Chapter 36

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Noah's POV

I couldn't see much of what happened. All I know is that two bulky white dudes carried me out into a black van. One of them cut my arm and it bled a little. He also slapped me.
I don't have my phone with me, so I can't call Kai. Helpful..
It was dark back here. They didn't tie anything around my face. They just tied me to a chair.
This got me thinking. I'm sure it's no coincidence Kai gets taken by Jay and I get kidnapped the next day. I'm willing to bet it's Jay.
After awhile, the car stopped. I was taken out roughly and pushed into a room.
"Your boyfriend didn't listen," Jay said and grabbed my chin, making me look up at him. "I like you better, so I'm hoping you're smarter, because I really don't want to shoot you too." He sets me down on a couch next to him.
"Do you want food?" I shook my head and wiped my tears. He bent over next to me.
"Why are you crying?" He stares at me, then sighs.
"Can someone get a whiteboard??" One of the bulky guys who kidnapped me gave me a whiteboard and a marker, then leaves the room.
"There sweetie," Jay says. "Why are you crying?" I shrugged my shoulders. Even if I'm kidnapped by a somewhat nice person, I just got kidnapped. Why would I talk to him?
"It's okay, you can talk to me." Can I? Can I really? He wraps his arms around me, then caresses my cheek.
"I'll be better than Kai, starting now. Come on, follow me." I didn't move, so he stared at me.
"Listen Noah. If you annoy me, you're not going to eat." He brought me to a different room. There were no cameras on these walls. He closed and locked the door.
"Now. Take your clothes off. We'll have some fun."

Kai's POV

I drove all around looking for Noah. Shit, I shouldn't have left him out here by himself!
I looked at every single place I thought he could be. I was panicked and had no idea what to do.
I'd been searching for nearly half an hour until I decided that he got kidnapped. I just called the police, which made me realize I should've early.
Once they got to my house, I ran to them.
"So what happened?"
"We were going to go somewhere. I left my phone inside and he waited out here. Umm.. When I went back outside, he wasn't there, but it was a black van."
"Is there any related things that could help us find him?"
"Yes." After explaining what happened, they searched around. I was asked a lot of questions. We all got the feeling that Jay took him.

Noah's POV

I couldn't stop crying. He practically just raped me! He left the room and I put my clothes back on. I laid in the corner and cried myself to sleep.
"Hey," someone whispered. "Time to wake up. You hungry?" I opened my eyes. It was Jay. I frowned and shook my head.
He began to make out with my neck and set his hands on my waist. I whimpered and tried pulling away, but I was in the corner and couldn't.
He stopped and left after about two minutes and I immediately wiped my neck. It felt like a dog was licking me.
I stood up and walked to a mirror in the room and looked at my neck. There was a huge red mark than started getting purple in the middle.
I noticed Jay behind me. Before I could turn around, he stuck his hands in my boxers. He turned me around and leaned towards me for a kiss. I leaned backward.
"Kiss me," he said firmly. I refuse to kiss this pig. He pushed me away, then slapped me really hard.
"Bitch," he muttered as he left. I sat down and cried. Please Kai, come find me.
After another hour, he came back.
"Take your clothes off." After.. That.. He took my clothes. I'm wearing nothing but boxers.
"Are you hungry?" I shook my head. He kicked something at me.
"Why the fuck aren't you eating? What, you trying to starve yourself??" I shook my head and he punched me multiple times. He threw something at me, then left.
I sat there on the cold floor, shivering from fear and how cold it is in here. He walked in again a little while later with a frown and sat next to me, but I moved away. Jeez, talk about bipolar.
"Listen sweetie, I'm sorry. Don't cry, you're prettier when you're happy." I tried my hardest not to cry, but the tears just kept flowing. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Kai isn't the right person for you. I am, and everyone knows it. He's a jerk. He never noticed I liked him, or you. He thinks you're his toy." Look who's talking. He gave me my clothes back.
"You can sleep. I'm sorry sweetie." He set me on the bed, kissed my forehead, and left. I wiped my forehead off. Gross. If I ever leave and I leave with HIV or something, I blame him.
I was able to sleep. Jay woke me up.
"How was your nap sweetie?" He asks and brushes the hair from my eyes. I shrug my shoulders.
"Is that all you do?" I shrugged my shoulders again. He rubs my back.
"Aren't you happy with me?" I shrug my shoulders.
"Are you hungry?" He mumbled. I shook my head. He sighed and left. I held my knees to my chest and rocked myself slowly. I looked around in the room.
I noticed there was a small window. It was pretty small, but I bet I can fit through it. I just need a distraction. A while later, Jay came back.
"I don't know why I'm even asking now. Are you hungry?" A distraction. Yes. I nodded my head. He raised his eyebrows, then left. Perfect. I opened the window and looked outside. Nobody's out there, but it's a forest. Of course he'd drag me into a forest. I began to climb until I heard the door open.

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