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just a JOKE kids

Jungkook and Jimin stare in awe at how easy the two omega's talk to Jin. They're not mean or disrespectful at all. No curse words are being used and even when Taehyung cursed all Jin did was chuckle and say 'c'mon you know I don't like curse words'.

To which Taehyung responded with an apology leaving Jungkook to pinch himself to see if he's dreaming.

He and Jimin share a look, the shorter shrugging. "Hoseok would you mind getting me some water?" Jin asks sliding the omega some money to which Hoseok smiles and nods. "Of course be right back."

Jungkook is convinced the elder alpha is a wizard when Taehyung kicks him under the table. "Give me a pen."

"Don't talk to me like that." He snaps back, acting like the kick didn't hurt at all while in fact it hurt a lot.

"Want me to fail?" The omega asks and to his horror Jin chuckles, seemingly finding the situation funny. Jimin just shrugs again while Namjoon is focused on his homework.

"Why can't you just say please?" The young alpha asks. Taehyung just leans forward ripping the pen from his hands and shaking his head.

"Dumb alpha."

"Listen up you little—"

"Boys." Interrupted by the elder alpha Jungkook is incredibly annoyed but knows better than to snap at him.

"We're here to study not to fight."

Jungkook nods his head before reaching inside his bag to get a new pen. Eyes on his books while they study in silence, Hoseok comes back and hands Jin a bottle of water and change but besides a 'thank you' nothing else is said.

It's pretty peaceful like this, yet Jungkook keeps struggling with the question to why Taehyung and Hoseok act normal to Jin but seem to think Jimin and himself are the worst people to ever walk the earth. Jimin, him and the alpha that got slapped this morning.

Almost the time went by without any trouble. The group already packing up to leave when Taehyung tosses Jungkook his pen back, straight in his face.

"Taehyung you—"

"Blah blah blah, let's get to class." The omega snaps, walking off as if he hadn't just disrespected the alpha immensely.

"Come here you—" Jungkook is pulled by Jin who smiles. "Let him fuss, it's what omega's do."

"But he—"

"Class is starting!" With that Jin is off with Hoseok close behind, sticking out his tongue at the young alpha in a childish manner.

"I'm going to go to jail murder." Jungkook sighs, lifting his bag up his shoulder. Trying to calm down a bit but everything inside him is screaming to go after the omega and at least firmly scold him. His wolf wants to see the omega submissive.

"Taehyung is just a special kind of person." Namjoon says.

Jungkook scoffs. "I know but he's also an omega now."

Jimin sighs. "When did titles start to mean so little Joonie, luckily you're my little obedient omega friend." Jimin says, nudging the taller.

"Obedient? No, I do my own thing. I just don't agitate alpha's like those two do." He announces before turning to walk away. "C'mon boys, class is starting."

"Did he just say boys?" The shorter asks.

"I think he did."

"They think we're jokes."

Jungkook groans. "We need to do something and quick. Show them who's in charge."

"But how?!"

The younger shrugs. "How am I supposed to know?

The two drag themselves to the next class and sulk like children as they take a seat. Only to be nudged by a classmate.

"Seen you talk to the new omega's, think they'd be interested?"

"I don't know man, they'd rather die than talk to us but go ahead and try." Jimin mutters bitterly before turning to Jungkook.

"We need a plan for those omega's."

"Jimin, like I said I don't know."

"You're really no help."


"Oh my god shut up that beta who just asked us that dumb question is approaching Taehyung." Jimin interrupts only for the two to stare at the interaction and much to Jungkook's horror the beta seems to receive the omega's number.

He feels anger rise and rise until he's nudged by his shorter friend.

"Dude, put the fangs away."

Only now he notices the pointy teeth have appeared and sighs.

"I wish I understood my ex-best friend."

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