Chapter 19

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Kai's POV

Me and Noah went to school today. In first period, the teacher forgot about the project. Nobody wanted to do it, so nobody reminded our teacher.
During lunch, I noticed Jordan walking our way. Kyle looked up with his face stuffed.
"Who's that?" He says, chunks of food falling out his mouth. He's far away, so he can't hear us.
"He's someone from first period. He's the one me and Noah had to show around." Jordan smiles at me.
"Guess what, buddy?" He smirks. "I changed my classes. I don't know all of your's, but we have PE and math together." I roll my eyes.
A little after he left, Kyle challenged me to an intense game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
His technique is go paper, rock, then scissors. That makes it easy for me to win.
"How the freaking freak do you keep winning?" He squeals.
"I'm a psychic." He scoffs.
"I'll play ten more rounds!" He yells. I chuckle and win the first nine of them since we hadn't played the last one yet.
"Any last words?" I ask jokingly.
"Say goodbye to my kids for me," he says.
"You don't have kids."
"Your Mom doesn't have kids!!" I took a deep breath.
"Do you realize what you just said?" He pauses.
"Wait, what?"
"Okay, one last round."
"Deal. If I win, you have to carry me to every class," he says. This is going to be easy, but I guess he really want a challenge.
"If you win, I'll dress up like a girl tomorrow."
"Kyle, don't embarrass yourself," I mumble. He rolls his eyes.
"I win every time."
"You just lost like 30 times."
"Lies," he mutters.
"Okay, no dares or anything because I'm not going to let you dress up like a girl tomorrow and I'm not carrying you to your classes. You gain about a thousand pounds every time you eat." He gasps.
"At least I lose weight," he says, standing up.
"You know, we can go check our weights." He sits back down.
"You're a pig," he says.
"At least I lose weight," I mock him. He glares at me, but it wasn't serious.
Noah put his head on my shoulder.
I'm kinda bored, he writes on his notebook.
"We're gonna go," I say, picking up our trays and throwing them away.
We sat by a tree.
"Kai, I'm scared," he whispers, grabbing my hand.
"Why?" He sighs and puts his head on my shoulder.
"It's just.." He pauses, turning away. He was rolling his sleeves up.
I grab his arm and gently turn him towards me. I frown.
I know I said that if it helps him not commit suicide or anything, he could.. Cut himself.. But.. I don't like it. I can't stand the feeling that he has to cut himself to stay sane.
He pulls his sleeve back down. I set my head on his, putting my arms around him.
4th period was shitty, as always 5th period is math. 6th period. Why is it always this class?
We were changing in the locker rooms.
I went to the bathroom. When I got back, Jordan was leaning up against Noah who was squished between him and the locker.
I grab Jordan's sleeve and pull him back, slamming him to a locker and holding him by his collar.
"If your dumb ass ever even thinks about touching him again, I'll make sure you have a slow and painful fucking death," I whisper in his ear. He tried to push me away, but he couldn't.
"Let go of me," he says. I wrap my hands around his neck, choking him. Noah stops me and Jordan falls to the ground, coughing and trying to catch his breath.
"Kai, don't do that," Noah whispers quietly. I turn around to him.
"Noah, please try to defend yourself." He frowns.
"I can't.. I'm too weak.." He mumbles. I hug him. I turn back around and Jordan isn't there anymore.
Noah turns my head, holding my face.
"Don't do that." I sigh.
"I'm sorry." PE was boring, as usual. We played baseball and this time, me and Noah were on the same team. The other team lost because half the kids were either too caught up in their thoughts or too caught up in their looks.
To be honest, Noah's pretty good at baseball. He only got one outing and we played two games. That's pretty good if we played first to thirty innings, which is 60 innings total.
After school, I told Noah to wait for me. I need my books from the locker room and they only allow one person in at a time after school.

Noah's POV

I was pretty bored, so I walked around. I noticed Jordan walking up to me and I tried to walk away, but he caught up to me.
He held me against the wall and rubbed his guy thing on mine. (They're still wearing clothes)
"I don't really want you, Jay does. I want Kai, but if you ever tell Kai that.. You have no clue what I can do to you."
I whimpered, trying to push him away, but I couldn't.
"Hey!" Kai yelled. Thank God. Jordan flew to the ground. Kai glared at him with his fists balled up.
I held Kai back with one arm, but he's way stronger than me. I don't know if he's going to try to pull away or anything.
Kai turned and faced me.
"Noah, are you okay?" I nod my head. Jordan punched him in his back, and Kai quickly turned around. They just stood there angrily for a few seconds before Jordan ran up and Kai punched him in the head.
Jordan groaned, then tried punching Kai, but missed and punched me. That hurt really bad. I held my side, the place he punched me.
Kai turned towards me, then back to Jordan and pushed him. Jordan couldn't stand up. Kai didn't break his legs or anything, but Jordan must be really dizzy. Kai punched him in the head really really hard.
Kai ran towards me.
"Noah, are you okay?" I nod my head. He picks me up and carries me.
"Oh, but you carry him!" We hear Kyle screaming. Kai turns to face him, laughs, then turns back around to continue walking.
He walks us to the car and we drove for a few hours until it started getting dark.
I noticed that it didn't rain, so maybe it will later.
While I was still in the car, I lifted my shirt up and found a new bruise where Jordan punched me.
"Great," I mutter, pulling my shirt back down and getting out the car.

Kai's POV

Jenna was sitting on the couch pouring tears and my Dad was pacing up and down the hall with a few tears on his cheeks.
"What's wrong?" I ask and Dad immediately looks up and walks towards me.
"Driving home from.. Her friend's house.. Your mom.. She got into an.. A-Accident.. And she didn't.. Make it.." He whispered.

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