Chapter 23

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From now on, chapters might not be the usual length. This one is over 2000 words. Chapters are usually around 1000 words. The chapters may be longer or shorter than normal if that matters.

Noah's POV

"I don't know why I did it," I said and wiped my tears. I do know.. I.. I hear voices. Call me crazy. I agree with you. But I'm just.. Too scared.. Too scared to tell anyone. Even Kai.
I know he'd try to help me, but I don't think I can get help. There's no cure for what's wrong with me. There's no human that could ever help me, not even Kai. There's no hope for me.
Like I said.. He's the only reason I'm alive. I don't want to kill myself and turn him into me.
A stupid, depressed mute kid that tries committing suicide and doesn't think about how it'll affect anyone. Thinking about it makes me cry.
"What's wrong?" I didn't even realize I was crying.
"Nothing," I whispered, wiping my face.
"I know you're lying. What's on your mind?" I look away, but he turns my head and raises his eyebrows slightly.
"Kai, it's nothing." The doctor walked in.
"We have to set you up with a therapist. Mondays through Fridays from 3:45 to 4:45. You will have therapy tomorrow."
I hate therapy. Therapy can stab itself with a knife repeatedly until it can't anymore. I shook my head.
"Sorry, but you have to. You've tried committing suicide eight times. You'll be with Dr. Oscar." The Doctor handed me a small paper with an address on it.
"He can come if it helps," he says, pointing to Kai, then leaving.
"I don't want to go to therapy," I whispered.
"I know Baby, but you have to. They can help you."
"Please don't let them Kai!" He frowns.
"I'm sorry.. I can't do anything about it though.." He says. I wiped my tears.
"I have to go now. I'll be back tomorrow."

