Worst Case Scenario

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     A/N- I was in the middle of reading fanfiction, and my band director (someone who saw Hamilton twice, with the original cast) shared THE HAMILTON BOOTLEG TO OUR BAND GROUP CHAT AND TOLD EVERYONE TO WATCH IT FOR A MUSIC AND HISTORY LESSON. I'm screaming. She's like "this is legal and so much better quality" like no... this is the bootleg trust me. This ain't New Jersey." I'm cackling, honestly. You can't make this up at all. I'm really trying not to geek out, as the drum major I can't be too garbage. Last year's DM also really liked Hamilton too though, so I'm just carrying on the legacy. That's what I'm telling myself at least... Also if there's a huge garble of text in the middle of this that I somehow didn't catch, I did surgery on my spacebar with my pocket knife because it kept sticking. I fixed it though! (I think? I HOPE?) ALSO! Will posted a video of him playing Dear Theodosia on Instagram, so I thought I'd be funny and responded with it saying "I love dear Theodora!" AND GUYS HE MESSAGED BACK WITH A LAUGHING EMOJI OMG. I was with my friend and I literally flipped out. I jumped up, hit my bed with full force, did a spin mid-air and landed on the ground. It was nuts. ANYWHO STORY TIME! ENJOY!


      Alex glanced over to John periodically as he read the letter. His face was void of almost all expression, the only movement was his eyes darting from line to line and the occasional quiver of his lip as he read along. When he was finished, he stared blankly in front of him, leaving Alex almost afraid to ask what the letter was about. Court letters were never a good sign, especially considering John's situation. He got up, and slowly sat next to John on the couch. John wordlessly handed Alex the letter, not averting his gaze. He read over it quickly.

     "Wow," was the only thing he could muster as he set the letter down on the coffee table.

     "Of course they're taking it to court," John murmured. "This is not good, this is not good."

     John stood up, putting his hands on his head as he paced across the room. Alex, meanwhile, picked the letter back up and reread it, making sure he didn't miss anything. To his dismay, the contents still read the same. Richie was being held in court against the accusation he was involved in Daniel's death, and John was the main witness. It was a tough situation, Alex knew that from the get-go, but the full extent hadn't quite set it; quite frankly, he didn't want it to.

     "God, it's just one thing after the other!" John said, raising his voice from across the room. "I don't know what I expected, of course, this would come back to bite me."


     "Don't even say it! Don't say we can fix this, because we can't! This is my fault, I deserve what's coming to me."

     Alex stood up, crossing his arms.

     "No you don't, don't even talk like that!" He snapped. "This is just one whole fucked up situation-"

     "That I willingly put myself in," John finished, looking at Alex. "I'm not exactly innocent, Alex. I've done things. Horrible things in my lifetime that I'm not proud of and the karma finally spilled over."

     Alex shook his head, looking down at the ground. He didn't even know how to argue against him. So he didn't. John continued, sensing Alex's defeat.

     "When I started all this, I had no idea who it'd hurt," he said, softening his voice. "Back then, the only person I hurt was me. Laf and Herc had no idea the extent of all this, my dad had no clue. Now when I have something to lose, I..." he trailed off, rubbing his face.

     "God, I don't know. The only person to blame is me, and I hate it."

     Alex walked over to John, putting a hand on his shoulder.

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