Chapter 22

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Kai's POV

Noah ran towards him, crying. They hugged each other.
Noah let go and wiped his tears. The man walked towards me, holding his hand out.
"I'm Mason, Noah's big brother," he says.
"Oh, he told me about you."
"What? He told you?" I nodded my head. He turns to Noah.
"You didn't even talk to me," he said and glared playfully.
Noah smiled and hugged him again.
"Oh, you are?" Mason asks.
Mason frowned and looked back down at Noah.
"I've gotta go now." He said and left. We left a few minutes later.
"I thought he was dead," Noah said on the drive back home.
"I don't know. Stuff happens." Noah smiles and leans over to kiss my cheek.
I've got no idea what went wrong while we were gone.
The triplets were running around and screaming, Jenna was freaking out, i don't even want to know what Morgan was doing, and Michael was rocking himself back and forth on the floor.
"Kai!" The triplets screamed and ran towards me. Michael sat up quickly.
"Where the he-where were you?" He says.
"We had to do something."
"It's their nap time and they won't sleep," he mutters.
"If you go to sleep, I'll give you guys gummy bears when you wake up," I said to them. They ran up the stairs to my room, the only place they'll sleep.
"How did you do that?" Morgan asks. I shrug my shoulders.
"I've just got mad skill." He rolls his eyes.
"Ooh. Who's that?" He asks, pointing to Noah.
"Do we have a new little brother??"
"Stupid, that's his boyfriend," Jenna mumbles. Morgan gasps.
"You're gay??" He asks
"I already told you."
"I know," he says with a grin.
"Then.. Okay, nevermind." Me and Noah walked upstairs to find Kaitlyn, Kaden, and Kayla sleeping. Noah smiled.
"They're so cute."
"Yeah, but they take up most of the bed." He leaned his head on my arm.
We got into bed and somehow managed to not wake them up.
To be honest, they're pretty heavy sleepers. Well, Kaitlyn isn't. She usually wakes up from anything. She falls asleep pretty fast though. She's my favorite because she asks for things the least.
Noah put his head on my chest.
"What time is it?"
"It's almost 4," I said, checking my watch. Noah groaned.
"I'm so sleepy."
"Well, you can sleep now."
"Don't want to," he mumbles. I kissed his cheek.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too." Noah hugged me.
We sat there for a few minutes. I heard some noise and I look down and realized he fell asleep. I fell asleep with him and was woken up in the most brutal way. Someone slapped my face.
"Wake your smelly butt up!" It's Kayla. She's violent. I opened my eyes.
"Where's our gummies?"
"I don't have any so we're gonna go to the store to get some." They squealed. Noah woke up.
"What happened to your face?" He mumbled.
"One of them slapped me. I bet it was Kayla." He smiled. We got changed and all got into my car.
They used booster seats that were in the trunk of my Dad's other car.
We drove to the store, bought gummies, and went home.
After the triplets were satisfied with their gummies, they begged to go swimming in the pool. I don't even know if they can swim, so they might have to use one of those really tiny pools.
"Can you swim?" They nodded their heads.
"Mommy and Daddy taught us."
So we went swimming.
We swam around for an hour, then came in. The triplets ate their lunch, but they know not to eat in the rooms, and they eat pretty slow.
Jenna stole Noah from me, but she knows if she does anything to him, I'd kill her, so I trust her not to do anything.
15 minutes later, they came into my room and Noah was wearing makeup and his hair was braided. The makeup wasn't even good though.
"What happened?"
"I gave him a makeover. You want one?"
"Please no." She smiled.
"You can take the makeup off if you want to," she said, then tossed some wipes. Noah wiped it off. Jenna left.
"Was I pretty?" He asks.
"I think you're pretty. Terrible makeup or not." He smiles.
"You're so cheesy," he mumbles.
"You're so pretty." He buries his head into my chest. His cheeks are red and I don't know if it's from the makeup or if he's blushing. He sits up and kisses my cheek.
"I didn't even volunteer for the makeup," he mumbles.
"Yeah, she usually does that."
"Love you," he says.
"Love you too."
He gets up and walks to the bathroom, but he took awhile. I walked to the bathroom and knocked.
"Oh, nothing. Just checking if you were okay." After about 5 more minutes, I heard a thud and got up quickly.
I knocked on the door.
"Noah?" There was no response. I opened the door and Noah was laying down, unconscious, with a pool of blood around him. I picked him up and ran downstairs.
"Woah, Kai! What the hell happened?" Michael asked, but I ignored him and ran outside to my car. I put Noah in the car and drove to the hospital.
A doctor ran up to me.
"What happened?" He asked and a few other doctors helped put him on a stretcher.
"I don't know." They took him to a room and I followed them, but they made me sit outside of the room.
After about an hour, the doctor came out.
"He's fine and he's conscious right now. He stabbed himself in the stomach, but it wasn't too bad. He'll be able to come home on Saturday."
"Can I come see him?" The doctor nodded his head and I walked into the room.
Noah looked at me with a frown.
"Sorry," he mumbled hoarsely. I sat on the bed next to him.
"Please don't do that Noah." He began to cry.

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