People's Thoughts/Pasts and Facts

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This is just a little bit about Kai's, Noah's, and maybe a few other character's pasts. The next chapter, we'll continue the story.

Kai's POV

This past month has been great. I love Noah. Being with him is the best thing ever.
I'm not extremely upset about Bailey dying anymore. I'm still pretty sad, but I'm fine.
Mom stayed with her friend that day and she just left to go with her friend yesterday.
We started school about a week ago. Well, we started coming back to school. Things weren't so bad. I mean, Noah still got picked on and stuff, but I was able to stop it for the most part.
Because of the police incident, our first period project was postponed until this week.
I haven't been having very many nightmares about Noah anymore. Andy, Jacob, and some of my other friends finally stopped teasing me. Of course, I didn't tell them about me crying so much when Bailey died.
Jordan stopped pissing us off, Jay moved schools. Jenna's.. Well, she's still Jenna. Noah's the most adorable person in the world. He almost always has been to me.
Okay, to be honest, I've had a crush on Noah for awhile. He was homeschooled until 6th grade
It wasn't until 6th grade graduation when I realized that the little mute boy was so cute. It's also when I realized I was gay.
At the beginning of 7th grade was when I told Jay. Jay liked Noah too, but he had his eyes out on someone else. He didn't care about who I liked unless he also liked them.
I thought he stopped liking Noah in 8th grade, which apparently, he did not.
He had a boyfriend. His name's Joey.
Me and Joey weren't really friends. We weren't enemies either. We were more like.. Um.. How do I put this? We.. I don't know, we were just acquaintances, I guess. We never really talked or anything.
But anyway, Jay and Joey dated. Jay liked him for a few weeks before he got tired and wanted someone new.
Jay was, and still is, pretty ugly, not gonna lie. I'm surprised Joey even liked him. Finding a new boyfriend would be pretty hard for him, so he didn't.
He pushed Joey around, threatened him, everything, until one day, Joey couldn't take it anymore.
I tried to stop him, but I couldn't. He just wouldn't listen.
On April 22nd, 2016, Joey took his own life. I felt terrible. I hated the fact that my best friend is the reason for someone's suicide. I couldn't live with that. No, I didn't kill myself either.
I told Jay that we couldn't be friends anymore. He begged me and apologized so much that I started feeling bad, so I accepted his apology.
That maybe wasn't such a good decision. I mean, if I didn't, it could've been worse.
I couldn't bare to think what he'd do to Noah. There's.. No, I can't even say it. It makes me feel sick. To think people do that to other people, then to think of them doing it to Noah. It makes me feel queasy.
I'm just glad that I have Noah. If I didn't drive that way to school or not go to school that way, I could've never met him.

Noah's POV

Being with Kai and moving in with him and his family has been the best thing that I'd ever done. They're very accepting.
I really want to spend the rest of my life with Kai. He's the only reason I'm still alive, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a big crybaby.
Okay, okay. I'm only joking. Partly. He doesn't get mad easily, but Jenna was not lying. When he gets mad, he gets mad.
Once, someone bumped into me and he almost punched his face off. He would've if I didn't stop him. I told him that if he does that, a lot of bad things could happen. He says I worry too much. I do not.
I mean, I constantly worry about things that could happen, but I worry just as much, if not, a little bit more then anyone else should.
Growing up, I only had one person, Mason. Well, I had one friend who I had an enormous crush on. But he was imaginary..
Mason is 6 years older than me.
You're a probably wondering how he's the oldest and I'm related to him, not Terri. I'll explain my Mom's complicated relationship.
She married my real Dad, Gabriel, who I recently found out is bi and dating Caleb.
Together, Gabriel and Mom had Mason. They divorced. Mom had Terri with who I call my Dad. I only call him Dad because he's who I grew up with.
Anyway, those two got divorced. Mom got back together with Gabriel, had me, then divorced again.
That's when she married David. At first, Dad had custody over me until I was 8. I was forced to visit him and I got raped.. A lot..
I came back home to Mom, David, and Terri who starved and abused me. Mason was usually at school, so he couldn't always protect me.
Life was hell. I couldn't stand it. When I turned 11, I started cutting myself. It was a way to calm myself down.
Kai told me to stop a little over a month ago. I told him I couldn't. I'm still dealing with these problems. Not physically, but mentally. Every so often, I get nightmares about things I'd rather not talk about.
Starting last week, I continued cutting myself. He found out again and we had a long conversation. Luckily, he wasn't as upset as last time.
It was mainly just me telling him that it's the only reason I could stay sane. The only reason I could live. It takes my mind off of stuff.
He said he doesn't want me to, but if it really helps me, I can. He just doesn't want to see me doing it. I cut myself in the bathroom.
Kai's Mom figured out two days ago and considered a therapist, but I hate therapy. I've been in therapy from age 4 to age 12 when I just couldn't stand it anymore.
I stopped going. I was sent to a mental institution when I was 13 because I tried committing suicide. I stayed there for 6 months. I hated it. I never want to go there again.
I tried committing suicide seven times. Eight if you count what happened last month.
Remember I said that the reason I was mute wasn't because Mason died?
The reason is because around the age we start talking, maybe 1 or 2, David told me something I'd never forget.
"If your disgusting ass ever talks in front of me, I'll kill you slowly." He told me other stuff, but it'd give me nightmares even to think about it. I've never said a word until me and Kai started dating.
I'm so glad he took me away. Away from that hell hole I've been living in since I was so little.
I'm just thankful that I have him.

