Chapter 11

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Kai's POV

Noah woke up suddenly at around 2. He was sweaty and crying.
"What's wrong?" I ask. He doesn't say anything.
"Noah, w-"
"Leave me alone!" He screams, then he runs down the stairs. I quietly walk down after him.
I look around and see that he's sitting in the corner with his hands covering his face. I walk to him.
"What's wrong Noah?"
He doesn't turn around or say anything. I put my hand on his shoulder. He turns around quickly, jumping up.
"Noah, what happened?" He shakes his head and crawls back to the corner, still crying. He didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.
I could barely sleep that night. I was up from 2 to 5 and then I went back to sleep and officially woke up at 7.
I guess everything's okay now, because when I woke up, he was laying next to me hugging me.
I sat up.
"What happened last night?" I ask.
He sits up, wiping his tears.
"I.. Don't wanna talk about it.." He mumbles.
"Oh, okay. Do you want some breakfast?"
He nods his head.
I made pancakes, then we got dressed and went to the park.
We were sitting on the swings and I noticed Jay.
"Hey," I say, but he looks upset.
"What ha-" he punched me in the face.
"What the hell!?" I yell at him.
He pushed me off the swings and I stand up quickly. Noah looks terrified.
Jay tried punching me again, but I blocked it with my arm.
"You fucking bitch!!" He screams at me.
"What!?" He pushes me down again and whispers to me, grinding his teeth.
"You fucking knew I liked him and now you're dating him." I push him off of me.
"I didn't!" I yell. He shakes his head.
"Of course you didn't! You never payed attention to me!!"
"Well I have a life too!" I clench my fists, getting ready to punch back if he tries again.
His nose began twitching. He mumbled something, but I didn't care. I know that he wasn't good with his ex boyfriend. He was abusive and rude and forceful.
I thought he changed. Regardless, I'm not going to let him take Noah. Who knows what he'll try to do. If he even touches Noah, I'll kill him.
Jay glares at me, then turns quickly to walk away.
Noah jumps off the swings and runs towards me.
"Are you okay??" He asks. I nod my head.
"I'm going to kill him.." I mumble. Noah frowns and turns my head to make me look at him. He shakes his head and hugs me.
I realize that if I leave Noah alone for just a minute or two, Jay would have him. I need to watch him as closely as I can. I just don't want him to think that I see him as a baby or that I'm clingy.
"Let's go back," Noah says. We stand up and drive home.
On the way, we passed by an ice cream truck.
"You want one?" I ask Noah, pointing to the truck.
"A whole truck??" He says looking shocked.
"You know what I mean," I say and he laughs. I pull over and we get out the car and walk towards the truck.
Noah points to one.
"Can I have two rainbow things?" I can't believe I asked for two rainbow things. Of all the words I could've used, I say things.
"That's two dollars," the man says, handing me the popsicles.
I give him two dollars and we walk back to the car.
I gave one to Noah and we started driving again.
When we got home, there was someone standing on the porch. I didn't recognize who it was at first, but I realized that was the police officer.
I pull over and get out the car.
"Hello again," he says.
"Hi. Is something wrong?" I ask, but he shakes his head.
"I'm here to inform you that the adoption letter was approved." He walks away.
Noah runs up to me and asks what happened.
"The adoption letter was approved. You can stay!" I say with a big smile, then Noah hugs me.
A few hours later at 2, we went swimming in the pool in my backyard.
"You can swim, right?" I ask, holding my hand out to help him get into the pool.
"I don't know," he says, slowly walking into the pool.
When he's in the pool, he starts kicking his legs and swims around. He swims towards me and kisses me.
"Genius, they were having a moment." I look up to see Kyle jumping into the pool and Jacob looking amused.
"How'd you even get in?" I ask them.
"Your Mom let us in," Kyle says.
"My Mom's not even here."
"What the crackhead meant to say is we hopped the fence," Jacob says, sitting down next to the pool.
I shake my head, sighing.
"I don't even want to ask how you both scrambled your heavy asses up a 7 foot fence," I mutter, pulling Noah a bit closer.
"We're not that heavy. Well, I'm not," Kyle says, shaking his hair.
"Oh, I heard what happened with you and Jay.." Jacob says.
"How'd you know about it?" I ask. He smiles at me.
"Word gets around," he says, putting his glasses on, and sitting on a lawn chair.
"Wait, is this the first time you've done this?" I ask.
"Yes, totally. Definitely," Jacob says, but I could tell he was lying.
"Kai, you know he liked you too?" Jacob asks. "He really liked you." Well great, another thing to think about.
"I'm bored," Kyle groans.
"Well maybe you should think about that before you hop someone's fence," I say jokingly.
"Well what? Am I supposed to bring a freaking Monopoly?"
"I wouldn't know. I've never hopped someone's fence before," I say.
About thirty minutes later, they left and me and Noah had alone time again.
Noah began shivering.
"What's wrong?"
"The water's just cold," he mumbled.
There was a small tablet for controlling the temperature.
I walked to the tablet and turned the temperature up.
"That better?" I ask, stepping back into the pool.
He nods his head.
"Thank you," he mumbles.
We got out an hour later, ate dinner, watched a movie, and went to bed.

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