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I rolled the twins stroller back and forth, more to ease my anxiety than to calm them, as they were already both asleep. Betty had excused herself to the restroom. I think she was just trying to not be here when my dad showed up. That's okay — I was thankful she had agreed to come, it was so obviously not in her comfort zone, but once again she went above and beyond to be there for me. I didn't deserve her love, but I desperately ate it up. I love her too.

I heard the roar of the motorcycle he was driving before I seen him, and just a half minute later he was pulling the beast, as he's so uniquely named it — and yes, I'm being sarcastic, — into the closest free spot to the door. His eyes met mine through the window, and I forced a very awkward smile along with a nod of the head as he began ascending the stairs and came in through the door.

"Jughead!" He said, a big grin on his face. It faltered when he seen the stroller beside me, and his expression was overwhelmed with confusion. "Jughead?" He said again, confused this time.

"Hello, dad." I spoke slowly, I'd stand up to greet him, but I was blocked in by the babies.

"What's this?" He asked, just as Betty rounded the corner, her anxiety was clear on her face, and my suspicions were confirmed. She had been hiding away, hyping herself up to see my father. I smiled sympathetically toward her, and he turned to see what, or rather, who I was looking at. "Betty Cooper." He recognized her instantly, which, of course. Betty was one of my childhood best friends.

"Hello, Mr. Jones." She greets him, her voice stronger than I expected. She passed by him and I helped move the stroller, awkwardly standing up so that she can sit on the inside of the booth.

"Dad," I say as she's getting situated in her seat. I remain standing and place myself in front of him. "I'm sorry I didn't call until now, but there are some people I'd like you to meet." I didn't give him a chance to answer as I waved my hand towards Betty. "Of course you remember this one." I teased softly.

"Of course." He agreed, smiling politely at her.

"Well, Betty and I are together now." I say, smiling proudly at the thought spoken out loud.

"Well, it's about time." He said, his voice distracted as he unconsciously looked around me to my children. I felt my face get hot before I made the final introductions.

"Dad, these are your grandchildren." I tell him, swallowing the lump in my throat. His eyes widen in surprise as I step back, pushing the sun visor down over both seats, exposing the both of them. "This little guy here is Cooper," I say, fixing his little hat on top of his head before moving my hand to my daughter and trailing the back of my pointer finger across her cheek. "And this little darling is Cora."

He seems unsure as he flickered his gaze between the four of us. "I'm confused." He admits after a few moments of silence.

"I got Betty pregnant, I didn't find out until after we spoke the last time, we ended up together a while afterward." I explained cautiously. I was afraid to admit this.

"Why didn't you call me before now?" He said, his voice betrayed the hurt he felt even when he expertly controlled his facial expression.

"I, —" I didn't know what I was supposed to say. It's not at all that I didn't want him to know, I just, "didn't think about it." I admit.

"You didn't think about it?" He asks, his voice quiet in his disbelief.

"I'm so sorry, dad." I said, though it didn't even begin to explain how horrible I felt. "Life just got so messy, and so real, I wasn't thinking straight."

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