Kai's POV

I left the hospital. Leaving Noah made me feel so guilty. I couldn't stand it. I pulled up to the house and went to open the front door.
"Kai, where the fuck where you!?" Jenna screams, punching me. She looks at my face for a minute, then calms down.
"What happened? Where's Noah." I shake my head. She gasps.
"Did he-Did he die!?"
"What the hell Jenna, no. He's in the hospital."
"He.. Uh.."
"Oh.." She knew exactly what I was talking about.
"Is he gonna be okay?"
"Yeah.. The doctor said he can come home on Saturday. I'm gonna.. Go to bed now.." I could barely sleep. I know they said he's gonna be fine, but I couldn't stop thinking about Noah.
What if.. He won't be okay? Noah tried committing suicide. You can't try to commit suicide one second and be perfectly fine and sane the next. He might try something again. I can't sleep knowing that, but I have nothing to take my mind off of it.
I'm just gonna have to try.
Three hours later, I fell asleep. Michael convinced me to go to school today. We had to present the projects in 1st period. Mr. Smith said that our project was good and he saw Noah helping, but we got an A- since he isn't here.
I ate at lunch because I skipped breakfast.
"Where's Noah?" Jacob asked.
"He's in the hospital," I mumbled quietly.
"He's at home."
"Is he sick?"
"He.. Yeah, he's sick.." He pats my shoulder.
School was boring. Jordan wasn't being too much of a jerk today. He didn't mess with me because Noah wasn't here.
God, I can't stop thinking about Noah. I can't stop wondering if he's okay, what he's doing, what he's thinking about.
Jacob seemed to notice that I was barely paying attention in 4th period.
"Dude, you sure you're okay?" I nodded my head.
"Mhm, yeah, I'm fine." He raised his eyebrows.
"Don't lie." I looked at him.
"Jacob, I'm fine."
"No you aren't. I'm not stupid."
"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." He shakes his head.
"I know you're lying. If you want to keep lying, be that way," he said before the bell rang. We walked out the door to our next classes. We both have math in 5th, but we have different teachers. Their classes are next to each other's, so we walk the same way.
"I'm fine Jacob. I'm not lying."
"How am I stupid?"
"For thinking I'm stupid," he says, then slaps the back of my head.
"Ow, what the hell was that for?"
"Fuck you," I muttered. He patted my back.
"Fuck you too," he says with a smile and he walks into his classroom before I walked into mine.
After school, I went straight to the hospital. I didn't get out yet.
"What're we doing here?" Jacob asks from the back of my car.
"What the hell Jacob!?"
"You sounded like a girl."
"Well I'm sure you would if some genius was in the back of your fucking car!" He smiles.
"No I wouldn't." I roll my eyes.
"So, what're we doing here?"
"We aren't doing anything. I just pulled over here for no reason." He raises his eyebrows.
"You weren't paying a whole lot of attention at school today. Is it because Noah's gone?"
"Sure, we'll say that."
"Well, you don't act like that if he's just sick. So either he's really sick, or.. He's in there." He points to the hospital.
"Shut up," I grumbled.
"Kai, just tell me."
"Why do you want to know so bad?"
"Well, my best friend is a complete mess and has barely been paying attention in class. Is it wrong to wonder why my best friend's so off today?"
"When did you even get in the car?"
"Your subject-changing won't work on me."
"If you don't tell me.." He pauses.
"If I don't tell you?"
"Then I'll.. Shit.." He says confused.
"You'll shit?"
"Yup. Right here." I shake my head.
"For someone as smart as you, you're an idiot."
"Okay, now tell me."
"Because I want to know?"
"Kai, I swear." I groan.
"I'm fine." He punches my shoulder.
"Why do you keep hitting me?"
"I didn't hit you this time, I punched you. I'm doing it because you're not telling me."
"There's nothing to say."
"Adams, right?" He asks.
"That's his last name. Adams?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Thanks," he says and gets out the car. I got out and followed him.
"Where are you going?"
"You didn't answer my questions, why should I answer your's?" We walked into the hospital and to a receptionist.
"Hi, is there a Noah Adams here?" The receptionist looks at the computer, then looks back up.
"Yes, floor 3, room 27." He smirks at me, then walks into the elevator.
"Are you coming?" I groan, following him.
"Jacob, what are you doing?"
"Figuring out what's wrong with you." When we got to the floor, he looked around.
"20, 21, 22," he mumbled.
"27!" He said with a big smile. I glared at him and he opened the door. Noah was on the hospital bed. At first I couldn't tell if he was asleep, but I realized his eyes were opened when we walked inside.
"So, what were you saying?"
"Jacob, I hate you so much," I muttered. Noah looked up at Jacob, then me. I sat on the bed next to Noah.
"I don't know why he's here either," I mumbled to Noah. Someone opened the door.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Oscar. I'm here for therapy." He continues talking and Jacob looks at me with a confused expression.
"We'll be back," I said, pulling Jacob out.
"Why does he need therapy?"
"This is exactly why I didn't want you here."
"But why does he need therapy?"
"Because, if you really must know everyone's personal lives, he tried to commit suicide. Eight times. They're putting him in therapy hoping he doesn't try that again. So is that good enough for you, Jacob, or do I have to tell you more?" He looks shocked.
"How the hell would you expect me to know?"
"Well, you're his boyfriend."
"If you tell anyone he's in the hospital or anything about this, I'll crack your spine open."
"Geez, calm down."
"I'm serious. You can stay this time, but you're not coming again." We went back into the room and sat on the chairs.
"Have you had any traumatic experiences?" Dr. Oscar asked. Noah nods his head slowly.
"Could you tell me?" Noah shakes his head.
"Have you ever spoken?" Noah looks at me, then back to Dr. Oscar and nods his head.
"I suppose I should've asked this earlier. Have you ever been in therapy?" Noah nods his head.
He asked a bunch more questions, then left. I took Jacob to his house and went back to the hospital. I spent a few hours with Noah, then left at 7. That's when visiting hours are over.
Jenna told me that the triplets were picked up by their parents and so we didn't have to deal with them anymore.
Tomorrow's Saturday, so I can take him home.
I fell asleep quickly and woke up early. I walked downstairs to get something to eat before leaving.
"What're you doing up this early? It's the weekend." Morgan says.
"I'm going somewhere." He raised his eyebrows.
"Where?" I groaned.
"Why's everyone so nosy?" Morgan walked away. I hurried up and finished my food, then left to go to the hospital. I went inside and went to Noah's room. He was asleep and there were two doctors.
"You can take him home now. It turns out he also stabbed himself in the leg pretty badly, so we've given him a PE pass and crutches." He reaches for something on the desk.
"He has pills to take. The instructions are on each bottle," he says and hands me 4 pill bottles. The doctors left. I rubbed Noah's arm.
"Baby, wake up," I whispered to him. He opened his eyes and turned his head to face me.
"You can come home now." He sat up and hugged me.
After he changed back into his clothes, I helped him walk out and we went back home.
Jenna stayed at her friend's house after school, so me and Noah were alone. Michael and Morgan left to go back to Arizona while I was picking Noah up.
"My leg hurts."
"I know." I put him on the bed and reached for the pill bottles. He has to take 4 a day. One at 9:00, one at 12:00, one at 3:00, and one at 6:00. He has to take a pill now because it's 9:17.
I gave him a cup of water and a pill.
"Pills are.. For losers," he mumbled. I smiled.
"Do you want to go somewhere?" He shakes his head.
"What would I do if I did go somewhere? Now, I have to walk around with crutches."
"Noah.. Why did you do it?" I asked.
"Do what?"
"You know what I'm talking about." He frowns.
"I don't know."
"Noah, please."
"I.. Can't tell you.. N-Not yet.." He mumbled. He leaned over.
"What're you doing?"
"I want to go downstairs." I carried him downstairs.
"Are you hungry?"
"Yes." I put him on the couch and made food. I gave him a plate of food.
"Thank you," he said, taking the plate. We both ate.
"I'm gonna go to the store. You have a pill to take in 2 hours if I'm not back by then. Please Noah. Don't try to do that again," I said and put a pill bottle next to him.
Wait.. What if he overdoses? I opened the bottle and took out one pill and put it there. I put the pill bottle away.
"Goodbye," he says. I leaned over to hug him.
"Bye." I went to the store, bought some things, and came back home. I opened the door and he was halfway up the stairs.
"Noah, what're you doing?"
"Trying.. To go.. To the bathroom," he groaned. I put my bags down and carried him to the bathroom. Once he was finished and washed his hands, I carried him back down the stairs and onto the couch. I grabbed a bag and gave it to Noah. I bought him some stuff.
"Thank you," he said with a smile on his face. I also bought him some flowers, but I left them in the car. I went to get them and brought them inside. The smile on his face got bigger.
"Here," I gave him the flowers. I sat next to him on the couch and he hugged me.
"You wanna watch a movie?" He nods his head.
"Okay, what movie?"
"I wanna watch a scary movie."
"Okay." I looked through all the scary movies we had.
It was between Annabella and Eli. We've never watched Eli before, so we'll watch that. I almost peed my pants.
Jenna opened the door.
"Frick, you're watching this movie??" Jenna never watched the movie either, but she watched the trailer and nearly died. She groaned, then sat down to watch it with us. She kept screaming.
After the movie, Noah took a pill, ate some food, and slept for a couple of hours before he had to take another pill.
He took a shower and went back to sleep. I ate some food and went to sleep a little while later.

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