Of Friends and Foes

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     John woke to a hand nudging his shoulder, and a soft voice saying his name. He would've gotten up the first time, but considering how tired he still was, he instead groaned and dug his face into the pillow.

     "John, wake up," Alex said, shaking him again, this time a little more forcibly.

     "Don't wanna."

     "Don't you have to go out?"


     John sprung up out of bed, nearly taking out Alex with him, who was holding a glass of water.

     "Jesus, John!" He exclaimed.

     "What time is it?" He asked hurriedly, bouncing on one foot as he wrangled a leg into his jeans.

     "It's ten," Alex said, almost distractedly, setting the water on the nightstand. "You were asleep all afternoon."

     John glanced out the window, and sure enough, the sky was pitch black. He groaned, throwing on his hoodie.

     "I'm missing it," he said. "It started at ten."

     "God, I'm sorry- I should've-"

     "No, no it's fine," John said quickly. He tied his hair back up, while simultaneously trying to slip on his sneakers.

     "Hey, before you go," Alex held out his hand. John paused, seeing two round pills.

     "I didn't know if you still had a headache or not," he said sheepishly. "So I brought you some painkillers."

     John didn't even notice the light throbbing that remained in the side of his head. He took the pills and chuckled.


     While he finished getting ready, Alex stood awkwardly in the corner. John realized then he'd previously only been in his boxers and t-shirt, which meant he surely saw more of the marks from earlier. He checked his phone and sighed with relief seeing there were no missed calls or messages. They were used to him being late, anyway.

     "How late will you be?" Alex asked. John shrugged.

     "Depends on what happens," he said, frowning.

     "You'll call?"

     "Well, duh."



     Alex laughed, pulling John into a quick hug.

     "Just be careful, okay?" He said, cupping John's face with one hand. One of Alex's most common gestures of affection.

     John reached up and touched Alex's hand, gently pressing his lips against his open palm.

     "I always am."

     Just before John headed out the back door, Alex stopped him again and said,

     "Hey, if you're back early, how about a movie night?" He offered. "We can make popcorn, snacks, whatever you'd like."

     John grinned, opening the door.

     "Yeah, I'd like that."

     The meeting was held far across town, so John took his bike. To ward of any suspicion, it was taking place in an old barn just off of one of the town's historical markers, far away from anyone else. Naturally, he excluded this information to Alex to at least give him some sort of peace of mind. He parked his bike outback, taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing, he thought, prying open the door. He was met with a blinding light, and a chorus of voices chattering away, the place was packed with people he hadn't seen in years, and some he'd never met at all. He slinked in, thankfully with a couple of others.

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