10. I'm really sorry

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to MehruMehru12. Thanks for reading ny8 stories which at time has a flop chapter too. *winks*

Aditya pov

We slowly sneaked out the door after many thoughts. I mean all the rooms were up and there's no need of worrying when they wont hear the door opening and closing. We took a spare key and walked out the gate. We planned on a wall and we ended up very far from home.

"Ice cream...." zoya shouted and I shook my head at her who was looking towards the ice cream shop. It was a small coffee shop where I think they sell ice cream too.

"You remember this place?" Zoya asked when we bought our icecream and was on the road walking to the direction of our house. It was almost 1. I didn't feel the time flying. It had taken and hour or more for us to come here.

"I....mmmm" I shook my head and she face palmed. "I should have known your small memory" she said and didn't even giggle. She said as if it was a fact. I glared at her and started to run behind her when she started to run.

I was now looking for her the last few minutes but couldn't find her. I looked behind few vehicles. We were near a pub and she ran in to the parking lot. Where did this girl run?

I looked for her for an hour now and shes still missing. I was worried and when I heard someone shouting, panic raised through ny veins and I ran on the direction of the sound.

"Help...." I heard and turned to my back just to see my zoya running in ny direction followed by nearly 5 men. She ran so fast but couldn't save herself. I ran to her side and when zoya was made to stop by me, she saw me and fainted.

"Who the hell are you?" I shouted at them and all laughed saying,"leave her to us bro. We saw her first and if you want, after us..." before he completed, ny fist landed on his nose and that guy fall down wincing. His nose was bleeding.

Other means tried to run but I got hold of one. "Leave me. Do you know who my dad is?" He asked and I could sense all these guys were from rich families. "Ohhh... I'm sad for you. You dont know your dad." I said and punch his stomach. Other guys were already not present.

I carried zoya to a nearby clinic and the doctor said that she fainted because she was scared. She asked me to take her home next morning. In the morning I got a call from uncle. "Hello" I said and I heard him ask,"where is zoya and you? We didn't find you since norning"

"Ohh, uncle...." I saw zoya awake and she shook her head. Understanding, I said,"we came out in the midnight and zoya is not ready to come home. We'll be there soon uncle. Please dont say others about that we came at midnight."I said and I heard him sigh in relief.

"Ok.... come soon. It's already breakfast time" he said and I hung up after a bye and a promise to reach home early. "Zoya..." I reached to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"Adhi... what happened yesterday?" She asked touching my hand where there was a bruise that formed when I hit that guy's nose. "You know, some heri came and hit them all" I said trying to change her mood.

After all the formalities to go home, we bought a dress for zoya and she change into it. Her dress was torn. We went home in a taxi and when we walked in we heard anju aunty say,"they could have gone for a walk in our garden itself."

We nodded at uncle and said,"aunty.... you dont know how refreshing it was to walk" I said. "Ha ma. We had a great time" zuya said and we said we'll be down after freshening up.

When I was about to go in my room, soya held my hand and I turned to find tears ready to fall out from her eyes. She hugged me tight and I held her close as possible. I said soothing words and she pulled back after few minutes and I pecked her forehead saying,"go and freshen up, sweetheart"

She nodded but still stood there. I shook her and asked,"you have something to say?" She nodded and looked down. I held her chin and made her look at me.

"Say" I said and she was about to say something, but turned to fo in her room. "Zoya..." I said and held her by her wrist. "Kiss me adhi" she said and I was like, did I hear her right? What did she just say?

"Zoya..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. "What? You dont want to? I'm feeling disgusting" she said and cried out. "What happened?" I asked after many thoughts.

"Leave it." She tried to go. "Stop zoya" I said and walked near her. I made her look at me and asked, "say" I said and she looked at me and then down. "Two of them... ki..." she sobbed. What? Did they kiss her?

"They kissed you?" I asked shocked and she nodded before running into her room and closing the door. I mkocked kn her room but in vain. I freshened up and walked down and aunty said zoya has a headache and shell send her breakfast. I said I'll take it for her and now I was standing out of zoya's room.

I knocked. She opened the door and was about to close when she saw me. "Please." I said and entered her room. I closed the door behind and kept the food on her bed side table. "Look at me" I said standing before her.

She was still. I cupped her cheeks and made her look up. I leaned and kissed her. I was angry on those guys and I felt possessive  I kissed and she kissed me back after few seconds. I felt her eyes lose the water in it.

I pulled back and placed our foreheads together. She said,"thank you" she said and I said,"it was something I wanted to do since I found you after you were missing." She looked at me wide eyes.

"What? You dont know how much I hated myself for taking you out at night. I feel..." she placed he rips on mine and her hands pulled me towards her holding the back of my neck.

She pulled back and but her lip in  shyness. I laughed and said,"I'm all yours and there's nothing to be shy about." She looked up at me and hid her face in my chest. "I disnt know that zuya has this side of her." I said and laughed.

"Enough of your romance. Come out" we heard Shanaya and she pulled back. I again held her by waist and said,"Shanaya, did I ever come to your room when Rishaan was over?" I heard footsteps retreating and zoya hit me on my chest.

"I'm sorry zoya. I couldn't protect you already. I should have hit chased you so that you'd have been with me safe" I said and she placed her palm on my lips. She shook her head and hugged me placing her head on my chest. Dont know for how long we stood there.

Sorry for this short chapter.

And... I have to say that there won't be frequent updates since it is ramadan.

Next chapter on Wednesday

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