taehyung used to be everything to him.

They sit in a comfortable silence for a  few seconds when Taehyung speaks up. "Jungkook, do you look at me differently now that I'm an omega?"

He thinks about it for a second, before sighing. "Do you look at me differently now that I'm an alpha?"


"Then there's your answer."

Taehyung frowns. "But it isn't fair."

"Life is unfair Taehyung, you're an omega and you can't change that. Things are different for omega's and alpha's and that's not my fault or any one else's." Jungkook says, the alpha, beta, omega labels have always tested and challenged relationships of all sorts. Theirs is not any different, they'll just have to see if the can stand each other.

People often change when they present, especially if the present as something they did not expect.

Taehyung sighs as well. "Let's not talk about this, just tell me how your family reacted when they found out you were an alpha."

Jungkook shrugs. "They were really happy but if I'm honest I wanted you there, alpha or not Taehyung you were my best friend and my dream, our dream at least part of it had come true and you weren't there to celebrate it with me." He looking down he shakes his head. "I felt like you betrayed me."

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't face you back then."

"So you keep saying, I think I should go. You go and prepare for your heat." Jungkook gets up to go only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. The touch feeling familiar to the way things felt all those years ago.

"I miss us, I want to go back to what we were. Best friends."

"We can't Taehyung, things have changed. We have changed, you're stuck in the past. Grow up and accept that you're an omega, that's your life now, not the dream we had when we were fifteen." He takes a deep breath. "Besides you're just a dick, you act all angry with me but you're Jin's little lap dog."

"No you—"

"Taehyung, you're an omega now. Act like it."

Who's side are you on?

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