Chapter 33

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Kai's POV

Noah was able to breathe without the tubes now. He doesn't need pills, he can eat normal foods, and his stomach is mainly healed up. He can walk and run now.
"Kai," Noah mumbled and wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you!"
"I love you too," I said and hugged him back.
"I'm bored," he groaned.
"We're gonna go somewhere in the morning. You need to pack an extra set of clothes and maybe another pair of shoes."
"I only have one pair of shoes."
We went to the store to buy him a new pair of shoes. He chose some checkered Vans, then after paying for them, we left.
When we got home, we went in the room and started to pack up. It's 5 and we need to go to bed early since we're gonna leave at 5 in the morning tomorrow. Noah knows where we're going, he just hasn't been there.
Someone knocked on the door, but it didn't open.
"Come in," I called. Kyle walked in.
"Hello," he said boringly.
"What's wrong?"
"If it isn't obvious, I'm bored."
"Oh, he is too." Noah tapped my shoulder. I looked over. He can come if it's okay with you. If there's any mountain lions or bears, I'm not gonna get eaten first.
"We're gonna go somewhere tomorrow. He said you can come since you'll probably get eaten first," I said.
"Go where?"
"To a lake. It's big."
"Are there animals there?"
"You're scared of animals, I forgot."
"I'm not scared."
"Well, there might be mountain lions or bears, but nobody's ever encountered one before. There's tiny fish in the lake and there's birds. Not much more than that."
"I'm not scared of those."
"And I'm pretty sure there's cats." His eyes widened.
"Umm.. O-Okay. Jacob's downstairs. I think he's dead."
"Mhmm.. Should I be worried or..?"
"No. He died a lot."
"I think I should be worried."
"When are you guys leaving?"
"Maybe 5."
"Why that early??"
"Because it's a 2 hour drive and we'll get there by at least 7."
"At night!?"
"Yes Kyle. Because two hours after 5 in the morning is 7 at night. Makes perfect sense."
So Jacob decided to come too and we were all packing. They slept in a guest room. We set alarms on our phone for 4. We got ready, then left. Noah fell asleep after ten minutes of driving, but woke up again.
"Kai! He's sticking his tongue at me!"
"You're sticking your tongue at me too!" Jacob said.
"Keep your tongues in your mouths before I chop them off. You're acting like five year olds." Noah poked my shoulder and handed me his notebook.
Once we got to a red light, I read it. You have really weird friends.
"I know."
"You know what?" Kyle asked.
"That you guys are weird."
"Says who?"
"Him," I said and pointed to Noah.
"I'm gonna fight you both."
We talked the rest of the way there. Kyle and Noah had a seriously intense staring contest. They didn't blink for a minute.
To be honest, as stupid as he is, Kyle's pretty good at staring contests. I guess Noah's even better since he won.
"How much longer is it?"
"10 more minutes."
"Okay." Once we got there, we started unpacking. There were just a few more things in the car. A couple chairs. Noah said, well wrote, that he was gonna go look around.
"Holy freak, look!" Kyle yelled.
"A squirrel!!" Okay. We're deathly afraid of squirrels.
We all jumped in the car and started screaming and freaking out. Noah started walking towards the car.
"No!! It's a squirrel!!" I screamed. He bent over.. And.. Picked.. It.. Up..
First a rat, now a squirrel.
"Put it down!!" We all began screaming. He stuck his tongue out at me and brought the squirrel to a tree.
I rolled the window down and tossed a pack of wipes at him.
"Clean your hands!" He takes a wipe out, wipes his hands, then throws it away in a trashcan.
Once we had our stuff all settled, we went swimming. Noah didn't wanna get in the water since it was too cold, so me, Jacob, and Kyle went swimming. Noah made sand castles.
We dried off and ate some food. There was a guy with a boat was giving rides.
He had floating things tied to the back of his boat and he said he was also giving free water-tubing rides.
"So. Are you all gonna get on?"
"I have tubes with 2 and 3 seats. You can do 4, but you'll have to squeeze the little guy somewhere, you can do 2 and 2, or you can do 3 and 1."
"We'll do 2 and 2."
Me and Noah got in one and Jacob and Kyle got in another. The boat started slow, but then he went like a bullet and we almost flew off.
