16. Hurt

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Zoya pov

This whole week had been a best part in my life. Adhi had been too romantic and my family, they dis their share ti embarrass me. I was going into the kitchen when i felt someone pull me and i recognised the touch soon. Like that day, we were behind the fridge and he said,"how's my wife?" I just glared at him.

"Did  I do something wrong baby" he asked like a kid and I smacked his arm saying,"its just been an hour since we came out of the room." He shrugged and said,"now give me a kiss" I looked around and when our lips were near, we heard fake coughs.

We pulled back and adhi soon walked out the kitchen and I saw the triplets, shanaya, mom and anjana ma. This cannot go any less. "I think well get a grand child soon isnt it anju?" Anjana ma asked and I felt my cheeks heat.

"Ma..." I said and stormed out of the kitchen not without hearing their giggles.  Like this, it happened several times this week. Adhi is being too too romantic. And that irks me sometime but I love it in some way.i do love his attention.

When I walked inside the room, adhi hugged me from back and said,"sorry" and there my mood changed and I turned around wounding my arms around his neck.

I pecked his lip and he pouted saying,"I dont want only a small piece of sweet. I want a while one. Saying that he carried me to the bed.

*2 years later*

"Good evening" I heard adhi. I was sitting in the room reading a novel. "Hey" I said and stood up keeping the book aside.He came and hugged me, his sweaty smell that I loved filling my nostrils.

He kissed ny forehead and went to freshen up while I went down to make tea for both of us. I made them and took to the terrace where we love to have our time. He came after around 15 minutes in a three quarter bottom and tshirt. He did look hot as usual.

"How was the day at boutique?" Adhi asked and I said,"It was hectic but, thanks to Nisha" when Nisha first told about her wanting to join my firm, I was shocked. She did management studies and wants to work in ny boutique. She had a good designing talent and now she can handle anything when I'm not there. he smiled and I asked,"how was work at office?" He said he had a deal to crack and hes not yet sure whether he got it or not. "You'll get it" i said and he smiled.

"Well... I think I have to go to the doctor tomorrow" I said and he looked at me with worry and asked,"are you feeling not well?" He asked cupping my cheek and then checking my temperature.

"No no I'm fine. Its something. I'll tell you later" I said and he left the topic.

Next day, I went to the same doctor I went before our marriage. "You.... I think you came here before" she said and I said,"yes doctor. I've been here 2 years ago and Imyou said that time that I can become a mother if we tried. But, why didnt I still conceive?" I asked tearing up at the end.

I was broken. Whenever I see a kid, I feel not full without a baby. "I'm sorry,that day.... your fiance asked me to lie so." She said and I felt my world shatter. 

I stood up and while the doctor called me from my back, I walked out of her room and out of the hospital. I walked on the road. I was broken, I ha e no idea why.... i know he loves me but, why build my hopes?

"Excuse me madam, you want a ride?" A rickshaw driver asked and i nodded. I told him the address and in 25 mins we were here.

"Zoya... your home? Come here....." j heard anjana ma and I walked straight to my room and locked myself until it was night. I heard the door knock by mom, aunty, shanaya too but I was not in a mood to open.

Adhi was out of city for two days. He'll be back tomorrow. I kept myself locked in the room. I only had water these two days and I heard adhi knock on  the door. "Zoya.... what happened baby? Open the door."

I opened the door. And there stood the man who wanted me with whatever the flaw I had.

Aditya pov

She looked.... a mess. When I came home with a happiness to se eny zo after 2 days, I met with worried faces. Mom said zoya became home yesterday in a state they couldnt identify what it was but they knew something was wrong.

I ran up to our room and knocked until she opened. the zoya whi opened the door wa shot my zoya but, someone who's shattered, broken and hurt. "Baby..." I walked to her and engulfed her in a hug.

She stood still but I felt my  chest wet after a while. I made her sit and went down. I brought her food and milk. She had them without any word. "You want to talk?" I asked and she looked at me with a look that said she was not at all happy.

"That day.... when we went to the doctor, did you ask her to lie to me?" She asked and I remembered that day we went to the doctor. J somehow got her contact number and pleaded her to lie at my expense.

"Zoya... what are you..." she cut me off ,"I know everything" I could now understand why she is like this. "I'm sorry" I said and I could feel myself tear up. "Why? Why did you have to do this? You could have married someone else and you'd have a baby by now" she said and cried lying on the bed.

I somehow, convinced her and walked down to the living to tell everyone about we cant have a baby. So that they'll stop asking for one. But what happened when we went down changed our plans.

"Adhi... Zoya.... guess what? Shanaya is pregnant" said anju aunty walking tobus. We saw the whole family enjoying and when I was about to open my mouth, zoya poked my shoulder and shook her head at me.

We were all enjoying but, not us, me and zoya. I saw zoya had a smile plastered that too fake. How can she smile knowing everything? Yes  I'd love to have a baby but not without zoya.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard,"zoyaaaa" it was mom. "What happened ma?" I asked and she said,"soya fainted and she's not waking up" I panicked and carried her to the car. By that time sid was in the driver seat and Rishaan on the passenger seat.

I gave a thankful smile and they started to the hospital. She was taken into the emergency ward and after around 2 hours the doctor came out. "What happened to her doctor?" U asked and she said,"she had been stressed a lot lastly I guess. She's too weak and I advice you to five her nutritional food that helps her and the baby to keep healthy. "

I nodded and when she wa about to walk away I asked,"what baby, doctor?" She turned to me and said,"I thought you knew. She's 6 weeks pregnant" I couldn't believe my ears and all i wanted then was to sag this to zoya.

"Congrats yaar" rishaan and avinaash said. I smiled and said,"don't say anyone. Let zoya tell everyone." They nodded and left after me asking them to for a long time. I took an appointment with the gynecologist.

"Zoya..." I said when she opened her eyes after an hour. "Why am I here?" She asked and I said with a smile,"you fainted." She frowned and said,"you happy about me fainting and your smiling?"so... this is moodswings isnt it?

"No baby, come let's go"i said and she stood up from the bed. She was seated ther while i did the formalities to get her out of this medicinal smelling place.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.i just smiled and said,"you'll see." She sighed and followed me with our hands intertwined. "What? Gynecologist?"she asked and stopped on her tracks. I nodded and she shook her head.

"I'm not ready for any disappontment" she said but I insisted,"please, for me. Once" she nodded and walked in.after few tests I asked,"hows the baby, doctor?"

Zoya looked at me with wide eyes. "The baby is totally fine" I smiled and looked at zoya who was crying. "Shshsh zoya" I said and she hugged me."I'm sorry doctor" I said and she pulled back. The doctor forwarded a tissue box to her and she took it and wiped her tears.

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