Greaving brother.

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Clem's POV.

We got back to the gates of Prescott. We pull up in front of it and nodded for Javi to run inside to check on his family. I put the car in park and Y/N got in the front seat with me.

Y/N: "So, What do you think? Should we just leave while we still have enough gas or should we stay and go with Javi?"

Clem: "I don't know. Javier and his family seem cool and smart. But I don't want them to get mixed up in The New Frontier."

Y/N: "Cool? Sure, but smart, not really."

Clem: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Did you not see what Gabe and Kate did back at the Junkyard? They ran out in the line of fire."

Clem: "They lost someone they loved. They weren't thinking straight."

Y/N: "Well, they shouldn't have ran out there still. We could've died."

Clem: "Well, were still alive. So get over it!" He sighs and rests his head on his hand while leaning on the car door.

Y/N: "Your right, sorry. It's just that, now that New Frontier's around this area, I don't even wanna think would happen if they found us. Especially with what we did."

Clem: "It wasn't our fault what happened. You know it and I know it. They drove us to do that."

Y/N: "I know, but...A.J..." A tear went down his cheek. What happened to A.J, broke Y/N, almost to the point of insanity. I leaned closer to him and hugged him. He hugged me back. We stayed in this position for a while and let go of each other.

Clem: "I think we should try and help Javi and his family. It's the least we can do for him."

Y/N: "How So?"

Clem: "We should get them out of Virginia. So that New Frontier don't find them and us."

Y/N: "Well, we'll have talk with Javi, if it's okay with him."

Clem: "Yeah, but we're probably gonna need a bigger car." We both snicker at this. As we talked about random things for a bit, we heard someone grunting outside. We got out and saw Javi's nephew, Gabe, stabbing a dead walker.

Y/N: "Gabe?" He ignored him and kept stabbing at the walker. "I'm...sorry, about your sister. It ain't easy losing a family member, I know that." Gabe stops for a moment before he went back to stabbing it. "The least you can try and do for her is-."

Gabe: "YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!" He said, standing straight up. Y/N backed away a little bit.

Y/N: "I'm just trying to-."

Gabe: "To What?! Make me feel better, by giving me your pity?! Don't you even think about doing that, after you got my sister killed!"

Y/N: "Now Wait a minute, I didn't get her killed! I tried to save her!"

Gabe: "Well, you didn't try hard enough! Just...just leave me alone..." He said as he went back to stabbing the walker. Just then, Javi came out and gave us confused looks. We both shrugged as he went to Gabe.

Javi: "Hey, Gabe, come on..." He said, putting a hand on his shoulder. He stops and looks up at Javi.

Gabe: "I wanna go back and bury Mariana."

Clem: "We already did. It was...peaceful."

Gabe: "How could've it been peaceful? She's dead now, got shot by some asshole!"

Javi: "I know you miss her, buddy. I do too, very much."

Gabe: "And Kate? She needed me when she went through surgery. She needed my help!" He got up and threw out the sharp object. "I just ran away like some dumbass kid!"

TWDG S3: THE NEW FRONTIER. (A Male reader X Clementine story). Where stories live. Discover now