If These Walls Could Speak

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    John woke up to the sun, rays of light trickling in through the closed blinds, and particles of dust dancing in the open air. He could hear Alex's soft breathing next to him as well, which was a comfort all in itself. He sighed quietly, closing his eyes to alleviate the dull pain in his head. They had stayed up far too late the night before. Laf and Herc hung around for a while, helping them figure out the game plan for John continuing his job with the drug deals. They eventually settled on someone being awake to let him in the nights he went out, and to make sure he got home safe. He would also keep his phone on him, and promised to answer any calls if he was in the place to do it. When they left, Alex and he just talked about whatever was on their sleep-deprived minds and even rearranged the room a little bit. All around five-ish a.m. Once they finished, they fell asleep virtually on top of each other. John reached over Alex carefully, scooping up a newly added paper to the nightstand. He rubbed his eyes, trying to read the words.

     Please don't remodel at five am ever again. Went to class, decided to let you both sleep. Be home later.~ Lafayette and Hercules.

     John could tell it was Herc who wrote it, as he added a smiley face at the bottom. He laughed a little, then set it back down. At this rate, they would never graduate. As he looked over at Alex, he couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looked. His hair was an absolute mess, covering his eyes and half his face. He looked away quickly. Don't be so creepy, he told himself. But he couldn't help it, he looked adorable. He leaned over to Alex, close enough he could feel his slow, warm breathing, and without second-guessing himself, placed a soft kiss on his lips.

     Wait, did he just...?

     As Alex's eyes fluttered open, he felt himself go red in the face.

     "I'm sorry," he whispered, flustered. "I don't know what got into me, I-"

     He was cut off by Alex placing a hand on the back of his head, gently pulling him down to meet his lips. It was mildly sloppy, considering they were both half-awake, but John wouldn't have traded that for the world. He felt Alex run his fingers through his curls, which sent shivers down his spine.

     "Your hair is so soft, John," he murmured against his lips. John smiled, ruffling Alex's already messy hair.

     "You too, bed-head."

     "Mhm?" He pouted, looking up at John with big brown eyes. He melted.

     "We missed class, didn't we?" Alex asked as John settled next to him. He nodded, yawning.

     "More time for this then," he said, wrapping himself in John's open arms. He smiled sheepishly to himself as Alex lazily buried his head into his chest.

     "Alex?" John asked, wrapping his arms around the other.

     "Hmm?" He hummed.

     "I love you."

     "I love you too, Jackie," he said, snuggling closer. John's breath caught in his throat.

     They laid for a while like that, too shy to meet each other's eyes. John didn't realize he'd fallen back asleep until he woke up to Alex showering his face with small pecks.

     "Wake up, sleepyhead," Alex laughed.

     John giggled but decided to be stubborn just to spite him.


     "You asked for it!"

     Alex rolled on top of John, then pressed his lips firmly against his. Catching John completely off guard at what he did next. He suddenly sat up, then began to tickle his sides. His eyes flew open.

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