Chapter 24

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Listen to the song Demons by Alec Benjamin. Some lyrics aren't completely accurate, but it sets the mood for the beginning of the chapter. At the end, I need to explain something.

Noah's POV

Kai woke me up in the morning and sat me on his lap.
"Yeah?" I mumbled.
"Noah, please tell me.. Why did you do it?" I frowned.
"They told me to.."
"Noah, who told you to?" I pointed to my head.
"Them.." He stared at me, then hugged me.
"What do they tell you Noah?" He said and our eyes started tearing up.
"I can't tell you.."
"Why not?"
"Because.. They said if I did.. They.. Wouldn't.. Leave me alone.." I whispered.
"They'll try to kill me."
"Please Noah, I won't let them. What do they tell you?" I wiped my tears.
"T-They tell me.. That.. That you.. Don't love me.." He hugged me tighter.
"Baby, I do love you. I tell you everyday."
"I know.. But.." He sighs.
"If anyone says I don't love you, they're lying. I really do love you," he says, then kisses me.
"I-I know but.. They.. Won't leave me alone.." I whispered.
"What else do they tell you?" I buried my head into his chest.
"What else do they tell you?" He asks firmly and his voice got a little bit louder. I shook my head.
"Noah, what the hell do they tell you?"
"They're going to get me Kai!"
"What else do they tell you??"
"I can't tell you!" I cried.
"Why not?"
"Because! They're going to try to kill me!"
"They're in your head! How will they kill you!?"
"You won't understand!!"
"Please tell me Noah!"
"I can't tell you!"
"Why not??"
"I already told you why!"
"I won't tell anyone!"
"Kai, I can't tell you!!"
"Why won't you?"
"I just can't," I said.

Kai's POV

He just passed out and was laying in my arms.
"Noah." I bit my lip.
"Noah.." My eyes teared up.
"Noah!" He opened his eyes quickly.
"Noah, you scared the shit out of me," I mumbled and hugged him tightly. He sniffled and hugged me back.
"I love you, but.. I can't.." He whispered.
"C-Can't what? Are.. D-Do you wanna.. B-Break up..?" I asked shakily.
"No. I just.. Need some time.." He mumbled
"Do you want me to go?" He shook his head.
"No, it's fine. I want you to stay." He leaned over, but then pulled away quickly and grabbed his leg.
"Are you okay?" I asked quickly and reached for him.
"Yeah.. It just.. Hurts.." I moved him towards me.
"I'm sorry Noah," I whispered.
"Me too." He moved around a bit and positioned himself so he could hug me. I hugged him back.
"I love you Kai, I'm really sorry."
"I love you too Baby." He wiped his face.
"You need to take a pill."
"It's not 9 yet."
"My clock's broken." I held up my phone and showed him. It's 9:06. He tried standing up.
"What're you doing?"
"Trying to go downstairs." I picked him and carried him downstairs.
"Oh, look at you, carrying him like you just got married," Jenna muttered.
"Shut up."
"You've been carrying him like that all yesterday. What happened?" I looked at Noah, then back at Jenna.
"He just hurt his leg."
"You never carried me when I hurt my legs."
"Well, you're not my boyfriend." She rolls her eyes and walks back to her room.
I gave Noah a pill and made Noah food. I'm not hungry right now.
"Kai.. Can I have a hug?" I smiled and bent over and hugged him. He mumbled something.
"I love you."
"I love you too." He hugged me tighter for a few seconds, then let go.
"I'm sorry," he says.
"For what?"
"Everything.." I sighed.
"Noah.. It's okay. You don't have to be sorry."
"But.. I'm just.."
"It's fine. You're fine."
"Can we go somewhere?"
"Well, you can barely walk. Where do you want to go?"
"I dunno. The park?"
"Alright." We went to the park. I brought Noah's pills because we might be there for awhile and it's almost 12.
I helped Noah sit on the swings and I noticed Jacob and Kyle walking towards us.
"Heeeeeey!" Kyle screamed.
"We didn't know you were coming. I swear," Jacob says. I sat next to Noah on the swings.
We were at the park for a few hours and when he noticed that I kept helping Noah walk around, Kyle kept begging to know what happened. So I lied.
"He twisted his ankle." When I said that, Noah smacked my head.
It was a bug, he wrote on the notebook with a smirk. I smiled and tickled him. He let out a quiet laugh before he swatted my hands away.
Jacob and Kyle left a little while later. Me and Noah got into the car and drove home.
"You need to take a pill." I opened the bottle and gave him one. He swallowed it. He fell asleep.
I pulled up to the house and carried Noah out.
"How romantic," someone mumbled. I looked up.
"Jacob, how do you keep getting in?"
"I have magical powers." I raised my eyebrows.
"I'm kidding. Jenna let me in."
"Of course she did," I mumbled.
"Hey Jenna, stop letting people in!" I called, then put Noah on the bed and sat down next to him.
"If she lets you in and I'm not home, I'm strangling you both," I said.
He chuckled, then glared at me.
"I'll strangle you first."
"I'll strangle you right now."
"Do it then." I jumped on him and wrapped my hands around his neck. Don't worry, I'm not actually gonna kill him.
He grabbed my neck and we were on the floor with our hands around each other's necks.
"I'm gonna.. Strangle you.." He grunted.
"I'd like to see you try." He pushed me off of him and wrapped his arm around my neck, but I bit his arm and he let go.
"What the hell. Why'd you bite me?"
"Because." I pulled his hair and he squeezed my wrists.
Instead of strangling each other, we were wrestling on the floor and I was clearly winning.
"Okay, you win!!" He said. Told ya. I let go of him.
I looked up and saw Noah sitting up and watching us.
"Did we wake you up?" Noah nods his head.
"Dummy," I muttered to Jacob and smacked his head. He scoffs and hits me back, then we started wrestling again.
After maybe 5 more minutes, we stopped and went back to where we were sitting.
"I'm bored," I groaned.
"Then go somewhere," Jacob said.
"I dunno. Remember that bridge my Mom took us to? You can go there."
So we did. Jacob said he might come, but he needed to help his sister because she needed to study for a test.
"Careful," I said to Noah. He was standing at the edge of the bridge, but then he stopped and faced towards me, looking terrified.
I turned around and a huge dog came running at Noah. He.. Fell off... I couldn't stop crying.. He fell off!!

And now for a word.
Noah didn't try killing himself. He doesn't want to. He stabbed himself because he believes it'll help him take his mind off things.

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