5. My doll

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Aditya pov

"Why do you look tensed today. I mean I noticed your face in the afternoon too. You look messed up about something" she said looking at me. Until she's someone, I can be like that. What if she gets to know who I am. Is she like that only with me or she's changed for real?

"Uhmm mom wants me to get married and my whole family is in support with the marriage thing." She nodded and said,"you love someone else right. Then tell them" I shook my head and said,"I'm not sure whether I love her even. And, I don't want to leave ny bachelor life so soon. I just am not ready to get married."

"Dont say that. I mean dont say you doubt whether your in love. That expression you give when you talk about her, the way your eyes twinkle when you said how the dress should be and all shows how much your fallen for her. And, in my point of view I can say, your head over heels for her. Don't waste time and say her if you have not yet told." She said. She still talks long.

"This is the first time mom asked for something and I'm planning to say ok for marriage and if everything goes right I'll say who I love. If it is what you say." I said and she grinned wide. "Wow, a love story" she said and I chuckled. "Nop, an arranged love story it must me. I only believe in love after marriage." I said and she pinched me. "Your like me" she said and I chuckled.

"Same kind of situation in my life. A little difference. Your marriage is going to be fixed and mine you know what? They fixed when i was just a new born. I just cant believe what they did." She said and i looked at rishi who gave a smirk and gestured hell say me later. "Ohh" i said and continued,"dramatic incident happen in real life too.huh"

Zoya pov

"Its already 7 and mom would kill me that I didn't inform her I'm going out" I said and he gave a smile saying,"even it's time for me to leave." He said and stood up with his friend. "Ohh I didn't even introduce him. He's Avi avinaash. He's my best friend.

"I think I've seen you somewhere" I said for which he said,"no no you may have seen me in... instagram or somewhere I guess" he had a weird expression as if he's trying to hide something. I just shrugged and bid bye to them. And then me and rishi were walking towards our house slowly enjoying the breeze.

"Di..." rishi called. "Haan" I asked for which he asked,"you like that guy adhi. Don't you?" I smiled and said,"you know what? He's my current crush" as these words left my lips, he fall into a fit of laughter.

"Rish.... what's wrong with you?" I asked and he said between laughter,"you.... will..... get to know... very... soon" I was getting irritated but the music I planned to listen soothed my nerves. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe before opening them and continue walking.

When we were home, mom asked,"where were you and why didn't you inform?" I just shrugged and said,"I forgot and I took rishi along. I even informed Dadi." Dadi looked at me and said,"ohh I forgot" she had a hidden smirk. She loves that devil and sometime does these type of things to me. Who says granny's cannot be a devil too.

I heard a car park outside and saw adhi wall out. I thought he might be here to meet me or something and walked out. "Hey... how did you know my house?" I asked and rishi again started laughing. "Rishi... I will kill you if you dont stop this meaningless laughter" I said.

"Ummm...." adhi was looking very.... I mean very nervous. "What?" I asked and when he was about to say something, I heard mom," zoya, let him come in first. I know you guys are meeting after years but that doesn't mean you have to talk everything at the same place you met." She chucked a little at the end.

I'm sure my eyes were widen in shock. I pointed towards him with my index finger and asked,"y.....youuu....?" He just nodded and smiled. "So... you were playing with me all these time?" I asked and his expression changed from a nervous smile to confused.

"No... it's not..." I cut him off,"what is not? Your not changed at all. See. Your doing stupid actings around me" I said and started to hit him on his chest. He held both my wrist and kept one of his palm on ny mouth and said,"I didn't know it was you. I just knew when you came to the cafe with rishi. I promise nothing was intentional and if I had been hurting you, I'm sorry" what? Adhi and sweet has no relationship

"Mmmm" I said gesturing with my eyes to remove his hand and when he took saying,"sorry" I took deep breaths to bring my breathe to normal. His closeness was doing something to me.

"Rishi....." I shouted. He ran from near him to somewhere. I ran behind him chasing him upstairs and the last thing I heard before reaching 2nd floor was his laughter.

"Rishi I'll kill you if you dont stop" I said and he shouted back,"promise me you wont hit me" I then said,"ok fine" and he said,"say 'promise'" I then sighed and said,"ok promise" he then came to me.

I fall into the nearest couch and was breathing so heavy. "First say, is it true he didn't know me?" I asked for which he nodded and said a yes. "Ok then. Even I didn't know him right" he said a yes and when I was about to stand and walk down I heard him,"how about I say about your crush on.. " before he could complete, I kept my hand on his mouth and shushed him.

"Please rishi this is not funny" I said and he said,"ok fine"

"What's not funny?" We heard and turned around to see shanaya. "Ohh that? We were just talking random things" I said and I'm sure she caught my lie. "Ok fine. It's that I've got a crush on one of my customer" I said. Its partly a truth.

Rishi then said something in shanaya's ears and ran down. "What did he say?" I asked and she said,"he said nothing. Just adhi bhai..." thank god. Rishi..... I'll kill you. You idiot.

I then went down to my room and when I was crossing his room, it was slightly open and I saw my doll on his bed. I slowly walked in and saw him nowhere nearby. And then I took my doll and when I was about to walk out the room, I heard his bathroom door open.

I tried to slowly sneak out but before that I heard him,"what are you doing here? And why do you take it?" I turned around ready to fight for my doll but the view that wa sin front if me.... god. How did god create such a perfect man?

Shut up zoya. He's not anything to you. "Like what you see" he asked and I just brought my eyes to meet his. " I've seen better" I said and turned to walk out. His half nude body womt allow me to talk to be honest. So.... it's better to walk out.

"Wait... where do you think your going?" He held me by my waist and pulled me back si that my back hit his chest. "What.... what are you doing adhi..." I struggled. 

He kicked the door close and pushed me to the wall and asked," what did you say?" I was confused is an understatement. "What?" I asked and he asked the same question again.

"I just asked what your doing" I said still struggling to remove from his hold. I could feel his breathe in my face and I said,"please adhi..." his grip loosened a bit but he didn't leave me.

"What did you say about have seen better?" He asked. Ohh that? It was just a comeback and why is he getting serious for that? "Are yaar. It was just..." I was cut off by him saying,"don't say you have a boyfriend" what's with people and me having a boyfriend?

"Please stop acting like a devil. Ohh right your a beast isn't it." I said a little loud. I'm angry. "Beast for my beauty. Prince for my princess." He said. What? "Excuse me." I said and I looked into his eyes. His eyes bored into mine. His face inched close to mine.

I felt his breathe near my chin. I shivered under him. "Adhi..." it was more like a whisper. He moved so close that if he speaks his lips would touch mine. At the right time we heard a knock and he startled that made his lips land on mine. I closed my eyes and I could feel him too not move.

"Adhi... open the door" I heard anjana aunty. I pushed him and  closed my eyes to calm my nerves. "I'll be down in a few minutes mom" he said and walked into his wardrobe.

So here it is.

Hope you guys liked the chap

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Next chap on Saturday. You changed me will also be updated along with this sharp at 10 a.m

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