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"I'm sorry." Jungkook mumbles as he's looking down at his books. Taehyung looking equally as guilty. The two getting scolded for making out with the kid present the night before.

"We weren't going to do anything but kiss." The omega mutters while fumbling with his pen.

"I know but you guys know how kids brains work, they'll get curious and start wanting to figure things out." Jin sighs.

"We'll be more careful next time." Jungkook says only to get pinched by Taehyung who smiles. "He's an idiot, we'll wait till we dropped him off to get intimate."

Jin nods. "Thank you guys."

"Yoongi is ten? When will he start exploring things like sexuality?" Namjoon asks from his seat besides the elder alpha.

"He never mentioned anything, as far as I know he isn't really think about it. He's just really concerned about becoming an omega, always saying he wants to be the coolest omega ever." Jin sighs.

"He shouldn't be too focused, he might become a beta or an alpha." Taehyung mumbles, unaware of how much he's leaning on the alpha besides him.

Jungkook let's the boy lean on him while the elder carefully asks the next question. "Not to sound like a smart ass but do ever talk to him about examples of strong and powerful omega's?"

Jin blinks at the omega. "No? Should I?"

Taehyung groans. "Of course you should you dumb bitch—"

"Taehyung." Jungkook warns only for the omega to roll his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. My point is, Yoongi came to talk to me. He thinks his life is doomed—" Cutting of his own sentence Taehyung realises that Yoongi did tell him these things in confidence. He doesn't want to break the boy's trust.

"Wait he said that? When did he say that? What else did he say?" Jin asks with wide eyes.

"The camping weekend." Taehyung mumbles, tensing up a little, feeling like he's done something wrong.

"And you didn't tell me because?!"

"Well— I thought you knew a-a-and—" Taehyung looks down guiltily.

"And what?! Is that why he gets in all those fights?!"

The omega just shrugs, he doesn't want to betray Yoongi but Jin obviously feels like he deserves to know.

"Tell me Taehyung! This is my kid we're talking about." Jin is now standing and leaning forward. Making himself taller and more intimidating.

Taehyung just tears up, unsure of what to do.

"Jin calm down, Yoongi told him in confidence let's just approach this rationally and not with anger." Namjoon tries but his words fall on deaf ears as Jin's eyes narrow.

"Taehyung." A pause in his sentence. "Tell me."

Taehyung freezes at the alpha voice. Unaware of what's happening around him he just bursts into tears.

"Y-Yoo-Yoongi s-said—"

"No Tae, let's go home." Jungkook says, turning the omega away from Jin. It was a sick thing of the elder alpha to do but he kinda gets it, it's his kid their talking about.

He picks up the crying omega, not caring for the looks they're getting. He just wants Taehyung to be at home and in bed.

Seated in the omega's bed, cuddled up against each other Taehyung finds comfort in the alpha's scent as the warm touches ease his mind.

Jungkook however is deep in thought, wondering how to start a conversation like this. But soon enough he realises this isn't his conversation to start. He wants to know what happened and he wants to make sure to never accidentally trigger the omega again but it's Taehyung's story to tell. If the elder doesn't feel ready to share such a traumatic experience then it's not his place to ask.

So he just softly awaits words that might never come as he gently massages the elder's skull with his finger tips. Part of him wishing they could stay like this forever.

He likes this, a comfortable silence while both get their thoughts straight in a calm and collected way. Neither of the two feels rushed to do anything. The world outside doesn't seem to matter and worries have been pushed away.

It's just them.

"Even at that dumb omega school the teachers never used their alpha voice directly towards me. Usually to a group of people or the entire class, not to me personally." Taehyung sighs. "Not like Jin did."

Jungkook does understand Jin's reasoning. It's his kid, of course he's worried and wants to know what's going on. He doesn't know about Taehyung's experience with alpha's and their alpha voice.

"It's dumb and I feel stupid for reacting the way I did." The omega sighs. "I should call and apolo—"

"No." Jungkook says coldly. "You're not dumb and you don't apologise for your feelings. Yes, Jin didn't mean to trigger you but you have no reason to apologise for any of it."

"It feels like I should."

Jungkook grabs the boy's chin, forcing him to look up.

"No, that would be apologising for it happening to you. Which isn't you fault and you should never think such a thing." He says looking down at those beautiful eyes. For a second he looses himself in them, mesmerised by the beauty and life that's still in them. Even after having lived through such traumatising things.

"It kinda was my fault. I should've been stronger."

Jungkook's eyes widen a little at the idiotic statement. "W-what? You really think that?"

"It's true isn't it? If I was stronger then it wouldn't have happened."

"Taehyung, it's not your fault, I's that dumb alpha's fault. He hurt you, you didn't do anything wrong." Jungkook says before softly pecking the omega's lips.

"You didn't do anything wrong and that's the truth."

This is twice as long as usual we stan

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