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"Hey, got your text what's going on?"

Jungkook looks up at Namjoon with wide eyes, relieved the elder actually came over to talk to him.

"Thanks for coming." He mumbles, scooting over on the bench to make room for the omega. His head is spinning in confusion and guilt. After his realisation he had bolted, not able to face Taehyung with his thoughts all over the place.

"No problem, I guess it has something to do with the fact that Taehyung blew up my phone talking about ruining things with you." The elder says, leaning back and enjoying the sunlight on his skin.

"Yes— No— well— kinda." He rambles. "It has to do with it, he didn't ruin anything it's just that things happened and I started thinking and I don't know—"

"First of all take a deep breath." Namjoon says with a concerned look on his face. "Now start by talking slower, I can't understand you when you ramble like that."

Nodding his head, he takes a deep breath. "I don't know where to start." He then confesses. "My head feels like a mess."

"Tae told me he said you were not like any other alpha and then you bolted." The omega says, trying to give the younger an opening to explain his thoughts in a way that makes a little sense.

"Well, yes, that's true and I'll apologise for that. I didn't mean to upset him. Everything became a bit much." The alpha says, rubbing his face with his hands before turning to the elder. "You're smart right?"

Namjoon blinks in surprise. "Uh well, I know stuff?"

"What makes a person and alpha, beta or omega. Is it random? Does it have to do with personality? Does it—"

"Okay! I get it." Namjoon says when the younger starts to ramble again. He sighs before shrugging a bit. "Alpha and Omega are mainly a social construct. Yes, there's alpha traits and omega traits but not as prominent as society makes them out to be." The elder explains. "Are your parents still married Jungkook?"

The alpha nods, unsure of what this has to do with them.

"What secondary gender do they have?"

"Mom's an omega and dad's an alpha." He mutters, a little confused by the sudden turn of the conversation.

"When your parents are together does your father bark orders at your mother? Does your mother constantly bow her head to your father?" The elder asks.

Jungkook thinks about this for a second before shaking his head. "No, they never do that."

"Do any of the two do it outside the home?"

He thinks again and this time nods his head. Whenever he went to drop something off at his parents work he remembers barely recognising them because they acted so different.

"Society tells people what alpha's should be like, dominant and in charge. Which often they are but not in the way young people might think. Alpha's do really protect their omega's and they make sure their omega gets a nice home and cares for them lovingly. An omega does like pleasing their alpha and cares and loves."

Jungkook nods his head.

"Especially with young people who never had relationships or only a few they make the mistake of thinking that an alpha has full control over the omega and who can blame them? It's how society makes it out to be. But what people tend to forget is that besides wolf we're human, we all have our own will and are very stubborn. Which is why, when people grow older and comfortable with one another they don't really care for the labels anymore. An alpha just want to love and protect an omega and an omega just wants to love and care for an alpha."

Jungkook blinks a couple of times. "But then why am I an alpha? Why are people labelling everyone? What's the use?"

"Because that's what people do, that's why there's so many genders and sexualities. People want to belong." Namjoon says with a gentle smile.

"Then what makes me an alpha?"

"Well, mainly the fact that you didn't develop a uterus—"

"What?!" He asks with wide eyes.

"Yeah, that's why I knew I'd become an omega. My body was build strong enough to carry a child, just like Taehyung's and Hoseok's. Your and Jin's bodies just are not which is why you didn't develop a uterus."

Jungkook blinks. "So? Becoming an alpha or omega has nothing to do with dominance?"

"Well yes, your wolf will have alpha instincts but alpha instincts are not barking orders. That's called being a dick, alpha instincts are protecting those you love, knowing when not to be an alpha— like you and Taehyung— and leadership."

"But Taehyung has all those traits, why isn't he an alpha?"

"Because he has a uterus, male omega's are the rarest of their kind so whenever there's a male strong enough to carry a uterus mother nature makes them an omega. Also, girls are a whole other story which becomes way too complicated so I'm not going to explain that." Namjoon explains.

"Uh... okay? But then why do I get so upset when Taehyung calls me names and orders me around?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows, only be surprised with Namjoon's loud laugh.

"That my boy! Is alpha pride!"

Jungkook only blinks in confusion.

"Young alpha's like you look at society and think every omega should bow down for you— I can't blame you, it's what you're taught in school— and whenever an omega doesn't, your little ego gets hurt and you get mad." The taller laughs. "It's okay, you'll grow out of it and barking orders is a great trait if you ever want to become a CEO somewhere."

"So you're telling me? Being an alpha and being submissive to an omega isn't weird at all?"

Namjoon shakes his head. "You keep forgetting you're human. Usually when an alpha and omega meet they judge one another on how well they play the omega or alpha role, but with you and Tae it's different. You two already established your roles when you were younger and then things turned out different."

Jungkook nods his head as finally he seems to understand thing a little better as with a dopey smile he speaks up.

"I really am Taehyung's omega."

Jungkook really said fuck alpha pride

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