Chapter 38

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Noah's POV

I've been stuck in this hell hole for nine weeks, almost three months. I'm starting to lose hope. Maybe they're not going to find me. Maybe they're not even looking.
Jay gave me my clothes back, but he still hurts me really bad and rapes me. I don't get fed, but he gives me more water and the bottles aren't already opened.
Jay looked up almost immediately when he heard someone banging on the front door, but I kept my head down.
Jay left the room after putting clothes on. I couldn't stop crying. I miss Kai, everything about him. His smell, his voice, his touch.. Everything.
I stared in the mirror at my bruised and bloody self. My eye was turning purple, my nose was bleeding, and there were bruises almost everywhere.
The door opened. That's not Jay, it's a police. They found me!! He held his hand out. I grabbed it, but then one of the bulky guys ran in and pushed him.
"I need backup!" The police officer yelled before the bulky guy shot him. The bulky guy wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me outside, holding a gun to my head. I surprisingly stayed calm, but I still cried.
"You back up or I'll shoot him!!"
"Put the gun down!" A police officer said and held his gun up. Some other officers held their guns up too.
"Let him go!!" The guy pushed me down to the floor and a gun went off.. But.. I didn't get shot.. I turned around and looked up. The police officer that got shot.. Shot him.
I stood up and ran towards Kai.
"What did he do?" He asked and hugged me. I wiped my tears and hugged him back. We let go and I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. They kept asking what happened, but I said nothing.
I was taken into a hospital room. Only I was in there. Nobody else, until the door opened and Kai came in and sat next to me.
"Noah, what did he do?" I looked up at him and hugged him. He sighs and hugs me back.
"What happened?"
"He hurt me Kai.. Really bad.."
"Is that all?" I shook my head slowly.
"He.. R-Raped me too.." Kai's look changed completely. He looked mad, but also sad.
"He only gave me a water bottle.. He didn't feed me, and I was really cold.. He kept taking my clothes.." Kai left the room and told the doctors who came in just a few minutes after.
They ran some tests to make sure I didn't get any diseases or anything from Jay. They all tested negative, so that's good. No HIV for me. The doctors left a bit after.
Kai came back in. He hugged me.
"Please try not to get kidnapped," he said. I smiled slightly and looked at him.
"Well, I didn't exactly volunteer for it."
"You need to be careful Baby."
"It's not your fault. Come on, the doctors are gonna check you out now."
"Oh." He brought me to a different room, but he couldn't stay. I had to take my shirt and pants off and they looked all over me. They put bandaids and stuff on me. They finished and I put my clothes back on.
I went out and Kai grabbed my hand.
"They put him in jail. You're going to be okay now." We went home. I was greeted by a crying Jenna who hugged me.
"Why are you crying?" Kai asked.
"Cause Noah's my best friend!" I almost started to laugh. I hugged her back. After a few seconds, she let go, looked at me, then hugged me again.
She let go, then went to her room. Kai took me to our room.
"Are you hungry?" I nodded my head slowly.
"It's okay Noah, I'm not gonna hurt you," he said and hugged me tightly.
"I know.." I whispered and hugged him back. He rubbed my cheek.
"You'll be fine now." I began to cry again.
"What's wrong?" I cried in my hands.
"Noah, what's wrong? It's gonna be okay now.. It's gonna get better.."
"But you always say that. It never does." He sets his hand on my shoulder. I leaned forward and dug my head in his chest.
"Baby, it's okay." He kissed my cheek.
"Please don't let him take me Kai! Please don't!"
"I'm not going to. I won't let anyone take you anymore.." He wraps his arms around me and I buried my face in his chest. He rubbed my back.
"It's okay now. I'm going to protect you."
I kissed him.
"I feel so weird.. Uncomfortable," I mumbled.
"Don't worry. It's going to be okay." He held my hands and looked at me.
"Baby, you're going to be okay now," he says and smiles. "I won't let anyone get you."
"I know, it's just.. I feel.. I feel dirty.. I need to take a shower for like five hours."
"Okay then." I took a long shower. It wasn't five hours, maybe like forty-five minutes to an hour, but I made sure to thoroughly scrub every square inch of my body five times over. I dried myself off and put my clothes on.
When I got out, Kai was laying on the bed face down and groaning.
"Are you okay?" I asked and poked him. He turns over.
"You took so long," he mumbled and pulled me on top of him. I didn't completely dry my hair, so a little bit of water dripped on his face. He wiped the couple of water droplets off his face.
"What were you doing in there for so long?"
"I was just taking a shower." I kissed him, making him smile.
"I love you," Kai said and we sat up.
"Love you too." I smiled, but then began to cry.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong Baby? Why are you crying?" He asked and wiped my tears.
"Kai.. I'm not even a virgin.."
"Well, people who get raped aren't really virgins."
"But.. Nevermind.. It doesn't even matter.."
"Everything you say matters." I blushed and tried to hide my face, but he noticed and held my chin up.
"Stop," I said and smiled widely, swatting his hand away and covering my face.
"But what?"
"It's nothing Kai. I told you, it doesn't matter."
"Like I said, everything that you say matters to me." I tried to not smile.
"Listen Baby. To me, every word that comes out of your mouth matters."
"Stop it," I said and covered his mouth.
"I'm serious though," he mumbled through my hands. He grabbed my wrists, then held my hands.
We stared into each other's eyes until I couldn't take it and broke out into laughter.
"What?" He asked.
"I don't know," I managed to say. When I stopped laughing, I set my head on his chest.
"What's so funny?"
"I don't know. I just started laughing." He smiled and kissed me.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"But I love you more."
"Kai, don't start this." He laughs.
"But I do."
"Stop saying that. I love you more."
"No you don't. I love you more." So we had a fake argument about who loved who more.
"I love you more," he said. I covered his mouth.
"It's getting late."
"Yeah, goodnight."

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