Chapter 8

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Kai's POV

I was finishing up a book and I felt a hug from behind me.
"Noah, what're you doing?"
"Just hugging you," he mumbles. Then he fell asleep. It was a bit uncomfortable, but then he started snoring. He doesn't snore loud, but he's right next to my ear and I couldn't concentrate.
I got a bit frustrated, but I began to laugh.
I check the time. It's almost time for school.
"Baby, we have to get ready for school," I say, rubbing his side. He opens his eyes slowly.
"Okay," he mumbles, pushing himself up and walking up the stairs, bumping into the wall every few seconds.
I grab his shoulders, helping him walk and he nearly trips, so I carry him the rest of the way.
"Do you want to go to school today?" He nods his head.
"Are you sure? You can barely even walk straight."
He nods his head again, opening his eyes a bit wider.
As I pull up to school, I had to wake Noah up again.
"We can go back home if you want me to." He shakes his head.
"I missed too much school already.."
During first period, he couldn't keep his eyes open for longer than ten seconds, but then he began to wake up as the day passed.
At lunch time, me and Noah were roaming the halls when a group of two girls and one boy walks up to us.
"Hey there," one girl says, attempting to flirt.
She turns over and looks at Noah.
"Aw, is this your little brother? He's so cute!" She began roughly rubbing her hand in his head.
"How old is he? My little sister's been looking for a boyfriend, and I think he's perfect!"
One boy pulls Noah away from me and rubs his cheeks.
"Or this cutie can hook up with me."
I grab Noah and pull him by me.
Another girl walks up to Noah and begins to pinch his cheeks so hard that when she took her hands off, his cheeks were red (No, he wasn't blushing).
The same boy who tried "hooking up" with Noah pushes him against the locker and tries to kiss him before I push him away, holding Noah closely to me
"Could you guys stop?"
"What?" One girl says.
"Stop," I say firmly. I don't want to attack someone around Noah, but I will if I have to.
The boy walks in front of me.
"Why should we?" He asks.
I don't answer.
"Well?" He pushes me back towards the locker and then I got mad.
What ended up happening was I got a slightly bloody nose, a couple bruises on my body, and my eye was turning a bit purple.
However, I think I went too far on him. His nose was pouring blood, his eyes were both bruised, he had bruises all over him from me punching him, and his lip was busted.
The only reason I didn't end up with him in the hospital is when I remembered about Noah, which he still probably ended up in the hospital either way.
I didn't forget Noah. I guess I forgot he was watching.
We're in the bathroom, sitting on a bench.
"Don't do that ever again!" He says to me, wiping my nose with a damp paper towel.
"Fine.. I won't fight in front of you," I mutter.
"Don't fight at all! You could have gotten suspended, expelled, or even worse! You could have had charges pressed against you! You could've been sued!"
He begins listing all the bad things that could have happened.
I zone out, and when I remember what happened, Noah's crying in my arms. When did I put my arms around him. Did he do that? I'm pretty sure I'd know though.
"I'm sorry.." I whisper. He frowns, wiping a tear away, then leaning in for a kiss.
We were excused from fourth period to get myself cleaned up.
When we came to fifth period, I felt people staring at me. There's three rows and Noah and I sit on the far left. I lowered my head a little bit, resting it on my right hand.
Noah grabs my other hand.
He writes on his math book.
It's okay.
I read it and a small smile appears on my face.
After school, I carried Noah on my back to the car. He feels so underweight, so I'm going to check his weight when we get home.
I carried him to the bathroom and his weight was 97 pounds. That's way underweight. He's 15 and he's supposed to be about 123 pounds, but he is 97, 26 pounds underweight.
"Don't you eat?" I ask, but then I remember he said his parents starve him.
I rub his head, ruffling his light-brown hair.
He leans his head on my chest.
"I'm bored," he mumbles. "Can we watch a movie?"
I was in my room picking out a movie. We were both going to pick a movie and we'd flip a coin to go first.
I picked Amityville Horrors because I love watching scary movies.
He picked the My Little Pony movie. I don't even know why we have it.
He ended up winning the coin flip, so we watched My Little Pony first.
During Amityville, he kept freaking out and digging his head into my shoulder.
"I don't like scary movies," he mumbles.
"I know. Don't worry though, it's not real," I say.
"It's based off a real story!"
After the movie, he was wrapped inside a blanket surrounded by his stuffed animals.
"My parents and Jenna won't be here tomorrow. They're going to Europe over spring break, but I'm not going because I get airsick."
They left in the morning, but I couldn't find Noah, so I walked around upstairs and still couldn't find him until I walked downstairs.
He was rolling around in a giant blanket all over the floor.

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