Kyle actually did fly off a few minutes later. He was in the air for like 10 seconds.
Once we got off, we waited for Kyle to change his clothes. When he finished, we went for a walk.
Noah said his legs got tired, so I carried him on my back.
We walked for half an hour until we realized we were lost. We couldn't hear the guy's boat or anything from the lake.
"Well guys," Kyle sighs. "What have we learned from Naked and Afraid?"
"Oh my God," I mumbled. I have the stupidest friend. Noah got off my back and tugged my hand.
"What?" He pointed somewhere, so we followed him and he eventually led us back to the lake where we started.
I have no idea how. He sat in the sand for a little while, but I was able to convince him to come in the water with me. He stayed close to the shore and tried catching the little fish.
I swam around, then saw Noah freaking out and carrying something to the car. He got a paper cup and put something, I'm assuming a fish, in it.
He ran back with a cup and an adorable smile on his face and showed me the inside of the cup. There were three little fish swimming around.
He got back in the water and caught a couple more before he set the cup on the dock and swam to me.
"How many fish did you catch?" I asked.
"9," he whispered, then hugged me.
"What are you gonna do with them?" He grabbed the cup and poured it back out.
"Why'd you pour the fish out?"
"Well, you wouldn't wanna be held in a cup for the rest of your life," he said and set the cup back on the dock. Well, he makes a good point.
We dried off, but our clothes were still damp. We sat on a blanket for a little while.
Kyle and Jacob came towards us. Kyle was holding a piece of paper and I could see numbers.
"Okay. Noah. I'm gonna ask you a math question," he said and held the paper in front of him.
"What is.. 7 to the power of 8 divided by 12 plus 16?" With a remainder?
Sure." 480,416.083. Kyle looked at his phone, typed something, then glared at his phone.
"How the hell.."
"That's not even fair!! He has a calculator in his brain or something!!" He started screaming and jumping around like a little kid. Once he calmed down, he walked back over.
"What's 17 times 13 divided by 18 times 9 times 300 divided by 68?" 487.5. Kyle looked at his phone, then groaned.
"If you get this right, I'm suing you. What's pi?" 22 divided by 7.
"No, the numbers." I don't have enough paper.
"Write down the first 10 numbers." 3.141592653. (That's actually the first 10 digits of pi) Kyle grabbed the notebook and looked at the phone and the notebook multiple times.
"Who memorizes pi!? Who has that much spare time to memorize the first 10 digits of pi!?" Kyle groaned, then went somewhere.
Noah moved around, sitting with his back against mine and reading a book.
"You're gonna have to come back to school now that you're better." He didn't say anything. I poked his shoulder.
"What are you reading?" He hands me a book. Esperanza Rising.
"What's it about?" He turns around and flips it to the back of the book, then rests his head on mine with his arms around my neck (He's not choking him).
I gave him the book back. He went back to the position he was in with his back against mine.
After about ten minutes, we went on another walk, but Kyle and Jacob didn't come.
"You like it here?"
"Yeah. It's nice," he said and grabbed my hand.
"What do you wanna do now?"
"I dunno."
"Well, they have a field of flowers if you wanna go take a look."
"Yeah!" So we walked to the field which was kinda far away, but we could see the lake so it was fine. We sat down and he rest his head on my shoulder.
"I love you," he mumbled.
"I love you too."
We stayed at the lake until it started to get dark at around 7.
"Can I drive us home!?" Kyle begged.
"The last time I let you drive, you almost ran over three families of ducks. On purpose."
"That was last time. I'm more responsible now."
"You're no more responsible than a three year old." I drove us home. I dropped Kyle and Jacob off at their houses, then went home.
I walked inside. We went to bed.
When I woke up the next morning, it smelled like vanilla and candy. I heard some noises coming from Dad's room. I decided not to look until I realized Dad has work today.
I walked upstairs and glanced in the room.

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