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A/N- Well! This is a first, I'm not going to lie. I've never done a college AU before, and I'm really excited about it! If any of you college students see some inconsistencies, feel free to let me know. I'm a high school junior, so I could easily be mistaken. Something I wanted to do for a while is to write a story to show kind of an alternative John Laurens. Stubborn, strong-willed, reckless, all that good stuff. So, I'll take this note to write down a few details that might not be boldly mentioned:


Alexander- Immigrant, Orphan, Received a full-ride scholarship and transferred mid-year, Bisexual, Overworks himself, Lives with Hercules, Reserved but can he social if needed, Caffeine addiction, Will fight anyone. Major: Law; Minor: English.

John- Forced into college, Feels obligated to stay because it cost his family a lot of money, Rebellious on the outside (actually a softy), Gay (closeted), Secretive, Lives with Lafayette, Unsocial, Father runs the office of admissions foreign department, Is depressed. Major: Law; Minor: Biology.

Lafayette- Foreign, Rich family in France, Smart, Pan, Does part-time modeling to pay for rent, Social but enjoys alone time, Cares about his friends a little too much. Major: History; Minor: Mathematics (doesn't tell people)

Hercules- Immigrant from Ireland, Sponsored for college by people at the tailoring company he works at, Pan, Designs clothing for Laf, Outgoing, Dad friend. Major: Fashion Design; Minor: French


     "202, 202, oh my God where the fu-"

     Alex stopped in the middle of the hall, angrily clutching his books to his chest. He debated turning around and going back home; this campus was impossible to navigate and at this rate, he would never make it on time. He heard a distant rumble of footsteps from the floor above and knew he wasted another class period wandering aimlessly. He groaned, phoning Lafayette.

     "Is everything alright?" Lafayette asked upon picking up. "You missed class, again."

     "I'm lost," Alex grunted. "I'm in State Hall, and there's no 202!"

     "Mon ami, 202 is in State Auditorium."

     "Are you joking?"

     Alex was new to Columbia College, (once called King's College), a prestigious college in the heart of New York. In fact, he was new to the country altogether. Born and raised in Nevis, the Caribbean had been his home up until now. He applied for scholarship after scholarship and finally ended up scrapping by a full ride. The only problem? He had to maintain a near-perfect GPA, and at this point, he might've already set himself up for failure. Thankfully, the Dean, Washington, had introduced him to a foreign whom he connected with easily, as both of them were fluent in French.

     "Just stay there, Psychology is in that building, I will find you there?"

     "Good luck, I have absolutely no idea where I am."

     "Just hang tight."

     When the two hung up, Alex sighed exasperatedly, wishing he had any luck with directions. This was going to be a long, long year.


     John set his back down, miserably shuffling to his seat. His head was throbbing, and it seemed like things couldn't get any worse. Should've gone lighter on the drinks, he noted. Though, he knew he would never heed his own advice.

     "Where are they?" he mumbled, wringing his hands together. This was one of the few classes he, Lafayette, and Hercules had together.

     He assumed Laf was helping out the new kid, Alexander. He didn't know much, besides that he was some sort of prodigy from the Caribbean. He rolled his eyes. Some people were born with all the luck. He studied the clusters of students sifting into the room, trying to pick out at least one person he knew. Eventually, Laf, Herc, and another very disheveled student wandered in. John blinked. He was about the same height as him; black hair and tanned skin, his hair barely pulled back into his ponytail and wearing a simple sweatshirt and jeans. Not what he had expected at all. He turned away quickly so Alexander wouldn't see him staring.

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