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I stared down at the white stick in my hands. This couldn't be, could it? How is it possible that those two little atrocious pink lines are actually there, staring right back at me? The truth was here, staring me in the face. I was pregnant. How could I have let this happen?

I was working so hard, striving at work. I had my small friend group, that I loved so much. I have never been in a relationship, unless you count the summer fling I had back before senior year of highschool with Chuck Clayton. Once I found out what he was like, however I ended it.

Since then, I've spent the past few years focusing on myself. I had a crush on my childhood best friend, Archie Andrews for a long time, and haven't really considered dating anyone else, however I was, as my best friend Veronica Lodge would say, walking on emotional eggshells around him.

About two years ago, Archie and I got into a huge fight. That was the beginning of the decline of my feelings for him. He then started dating my aforementioned best friend Veronica. For a while, I didn't speak to either of them. I was angry. I was betrayed.

Then I realized the truth - I was never in love with Archie as I had believed, but was actually just in love with the idea of us being together - of being the perfect couple. Having that story, you know? We shared a crib together, grew up living next door to each other and was best friend's the whole time. How beautiful would it have been for that to blossom into a romance?

I grew to accept the fact that Veronica and Archie were dating after I realized that, and the three of us, along with the fourth member of the core four, as we had been called in highschool, came out of the situation feeling stronger than ever. My feelings for Archie were but a distant memory, and yet I still turned down every guy that had asked me out.

So, you may be asking yourself ; how is she pregnant then? After all, I had been keeping to myself these past few years. Not sleeping around, not dating, not even daring to flirt, mostly because I was hopeless. Though, I'm no Virgin Mary, and this wasn't immaculate conception.

No, the father was none other than -

"Betty?" I heard from the other side of the bathroom door, I sniffled and wiped away a stray tear as I moved to open it for Veronica to enter. She slipped inside immediately and closed the door behind herself. "What's the verdict?"

I hesitated for a moment and passed her the insulting little stick, she took it immediately and turned it over looking at the results. She sucked a deep breath in through her mouth, and looked up at me. "Who is the dad?" She asked.

I never told her about the one night stand I had had a little over a month ago. If you could call it that. This man was no stranger to me, and far from it. However, as many times as we had seen each other afterwards, neither of us brought it up. We didn't dare mention our drunken rendezvous.

"I'm not telling you that until I speak to him first." I said, wiping my tears away.

"I wonder how Archie is going to react," she thought outloud, than her eyes widened and a look of horror washed over her face, "how is Jughead going to react? He's going to be pissed."

"Why - why would you say that?" I stuttered, hoping she would chalk it up to the shock I was currently in.

"Some jerk knocked you up and you aren't even dating him?" She asked, "we all know how that boy is with you, when he finds out whoever the father is - well, can you say shotgun wedding?"

"He wouldn't do that." I said, mostly trying to convince myself. It was no secret that Jughead Jones was always protective of me. From the moment in kindergarten, when we first met that some girls on the playground were mocking my ponytail and he defended me. When they left, the little boy sat next to me and said 'I like your hair, everytime I see a ponytail I think of my pretty friend, Betty.'

"I guess we will see." She sighed, looking at the test one last time, as if to see if the results had suddenly changed to negative. "When does he get back from his trip?"

"Two days." I answered, slumping back against the wall.

"Well, maybe seeing his mom and Jellybean has put him in a good mood, I'd suggest telling him immediately once he returns from Toledo." She advised.

"What are you girls doing in there?" Sounded Archie's voice from the other side of the door. Veronica raised her eyebrow at me, silently asking permission to tell him the truth. I hesitated and nodded.

She turned around and opened the door, coming face to face with her boyfriend. She thrusted the white stick into his hand wordlessly. His eyes widened as he realized what he was holding, and looked at Veronica in shock.

"Ronnie, are you..?" He trailed and she laughed.

"Not a chance in hell, Archie." She said, "remember, I'm still on the shot. No babies for you anytime soon."

His eyes immediately travelled to me. "Betty?" He asked, shocked. I nodded. "I have to call Jughead.." he said, turning away from us.

"No! Archie!" I grabbed his arm, pulling him back and he faced me. "You have to let me tell Jug myself, alright?" He studied my face for a moment and nodded.

"Probably for the best, when he finds out you're single and pregnant?" He paused, shaking his head. "Well, it's probably best if the news comes from someone he wouldn't hurt for anything - if I told him, he'd probably punch me."

"Probably.." I whispered, afraid of telling my most protective friend. I knew he was going to be angry. And shocked.

"Who is the dad?" Archie asked.

"I already asked, Archie." Veronica said, crossing her arms over her chest. "She refuses to spill the beans."


"Because the decision to keep this baby is mine, but the decision to be a father is entirely his." I tried to explain, "if I have to do this on my own, I will. I don't want any interference from my friends trying to force him to be a dad. He remains anonymous unless he decides he wants this baby."

"Jugheads not going to like that idea." Veronica smirked.

"Jughead will be fine." I shot back, shaking my head. I snatched the pregnancy test back from Archie and walked around him, I grabbed my purse and laid the test inside. One hand found its way to my stomach as I realized there was an entire little baby growing inside of me. I sniffled quietly, at the idea of this. Whether or not I was going to be doing this on my own.

Veronica came up from behind me and hugged me tightly. I turned my head and rested it in the crook of her neck as tears continued to fall down my cheeks. Archie was quick to join the hug, wrapping his two arms around us both and squeezing us.

"It's going to be alright," Veronica murmured.

"You're never going to be alone." Archie added in, "no matter what the father of the baby says, you will always have me, and Ronnie, and Jug."

"Yeah, we will always be here, and we will love this baby as if it's our own." V promised.

"I love you guys." I sobbed, squeezing them tighter. I knew I would always have these two, it was my other best friend I was worried about.

He was probably going to hate me.. and not for the reason my friends think... How in the world am I going to tell him he's going to be a dad?

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