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"God, winter is coming soon and we'll all be freezing!" Jimin sighs, enjoying the sun on his skin as they watch the omega's and Jin swim.

"Winter is fun, it's hoodie season." Yoongi says dryly.

"Aish, Namjoon always says the same. That man loves wearing hoodies." Jimin points out to Namjoon who's standing near the water, fully dressed and laughing at the swimming omega's.

"He's insecure." Jungkook mutters. "You can see it in the way he carries himself and sits. Why do you like wearing hoodies Yoongi?"!

"Because I have an omega body."

The two alpha's turn silent and share a look. Jimin shrugs meanwhile Jungkook coughs awkwardly.

"Why hide it?"

"Because once your an omega that's all there is to you." The kid sighs before rolling his eyes. "Alpha's are dumb."

"I won't take that personal." Jungkook jokes before nudging the kid. "And don't think like that being an omega is cool."

"Whatevs, you guys are dumb alpha's. I wanna be like Taehyung, he's bad ass."

Jungkook chuckles. "Yeah, he hates being an omega too. Maybe you should go talk to him." He says before shrugging. "After all I can't tell you much about being an omega."

Yoongi just shrugs. "You guys are dumb alpha's anyways, my dad is way cooler than you too."

Jimin sighs. "I get the feeling everyone thinks that."

"Whatever, can I play games on your phone?" The kid asks Jungkook. The alpha nods and hands the kid his phone.

"Mh, Jungkook can we switch tents?"

"What why?" He asks, confused why the kid would want to sleep with Taehyung. "Because Taehyung is pretty."

The two alpha's laugh. "Ooh does someone have a little crush?!"

"N-no!" The kid blushes bright red. "Whatever you guys are dumb!" The kid mutters walking off before sitting down a few meters away.

Jungkook shakes his head a little. "It's fine with me kid, if your dad gives the okay."

Yoongi tries to hide is smile but fails before turning back to the phone he got from the alpha.

Jungkook just shakes his head a little before looking at Taehyung who's happily playing in the water. Wondering if the elder had just forgotten about this morning or was simply ignoring the events of this morning.

What was the omega thinking? Does he have to ask him on a date now? Was this a one time thing or will they do it again? Could he ask for the elder to do it again? He feels like it isn't his place to ask, and should be Taehyung's initiative. After he got caught being a pervert and not Taehyung.

Yet he finds himself needing the omega's touch again.

But he's unsure whether he wants Taehyung, or simply any omega's touch and Taehyung had made himself available.

Lost in thoughts he doesn't notice the fact the elder has emerged from the water and is now stood in front of his, towel around his shoulders and body glistening in the sun.

"Kook, come help me carry lunch from the camp. They guys wanna lunch here." Taehyung says and Jungkook nods awkwardly, getting up from the sand.

Yoongi jumps up. "I'll come I need to get my Nintendo Switch."

"I'll bring it for you." Taehyung says but the kid doesn't seem satisfied. "No I'll—"

"Yoongi." Taehyung says sternly. "I'll bring it for you."

The kid pouts and frowns. "Fine but then I'm keeping the dumb alpha's phone until you get back."

"Fine with me."

"But—" the alpha starts to protest only to be shut up by the elder.

"Let's go Kook, now."

Jungkook complain under his breath, not wanting the omega to start a fight again. So he follows the man to the camp. They make the fifteen minute walk in silence.

When they get to the camp he expects the omega to go make and pack lunch but instead the elder sits down his a camping chair between the windbreakers, legs spread apart.

"Uh aren't we going to get lunch?" He asks, looking around awkwardly.

"First you're going to repay me for this morning."

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