If I Say

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     A/N- I'm FULL ON cackling right now. So, our school enters a statewide writing contest. A couple of people from our writing group usually do it. Now, I was going to submit a graphic novel (but didn't finish it because my drawing tablet died), so I last second took a snippet of THIS STORY, changed the names and entered it. And guess what? THEY CHOSE ME. THEY'RE GOING TO FLIPPING PUBLISH A FANFICTION SHYTBFGH HOW??? I think it was the Fight, Then Write chapter with some additional info added in. Usually, we'd go downstate for this, but because of COVID-19, it isn't happening. I'm just... God, I hope nobody recognizes it... haha...


     The room was filled with more people than John could have ever anticipated. A majority of the group were made up of law students and their parents, listening in for some class credit, while the other half- besides the jury- were staff and a few displaced individuals who had meandered in for the fun of it. He tapped his foot anxiously, wishing Alex was by his side. Alex, along with Laf and Herc had been separated to the far end of the room, far away from where the witnesses sat. He looked down at his lap wearily, trying to avoid any eye contact. He knew most of the people sitting around him.

     The hearing proceeded normally. Attorneys gave opening statements and the prosecutors began with their side of the story. John tried listening to the trial the best he could, but between the pounding of his heart and his sweaty hands, he found it hard to keep track of what was happening. He caught glances with Richie several times throughout the first half, quickly looking away each time. It felt wrong- as if he was backstabbing a good friend. And though he didn't know if he considered Rich a 'friend', he knew Richie expected him to have his back. He turned back to Alex, hoping to lock eyes for at least some sort of reassurance when someone else caught his eye. He turned back around quickly, feeling a pit form in his stomach. Why is he here? He thought panicked. Once they called recess, he just about ran out of the courtroom to get some fresh air.

     "John? Hey, John!" A hand caught his arm, nearly causing him to have a heart attack. He regained himself, realizing it was just Alex.

     "Hey," he breathed, looking over his shoulder. Alex frowned.

     "Are you alright?"

     He nodded his head quickly, trying to catch his breath. Out of all the places to make a scene, this would definitely be the worst. Alex put a hand on his shoulder, snapping him back to reality.

     "Hey, calm down," he said softly. "What's going on?"

     John looked back behind him, becoming overwhelmed by the influx of people rushing by.

     Calm down! What are you doing?

     "I..." he stumbled, pushing past Alex toward the door. "I need air."

     He maneuvered through the crowd, nearly pushing a few people completely over in an attempt to get outside. He went to the side of the building where thankfully not a lot of people were and slouched against the wall. He heard a distant crunching of stones approaching the corner and quickly sat up straight. Thankfully, it was just Alex.

     "What happened?" He asked, slowly jogging toward him. "You looked like you were about to pass out back there."

     "My dad." John barely choked out the words. "He's... he's here."

     "What?" Alex's eyes went wide for a moment, and John couldn't blame him. He shook his head, running a hand down his face.

     "I can't do this," John whispered shakily. "He heard the rumors, Lex. He's on his last leg, he finds out- I'm done."

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