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The thing that bothers him most is the fact that he doesn't enjoy her smell, the way her mouth feels around him, how her scent smells or the way she sounds when he's going down on her.

It bothers him how his head is clouded with sounds Taehyung used to make and his nose keeps looking for that familiar smell of cocoa only to be met with a rather strong mint one.

So yes, when they're finally done he's relieved. Relieved that he doesn't have to listen, feel touch her any longer. That he can go home, wash this sticky feeling off of his body and go to bed.

Looking at his watch he sees it's only 6pm, he's still in time for dinner.

Ever since Taehyung has returned to his life he has been feeling confused and angry and now that he and the omega have seemingly come to an conclusion he had hoped he'd feel normal again but in fact, he feels ever worse.

The confusion has doubled and he can't seem to understand why, whenever Taehyung is around his wolf seems to occasionally disappear. Today with that female omega— who he doesn't bother trying to remember the name off— his wolf was there, but not happy with the situation.

He sighs before knocking on his own chest. "Hey wolf, what's going on in that head of yours." But of course there's no reply. "Dumb alpha."

Arriving at home he goes to shower and then downstairs where his mother is waiting at the dinner table. "You look tired hon, are you okay?"

"Yes mom, thank you for asking."

"No you're not honey, you have to be truthful with me." She says sternly.

"Mom I'm twenty."

"And I'm your mother."

He sighs deeply before looking down at his plate. "I think my wolf is telling me something and I don't understand what. Why don't they teach us these things in school?"

His mother laughs a little. "No one can teach you how to grow up dear, understanding your wolf is part of growing up and developing as a person. Some do it early and some never do it, no one can tell you how to do it." She explains with a smile. "What is your wolf doing that makes you think that?"

"It's nothing mom." He sighs before focusing on the the food in front of him.

"Oh c'mon dear! Tell your good old mother some gossip, it keeps my heart going." She says only for Jungkook to roll his eyes.

"No mom, I'll figure this one out on my own." He mumbles while stuffing his mouth full of food.

"Jungkookie." She pleads only for the boy to sigh.

"Fine, there's this omega who confuses me and my wolf acts really weird around them." He sighs while looking at his mother, doubting she'll say anything besides that's it cute he's so confused over an omega and that he's growing up to fast.

"Maybe they are your mate."

"They're most certainly not." He says coldly.

"Our wolves tend to act differently around our wolves because the bond between is closer and they can sense more, they often know things way before we do." She explain and he sits frozen.

Kim Taehyung, his mate?

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