Work problems.

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No ones POV.

6 months later.

Months have passed, since Y/N, Clementine and A.J have arrived at Wellington and their lives are much better now. They feel safe behind the walls, like no other place could. The people, for the most part, are some of the nicest people they've met. A.J is growing like a weed, he's even started to learn how to crawl. They became good friends with the overseer, Dutch and they got a brand new and comfy couch. least when there not at their jobs. Edith agreed to look after A.J when Y/N and Clem are working. Clem works at the gun room, where she and other girls are doing assortment of thing. From assembling guns to cleaning them. The job wasn't hard for the young pre-teen girl, it was some of the other girls that was making her job more stressful than it needed to be. The other girls she was working with were about three to four years older than her and they barley did, if any work. They just sat there and talked about boys and other girl stuff. She was gonna lose her mind, but she had to keep working to get payed 30 caps in hour on a 8 hour long shift. However, Y/N's work was much more harder than his friends job. Y/N's job was going on supply runs with the community's militia. Seems simple enough. But, like Clem's job, the people he works with are a bunch of immature kids half his age. Especially with the gunsmiths son, Adrian.

Adrian: "Y/N, get that crate inside the back of the truck. Now!"

Him, Y/N and some other people were about 10 minutes away from Wellington, at a small town. They found a supply gold mine inside a house, in the basement. It had loads of food and water, ammo and medicine. Y/N picked up the crate and it was really heavy. Y/N was getting stronger. But, Adrian kept on pressuring the poor boy and was struggling to hold it and eventually, Y/N dropped it. All of the food that was in the crate broke and spilled all over the floor. Adrian stomps over to him with a very pissed off face.

Adrian: "What the hell was that?! Do you not want to eat tonight?!" He shouts as the rest of the group watch the scene unfold as Y/N picks up the food that fell on the ground.

Adrian: "Pick this shit up now or I will take your payment for the day!" He shouts. He looks at the the other people watching the whole thing. "Hey, this ain't a free show! Get back to work! We're losing daylight!" They quickly get back to work loading up the truck. Y/N then got very pissed off and shot straight up and picked up some of the rations and marched straight to Adrian. Who was smoking a cigarette.

Y/N: "Hey, Adrian. If your so worried about people going hungry tonight." He throws the rations in his face. "Why don't you do some work? Instead of laying on your ass all day?" Adrian then looked like he was about to punch the boy, so Y/N stood his ground, getting ready for a punch. But, Adrian just laughs.

Adrian: "You've got guts, kid. I'll give you that. But your not worth my energy. Especially one where his father raised him to be a whining little bitch." Y/N eyes had a shocked and angry expression. Y/N then points his finger at his face.

Y/N: "Say one more thing about my father! Final warning..." People turned their attention to the kids again. Y/N then walked off but Adrian grabbed his shirt sleeve and turns his attention to him.

Adrian: "Hey! Just because you got your dad killed, don't mean you have to-."Suddenly, Y/N kicked him in the knee and Adrian fell on his knees and Y/N tackles him. The other people run up to them, where Y/N is on top of Adrian and just throws punches at the kid. The people separated them from each other, where they try to reach to each other to kill each other. Just then, Adrian's father, Burke, rides in on his horse and fires a gunshot in the air. Everyone separates from each other and Burke gets off his horse and angrily walks towards him.

Burke: "What In Sam hell is going on here?! Start explaining, Now!"

Adrian: "This fucking psycho just started punching me, Pa!"

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