Jordan's POV

I'm not very interested in Noah. Kai though. He's pretty good looking. Jay said that I could have him as long as I brought Noah to him.
Jay works with Noah's step-dads, some pretty big drug dealers and criminals.
Jay's my cousin. He's part of our "gang." It's not really a gang. It's more of a club for jerks. Okay, I admit. I'm a jerk. A huge one at that.
The deal with Jay. Aside from us having Kai and Noah, he'd give me a lot of money, which could help my Mom.
She's been working two jobs and has to raise me and my little siblings. My Dad's a drug addict who left us when I was 15.
I hated him so much. I wanted to kill him. I know I can't do that, but shit, I already did. My Mom doesn't know. She thought he was murdered by some random guy. Hell, if she knew..

Jacob's POV

I've been Kai's friend for a long time. I grew up next to him. We had to move, but didn't move too far. My Mom just wanted me to be closer to the school.
I had terrible anger issues as a kid. I'd get mad at the littles things.
Someone sat on my spot? I'd punch them.
Bumped into me? I'd kick them. I never got expelled, but I got suspended a lot.
He helped me stop getting mad so easily in 4th grade. I'm a pretty chill guy now.
To be honest.. I.. I like Kai.. Okay, okay. I'm gay. I'm not actually straight.
Truth is, I've liked him ever since I met him.
When he got with Noah, he became really happy. He was already a pretty guy. Pretty happy! I meant pretty happy guy. When him and Noah got together, he got really happy. I'm not jealous. I'm still a bit sad, but.. I'm really happy for him. He's not my boyfriend, but he is my best friend, and I'd do anything to keep that.

Kyle's POV

Umm.. What am I supposed to say?

Jenna POV

Kai's my big brother. 2 years older than me. I'm never saying this to him, but I love him. Well, he's my brother.
Okay, I may seem like I hate his guts, but I can't stand to see him upset.
When Bailey died, it was hard on me, but it was depressing for him. It made me want to cry and cry and cry. Bailey died. His dog died. He's had Bailey for so long, and she died.
(Holy freak guys. If you've read Stone Fox.. Talk to me)
I couldn't stand to see my big brother cry. He didn't cry a lot. I've seen him cry maybe once or twice before she died. Actually, he did cry when Noah.. When he.. Did that.. But when Bailey died, I felt like something just ripped his heart out.
I felt so guilty. I knew that he was deeply in love with Bailey. If he could, he'd probably marry her really. But she died and.. Words couldn't describe how guilty I felt.
The worst thing is that Kai's my brother. Mg big brother. He's protected me my whole freaking life and all I do is act like a giant jerk.
Whenever someone pushed me or something, he'd nearly kill them. I wish I could redo my life and redo my actions towards him.

120 lbs
Smart, cool, popular, protective, funny, generous, caring, friendly, sweet
Short, dark brown hair and blue eyes

97 lbs
Mute, adorable, PTSD, suicidal depressed, stressed out, unstable
Short light brown hair with a few dark brown streaks and amber eyes

100 lbs
Sassy, rude, bipolar, concerns some people, popular
Long brown hair with dyed red streaks and blue eyes

117 lbs
Gullible, weird, also concerns people, funny, popular, outgoing
Short black hair with light brown streaks and brown eyes

122 lbs
Smart, popular, cool, funny, chill, friendly, Kai's lifelong best friend
Short blonde hair and green eyes

Old Jay
131 lbs
Bipolar, normally friendly, happy, popular, cool, funny
Red hair and brown eyes

New Jay
131 lbs
Bipolar, bully, rude, hateful, mean, unfriendly, Jordan's cousin
Red hair and brown eyes

123 lbs
Same traits as New Jay
Reddish brown hair with bright red streaks and brown eyes

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