In The Embers

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A/N- So the title is also a song, though not directly based on this chapter, it's a song I really like by Sleeping At Last so if you haven't, you should listen! (I base lots of chapter names on songs and sometimes will recommend songs to listen to while reading if they fit well. I listen to music while writing if you can't tell haha).

     Alex had a bad feeling since the moment he woke up.

     If you asked him how or why he wouldn't be able to tell you; all he knew was that the nagging pit in his stomach drawled on. He sat in his last class for that day, scratching down sets of useless notes. John still hadn't come to school that next week, which was concerning considering he hardly ever missed his classes. The rumors kept following the group around like a dark cloud you can't quite shake, though Alex kept to his promise of not initiating any more physical conflict. He and Herc decided then as the class was dismissed that they would pay him a visit to make sure he's alright.

     "I'm worried about him," Herc confessed when class ended. "Like, I usually am, but something's just not right."

     Alex stood, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

     "I know, it's bugging me too."

     They packed the rest of their things, then headed toward John and Laf's house. Laf had stayed home with John that day, partially to keep a watch over him and partially because he hadn't been feeling too well that morning. They were a few stoplights away when Herc suddenly pulled over to the side of the road.

     "What are you-?"

     His question was answered when a series of firetrucks flew by them, just then turning on their sirens and lights. An ambulance followed suit, and Alex felt another pang in his chest. Stop being silly, Alex told himself. What would be the chances in a town his big? Despite his best efforts, the pit remained just as prominent. They continued on their way, he and Herc deciding what they wanted for dinner. That's when they first saw the smoke billowing over the landscape.

     "Oh Jesus," Herc said, peering out the windshield. "That doesn't look too good."

     "Herc, Herc- oh my god, how close to their house is that smoke?"

     He saw Herc 's eyes widen in shock and immediately felt his own heart drop.

     "No, no no no no," he said, pulling rather quickly into the intersection.

     "Hey! Slow down!" Alex gasped, gripping the seat as he took the corner at a nauseating speed.

     As they rushed to where the smoke was originating, it became increasingly clear that it was from right around or at their house. Had Alex been right? Was that bad feeling really some sort of prophetic occurrence? The questions spun as they finally pulled on their road, and Herc, who was usually the calmest and most collected driver, went at least thirty above the speed limit.


     A gasp escaped Alex's mouth when he saw the flames, rising from the windows and rooftop of John and Laf's house. Firefighters were already gathered outside. The flames only seemed to terrorize one side of the house, but nonetheless engulfed it. They skidded to a stop and Alex nearly tumbled out of the car. His mind went blank.

     "John! Laf!" he shouted, mindlessly rushing toward the flames. A pair of firemen grabbed him by his forearms, stopping him in his tracks.

     "Son, calm down," one of them said, pulling him backward. "We have men inside."

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