Chapter 32

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Kai's POV

It's been four days since the accident. Noah's able to sit up without his stomach hurting too bad, but he still needs the breathing tubes.
"Kai.." Noah mumbled and rest his head on his knee.
"Am I.. Ugly.. Now..?" He asked and a tear rolled down his face.
"No Baby. You're not ugly and you never will be. You've never been ugly to me."
"But.. That's not.. What.. You really think.. You're just saying that.. To be nice."
"No. I'm not lying. I'm not just saying that. You're the most beautiful person I've ever met."
"No I'm not. Stop lying.. Please.." He says and begins to cry.
"You want me to be honest?" He nods his head.
"Noah. You're the most perfect and beautiful person I've ever met and I wouldn't have anyone else be my
boyfriend. I love you. A lot." He started crying harder and hugged me.
"What's wrong?'
"I love you too," he whispered.
"Why do you keep saying that though? You know how much I love you."
"That's what they keep telling me.."
"Who?" I paused. "Oh.. Yeah.." The voices in his head.
"I'm sorry Kai." He wrapped his arms around my neck.
"It's okay Baby."
"No it's not.." I sighed and held him tighter.
"I want to take you somewhere, but I can't. Not now, but we'll go somewhere as soon as you get better."
"Okay.." He rest his head on my chest.
"Are you hungry?" He nods his head. I reached into the refrigerator, got a yogurt and a spoon, and fed him.
"Kai, you don't need to feed me." I frowned and gave him the spoon.
"I can feed myself. I'm 18 now."
"Noah, you can't even go to the bathroom on your own." He gasps and covers his mouth.
"You're so mean." After finishing his yogurt, he laid down and set his head on my chest. He started mumbling something.
"Nothing. I'm just singing."
"Oh." He started mumble singing again. A few minutes after he stopped, he took his medicine and went to sleep.
I listened to music on my headphones for about an hour until it was time for Noah to take his medicine.
"Noah," I whispered and rubbed his side.
"Hey, time to wake up. You need to take your medicine."
"Time to wake up Baby."
"I don't want to," he mumbled quietly and buried his face in my chest.
"You have to take your medicine though."
"I don't want to. You smell good."
"You have to and.. Thanks?"
"But Kai.. I don't want to. The medicine tastes really gross."
"Baby, if you don't take it, you won't get better and your stomach's going to start hurting."
"I'll put the medicine in your yogurt so you don't taste it."
"Okay." It turned out that actually worked. Once he finished all his medicine, we watched two movies. Now, it's 2. Yes, Noah took his medicine.
"Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai. Kai. K-"
"Yes??" I asked and covered his mouth.
"I love you." I chuckled.
"I love you too."
"But I love you more."
"No you don't. I love you more."
"I love you more than how many stars are in the sky."
"I love you more than that." He groans.
"No. I love you more."
"I love you more."
"No you do not! I love you more!"
"Noah, I love you more." He flicked my head, then covered my face and spoke in a serious and scary voice.
"Listen pal. If you say that one last time, I'm going to run you over repeatedly until you admit that I love you more. If you still don't admit it, I'll take a spoon and gouge your eyes out, then feed them to you. Then, I'll chop all your fingers off and-"
"You realize how scary you are?"
"I didn't say anything."
"I still love you m-"
"I'll chop all your fingers off and stick them up your nose."
"Jesus Noah! Are you okay!?"
"Yeah. I didn't say anything," he said with an innocent smile.
"Right.." I mumbled.
"So you're telling me that you didn't just threaten to run me over, gouge my eyes out, and chop my fingers off?"
"Oh. Yeah, I said that."
"Exactly. That's not.. Nevermind."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"But do you love me more?" I stared at him.
"Kai. Do you love me more?"
"I don't know. You've basically just threatened to kill me if I said I do."
"And? Do you love me more?"
"Yes." He smiles and hugs me.
"What the hell.."
"Stop cussing," He says and flicks my head twice.
"We agreed on flicking my head once."
"That's just making up for all the other cusses you cussed."
"The cusses.. I cussed?"
"You want your yogurt?"
"No. I feel bored."
"What do you wanna do?"
"Nothing. Oh no, you're sick again."
"Oh, that's not good."
"Yup. You have to give me another hug and kiss."
"Okay," I said and hugged him. He hugged me back, then I kissed his nose.
"Kai, you're still sick."
"I need to see a doctor."
"One hundred kisses a day keeps the doctor away."
"Okay," I said and began to kiss all over his face
"No, no. Not all at once," he giggled and swatted my face away.
"Why not?"
"Umm.. Because.."
"I'm bored," he groaned and poked me.
"Well, what do you wanna do?"
"Okay.. So.. Is there something you wanna watch?"
"Can you sing to me? Please?"
"Umm.. Yeah, I guess." I sang a song, then he smiled.
"You sing so good!" I shook my head.
"No." He glares at me.
"Yes you do."
"Okay Noah! Why are you so scary?"
"I'm not." He leaned on my shoulder.
"Why would you think I'm scary?" I sighed.
"No reason. No reason at all."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Two weeks later

"So Noah, you're getting the tubes out tomorrow. How do you feel?" I asked. He smiled widely.
"What're you gonna do?"
"Umm.. I'm gonna... I don't know."
"Well, after you can walk and run, I'm gonna take you to a lake."
"Okay." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. There was a knock on the door.
"They're here. They said they should come a day early."
I watched Noah get the breathing tubes out. He was crying because he was so happy. They helped him stand up and walk around.
Once they left, he jumped on me.
"You happy now?"
"Wipe your tears."
"Thank you," he said and wiped his face.
"For what?"

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