Breaking point.

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Javi's POV.

I made my way to the others as the walkers walked right passed me to the generator.

Clem: "You made it. Good job, Javi."

David: "Yeah, He barely made it." He said, Walking past me. I swear, even before the world ended, he still has to find some way to bust my balls.

Javi: "Now That we're here. We need to find the keys to that bulldozer to roll over all the walkers with."

Ellie: "Can't Wait to see all those fuckers to become walker pancakes."

Kate: "That's not the only thing we'll use it for. We can also use it to seal that breach in the city." David then walks over to the garage entrance and looks at a blue truck.

Javi: "David, that's not gonna do the job, bro."

David: "No, it is." He looks at us. "I'm leaving. We are all leaving."

Javi: "What? And go where? You seen that horde out there."

David: "I'm taking my family out of here." He looks at me and Clem. "You two kept my family safe. Your coming too."

Y/N: "That's not your decision to make, David."

Javi: "This wasn't the plan, David. We need to save Richmond."

David: "Richmond is gone, Javi! Don't you get that?"

Kate: "This all started when we first knocked on their door! We brought the dead to them! All of us! We can't just abandoned them! Not after all we did!"

Ellie: "She's right. I may hate this place but most of these people don't deserve to die this way!"

David: "We are going home, Kate! Back to where we were a normal family! Starting all over!"

Javi: "David, this is crazy talk! Our old home is gone, like everything else!"

David: "I thought I lost you guys once. I won't let that happen again."

Gabe: "I'll...I'll go with you dad."

Clem: "Gabe?"

Javi: "Think about this, buddy." He ignores us and walks towards David.

Gabe: "He's my dad. You wouldn't understand."

Y/N: "Actually, I do. I get it that he's your father and I would be doing the same thing if David was my dad. But we all know you wouldn't last five minutes in that horde with a truck like that." He doesn't respond to what he said.

Kate: "Gabe, do you really want this?"

Gabe: "I know this is scary but I have to."

David: "You don't have to be afraid, Gabe. I won't let what happened to Mariana, happen to you." I had enough of his shit, so I shouted.

Javi: "That's fucking bullshit, David! She was lucky to have us! At least we were actually around to raise her!"

Gabe: "Javi, just stop...this is what I want."

Kate: "I understand. I'm still going back though. I won't be able to live with myself if i don't try to help those people."

David: "Tif! You won't be alive at all if you do that! Richmond is Dead! Don't matter if it was five of us or five hundred to save it. We'd all be dead. I know a losing battle when I see one!" Kate shakes her head in anger and stomps to him. "We're moving out! Everyone get in. That's an or-." Suddenly, Kate slaps him in the face.

Kate: "How fucking dare you! What will it take, David? What will it take that you never get to do that?!" We all looked at her surprised. "We are not your soldiers! I can't believe I ever loved you!" David looks at her shocked as she walks away from him and over to me. "Let's go, Javi."

David: "Why the fuck would you wanna go with him?!" She gets close to my face and kisses me. "Javi, What the fuck is this?!"

Javi: "David, I thought you died! We were in that van for years! YEARS!" David then clenched his fists.

David: "I should have known. Known the night pa died, the night you weren't there!" We began circling around each other. "Blood is worthless to you, just like he was to you, just like I am to you! Well now it's time you finally Learn what blood really means!" He then comes up and punch's me in the face, which sends me stumbling back.

Kate: "David!"

Gabe: "Dad!"

David: "What do you have to say for" I then have flash's back to when me and pa had that card game. The night I found out he had cancer. I remember what he told me...told me to...take care of my brother...

Javi: "I love you!" David became star struck at what I said. But quickly looks at me with anger.

David: ", you don't get to say that!" He says as he punches me in he stomach and in the face, which sends me into the ground.

Ellie: "David, Stop!" He ignores their cries and grabs a crowbar out of a tool box. He then marched back up to me.

David: "How fucking dare you!"

Kate: "David, put it down!"

Clem: "Don't do this!"

Gabe: "Oh my god!" I quickly stood up.

Javi: "I love you!"

David: "NO! STOP SAYING THAT!" He hits me with the crowbar and I land on the ground with more force. He then gets on top of me and Y/N runs in to stop the fight.

Y/N: "David, that's enough!" He says as he grabs his arm but David hits him with the crowbar and Y/N falls to the floor.

Ellie: "Y/N!"

Clem: "Oh my god!" David puts the crowbar against my throat and chokes me with it.


Kate: "David, No!"



Clem: "I'm warning you, Stop!"

Javi: "I..I love you, Brother..."

(Did you show your love or fought back?)

David: "NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Suddenly, David gets shot in the arm and gets off me. When I looked to see who shot him, it was Clementine. It looked like she was about to shoot him again but shot a walker coming up behind him.

Ellie: "Holy fuck!" Suddenly, the generator shuts off and the walkers shamble towards us. David hit a walker with the crowbar as we ran inside to be safe from the walkers. I look back to seeing David closing the garage door with Gabe outside.

Javi: "David! What is he doing?!" I say as I go to open the garage door. As I opened it, I see the blue truck that David was gonna take and drives off with walkers following them.

Y/N: "Their gonna die out there!"

Kate: "Gabe wanted to go! You heard them!" She looks at the bulldozer. "I'm getting on that thing and saving Richmond!"

Y/N: "Fine!" He looks at a motorcycle. "I'll go and help them! Clem and Ellie, you should go and help Javi and Kate!"

Javi: "He's my brother, Y/N! I'm going with!"

Y/N: "Okay." He looks at Clem and she kisses him.

Clem: "Don't you dare die on me!"

Y/N: "You know I'm hard to kill."

Clem: "Don't get cocky now." Ellie walks up to him too and hugs him.

Ellie: "I can't afford to lose two friends in one day."

Y/N: "Look, I'm gonna be fine. You both should know that." He looks behind him to see a bunch of assault rifles in a locker and grabs them and hands them to his friends. "Takes these. You gonna need them." They nodded and went over to the bulldozer with Kate. As we got on the motorcycle, I asked.

Javi: "Why are you helping me?"

Y/N: "Cause I've lost my father in a situation like this. Gabe's not the kind of kid that should go through that too." I took a sec to process what he said and reaved up the bike and we drove off the save Gabe and David from getting themselves killed.

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