Locked up.

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Clem's POV.


The whole bar went silent after that gunshot. I looked at my gun, which had smoke coming out of the the barrel. Then I looked at the guy and...Oh god...I shot him in the head...

Clem: "Oh no. Oh no, no, no!" I Said as the guys body fell off the chair.

Conrad: "Drop the gun! Right fucking now!" He said as he grabbed his shotgun from the shelf behind him and goes over to us. I look at Y/N for what we do now.

Y/N: "Let me do the talking." He gets in front Of me with his hands up. Conrad goes up to us with his shotgun pointed at us.

Conrad: "I fucking warned you girl!"

Y/N: "He attacked me first! She only shot because-."

Conrad: "Enough with that mouth! Tell her to drop it! Now!!"

Y/N: "Clem. Throw the gun to him." I do what he says and I throw the gun to Conrad's feet.

Tripp: "There's a big herd out there and your firing off fucking-." Tripp marched in and witnessed the mess that unfolded. "What the fuck happened?!"

Y/N: "He pulled out a knife! He was gonna cut Clementine with it! It was self defense!"

Tripp: "I wasn't talking to you! Conrad, what happened?"

Conrad: "I don't know. But I do know is that these kids are permanently banned from my bar! On top of that, I think Y/N's using that "Self Defense" as an excuse to go around killing everyone and fucking up my bar!"

Javi: "But he's telling the truth!" Javi came up to us, walking passed Them and gets in front of us. "I saw the whole thing from over there! He pulled out a knife and was going to kill them! Luckily, Y/N's good at hand to hand combat." Javi explains as he turns and winks at us.

Tripp: "Is that what happened or are you just vouching for these little brats?"

Javi: "Look at me right in the eye. I'm telling the gods honest truth."

Tripp: "Well, I'm still locking them up until I figure out what to do with them."

Y/N: "Now hang on!"

Clem: "Are you kidding me, Tripp?"

Tripp: "No, I'm not! Now move!" We go passed them and we follow Tripp outside to the cage. He opens the gate and we go in. He locks the door and gives us a pissed off look. "I'd adda punch your fucking lights out! Both of you! But, that guy was an A-plus Asshole. I'll even sent someone to have a look at your cut." He said as Y/N looked at the cut on his arm. Javi came up to the cage.

Javi: "You guys okay?"

Clem: "Yeah. We're good. You don't need to worry about us."

Y/N: "Yeah. And Javi?"

Javi: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "I don't say this often, but thanks for having our backs there. It was...Well, it was real kind of you." He said as he sat down on the cot.

Javi: "Of course. I still owed you guys and that was the right moment. After all, we are a team."

Clem: "Thanks. But, don't think that makes us friends or anything."

Y/N: "Yeah, we won't be around here for too long once we get your van."

???: "Hello?" A woman came up behind Javi. It's Elenor. "I'm Elenor. I'm What passes for a Doctor around here."

Javi: "Pleasure is all mine. I'm Javier."

Elenor: "Is it now?" She said as she smiled at him. Y/N groans and says.

Y/N: "Hey, sorry to intrude on your romantic affinity's toward each other, but my arms hurting a little. So could you help me out here?"

Elenor: "Oh! Yes, of course. My bad." She enters the cage and looks at his arm. "Well, it doesn't appear to be infected or anything. It just needs some bandages and you'll be okay." She bandaged his arm and says. "So, Y/N, whats your story with Javier here?"

Clem: "We found him on the highway, kidnapped by some asshole. We set up an ambush and saved him. Now we're taking back to his people at a junkyard. He's rewarding us with his van to drive outta here."

Elenor: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Listen, the best thing you guys can do, is leave town immediately at first light. All the people here will start to go after you and we don't want a big riot going on. So, I'll give you guys some horses to ride to that junkyard. If you'd like."

Y/N: "That's quite an offer, Elenor. Won't we get into trouble?"

Elenor: "No, but I probably will. With Tripp anyway..."

Javi: "I think the best thing we can do is wait. Instead of sneaking out. My family need somewhere to go after when I give you guys my van. And this towns me and my family's best hope."

Clem: "I guess it's settled then. We should all get some sleep."

Javi: "Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired. There a hotel here in this place?"

Elenor: "Yeah. I'll show you, come on."

Javi: "Good night."

Y/N and Clem: "Night." He leaves with Elenor and that left me and Y/N alone in this cage. He takes off Kenny's hat and places it on the ground next to him. He then started chuckling a little.

Clem: "What's funny?"

Y/N: "Oh nothing. Just thinking about how shitty this whole nights been. From fucking up trying to get that truck, to being locked up in this half-assed cage. Definitely going on my list top ten worsts nights of my life." I chuckled and sat next to him.

Clem: "Well, it's not all bad. Least Tripp was being less of a dick than he normally is and this cage ain't all that bad."

Y/N: "Really? No way."

Clem: "Yeah. Plus, I've got you in here with me to keep me company. I would choose no one else."

Y/N: "Well, that's really kind of you, Clementine."

Clem: "Of course. Anything for you..." I then looked at his eyes, his pupils dialed in the moon light. Whoa, I've...never noticed how pretty his eyes were...Those...Y/E/C starring into mine...

Y/N's POV.

Wow. Her eyes...Those Golden brown eyes starring into me... And the way her skin looks in this lighting too...

No ones POV.

The two young kids then put their hands close together and eventually, they locked and held hands. Clem then closed her eyes and leaned closer to him. Y/N hesitated at first but he did the same thing. They got closer...Closer...Almost connected lips together...

Tripp: "HEY!" He bangs on the cage and the kids jumped and unlocked hands. "No screwing around in there!" He walks away and they looked at each other, Awkwardly.

Y/N: "I'm uhh...Gonna get some sleep..."

Clem: "Yea, right umm...Goodnight." She gets up and lays down on the other cot. As she lays there, she thinks about what was about to happen. She almost kissed the boy she knew since she was eight. Y/N thought the same thing too. They'd been friends for four years now. Were they really gonna kiss right there? Or were they dreaming?

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