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The second Namjoon sits down besides him Jungkook knows he's doomed. The omega has wide curious eyes. "Hey, how are you feeling? Tae told me."

Jungkook groans as he feels his cheeks flare up. "Please don't tell anyone." He mumbles hiding his face in his hands. "Oh, I told Jin already, I asked him to talk to you today."

He groans again as the elder continues talking. "Hoseok knows too."

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill Tae." He murmurs only to feel absolutely horrified when he watches Jimin enter and looking around for him. A smug look on his face.

But instead of waiting for the fellow alpha to come over and bully him he grabs his things and runs out through the door on the other side.

He pulls his hood up, hiding his bright red cheeks from the world. He decides to go to study hall, he'll be gone by the time lunch comes around. The last thing he needs is Jimin bullying him.

But to his horror Jin enters only a half hour later, eyes immediately on him. He groans as he watches the elder come over.

"Hey, let's go and grab coffee. We have to talk." The elder says only for him to curse under his breath as he packs his things. He knows that he can't avoid this.

They walk out and get into Jin's car where Jin sighs. "I don't have class but I usually go to school anyway after I drop off Yoongs."

The younger hums, staring at his knees.

"I heard what happened."

"Yeah everyone heard." He mutters bitterly as Jin drives off to the nearest star bucks.

"I just want you to know it isn't as bad as you think." He says. "Sure you feel embarrassed but really, all it is, is that you made a mistake and got corrected."

"Corrected?! Would you want it to happen to you?!" He snaps angrily.

"Hey!" Jin scolds. "I'm only here to help!"

Lowering his head a little he bites his lip. "Sorry."

"Now listen, you're embarrassed because you think an alpha should never be corrected. But we alpha's make mistakes, and yes your correction was unusual but you should not feel like less of an alpha because of it." The elder says. "You also shouldn't let people like Jimin get to you. Who cares what he thinks?"

"I do!"

"Well, I think you're cool because you didn't lash out to Taehyung and let yourself learn from it." He says. "Not all alpha's would do that. It's respectful."

Jungkook just rolls his eyes. "Easy for you to say."

"It is, it really is Jungkook. I'd probably get so angry that I'd act out way too harshly."


"Yes, and then you're really a bad alpha. But you decided to accept it and learn from it, people could learn from you." Jin says with a kind smile as they enter the drive through.

"You mean that?" He asks, sounding like a young boy getting praise.

"I do, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung think the same of it." He confirms. "Even Yoongi."

"Yoongi knows?"

"Yeah he was reading along behind me." The elder says before ordering his coffee and Jungkook orders his own.

"You're a good alpha Jungkook."

And for the first time since it happened Jungkook finds himself smiling proudly.

He's a good alpha.


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