Chapter 37

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It's probably going to be bouncing through POV's in the next couple of chapters, including this one.

Noah's POV

I was pulled back and thrown onto the floor and landed on my arm. I winced and grabbed my arm.
"So, you're trying to escape?" Jay asks and stands above me. I shook my head.
"Fucking liar!! I give you everything! Food, water, clothes! What do I get!?" He screams and continuously kicks me.
"You're trying to fucking escape! Bitch!" He bent over and punched my face.
"You're ugly. I'm going to show you just how worthless you are.."

Kai's POV

We've been searching for Noah for a few hours. It's 5 and we still haven't found him, but I'm not losing hope this soon. I know how much Jay likes Noah. He wouldn't kill him, but then again..
Jay is the most bipolar person in the world. One second, he's all happy, the next, he's trying to kill you. I'm honestly terrified for what could be going on.
I don't know if he's getting abused, raped, being enslaved, tortured, anything. All I really know is that he is not safe. Especially if he's with Jay.

Noah's POV

He raped me again.. Only.. He.. He was more harsh and did it for about two hours.. I'm not getting into detail or anything, but.. I feel sore..
He only gave me my boxers back, locked me in a different room, and said I needed to earn his trust again and that he's not giving me any more food, just one small bottle of water a day. A day.
That's 8 ounces. If someone weighs 100 pounds, they're supposed to drink a half ounce or full ounce of water per pound they weigh.
I weigh 97 pounds. That's more than 12 times as much water as I'll be given. I'm not 16 pounds. That's starvation, dehydration, rape, abuse, the list goes on.
He came back with a frown. I thought he was going to apologize again, but that all changed when I realized he was naked..
"So, what do you want to do?" He asks and sits next to me, rubbing his thing on me. He gives me the whiteboard. I want to leave.
"No can do. You're staying here for as long as I can keep you," he says and turns me to face him. He grabs my face and pulls me towards him, but I don't kiss him. He glares at me.
So.. He raped me again.. There's only a TV in the room I started out in, but I can't get in there and I don't think you can communicate with people on television.
I've only been in three rooms so far, so I don't know if there's any devices or anything I can call anyone with.
He set me in his arms and rocked me back and forth, caressing my cheek.
"I'm sorry sweetie." Can he stop calling me 'sweetie?' It's a bit annoying.
"I just.. I don't know what happened.." He put me on the bed and I fell asleep.
"Sweetie?" I didn't open my eyes.
"Hey sweetie, time to wake up." I felt a hand being placed on my lower back.
"Hey.. Hey. Hello. Noah are you okay??" I kept my eyes closed. I squinted to see.
"Jason!" He ran out the room calling someone named Jason. When he came back in, one of the two bulky guys came up to me. He set a few fingers on my neck.
"He's got a pulse, he's fine. Maybe you should give him clothes and a blanket or something man. He's turning blue. He could actually die."
"You were hired to kidnap him and to make sure he doesn't escape. Don't tell me how to do my job." He looked at me.
"Eh, maybe I'll give him a blanket.." He mumbled and they both left. I opened my eyes, but made a tired look on my face.
He came back with a blanket and smiles when he saw my eyes were open. I think sleeping with no clothes and no blanket in a freezing cold room actually made me sick. My nose feels stuffy.
"God, I thought you were dead. He lays on the bed next to me and sets his hand on my cheek, then pulls the blanket over me.
"Sorry sweetie. Didn't think you'd get sick," he says and sits up. He sits me up and wraps the fluffy blanket around me.
He stares into my eyes with a weird smile on his face. Then, he left the room.
Well, I guess him giving me a blanket is somewhat nice. Still doesn't change the fact that he raped me. Three times. He came in a little while later with a small water bottle. He gave it to me, then left.
I'm not drinking out of this. It's already opened. That means it's either poisoned or that someone thinks I'm too weak to open a water bottle.
I set it to the side and tried to ignore the fact that it started getting colder. I'm starting to get the feeling they're trying to freeze me to death.
"Aren't you going to drink it? You look thirsty," Jay said and held it up to me. I shook my head. He glared at me.
"Drink the water." Jeez, it's water. I opened it and slowly drank some.
"Good boy. You almost made me get mad there." He left the room. About an hour later, he came in with an annoyed look on his face.
"Take your boxers off."
That last time he raped me.. It was worse than the last. Each time, it gets worse and worse. He does it for longer, and he actually hurts me in the process of doing it.
I guess starting from now, he's going to start abusing me. He kept pushing me, punching me, kicking me, and slapping me.
"I'm going to make this simple," he says with something in his hand.
"Try to escape," he holds it up to me and clicks something, then it shocks me. I started to cry even more.
"You get shocked. You don't listen? You get shocked. If you don't reply in some way, you're going to get shocked. So, I hope that's simple enough for you." He turns it off.
There was a red mark on my side where he shocked me at. He grabbed me by my neck and I couldn't breathe.
"So listen you little bitch. Do anything wrong, and you'll get shocked and raped." He let go of me and I fell, gasping for air. He hurt me again, then left. The room got warmer, but he took the blanket back.
"Alright Noah. Take your clothes off, time for some fun."

Kai's POV

We've been searching almost all day. It's night, but I'm not resting until we find him. Jenna says it's going to be okay and that I need to sleep.
How can I sleep knowing he's with a monster? Who could? I've got no idea what's happening, but if it was Jay who kidnapped him, there's not much to do.
I'm trying to pull back memories and think about all the places he talked about.
When we were younger, we had weird questions. One of mine was "Where would you take someone if you kidnapped them?" I remember his answer, which could probably help.
His answer was in his old house in the forest. The only problem is I have no idea what forest or where this house is. I could try asking his parents, but I don't think they like me that much either. It's worth a shot.

Noah's POV

He fell asleep after he finished. His disgusting naked body laid right next to me. I put my boxers on. I sat in the corner of the bed. Please Kai.. Please come and save me!

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