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"Ma'am may I ask you something?" Jungkook asks as he walks into the campus nursing office. The woman looks up with a smile and nods her head.

"Of course dear, take a seat." She says before pouring him a cup of water. Meanwhile he wonders how to best ask his question. Setting the cup down she speaks up. "What's going on? I can tell you're tense."

"Uh- yeah. Well, I've been a bit confused lately, my wolf keeps disappearing."

The nurse frowns. "Disappearing at random or in correlation to something?"

Jungkook regrets coming here. He's never been good at explain things about himself. "Well it has to do with an omega."

The woman nods, still smiling and waiting for him to continue, when he doesn't she speaks up again. "At random?"

"I think so, last it happened was when I got mad and grabbed him. Before that it happened when uh we were uh—" he feels his cheeks flare up a little. "Did sexual stuff."

She nods her head. "Has he ever told you about anything bad happening to him?"

He shakes his head.

"Okay dear, I'm going to go out and say you two are mates. However, I could be wrong but what we often see in mates is that their wolves are highly responsive to one another. More so than human's wolves and animals in general can sense how you feel. Since we're more human than wolf we often find it hard to do so, humans are complicated and hard to understand so we don't often let our wolves sense what they feel because it would be exhausting."

He nods his head.

"But when we love someone or with mates that side comes forward a lot. Hence why parents can tell when you're feeling down or are lying. The process of understanding your wolf is a hard one and when you suddenly meet a mate you can get very confused because you don't yet understand your wolf, thus it tries making it obvious by for example disappearing in certain moment."

For the first time this whole conversation her smile drops.

"You said you grabbed him when you were angry?"

He nods his head.

"Especially with mates or family, alpha wolves feel protective. Your wolf is most likely disappearing to protect the omega from something. I think you and your partner should have a talk about it, it's not my place to say." She says before the smile returns to her face. "And do not worry dear, being submissive to your omega doesn't make you a bad alpha in anyway, it makes you a good one."

"What? How?" He asks.

"Talk to him, you'll understand."

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