Ep 3: Above the law.

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Flashback #2

Clem's POV.

It was a chilly and dark night out and me, Y/N, Ellie, Sam, David And a bunch of other New Frontier soldiers are on a two day supply run for Richmond. We got everything we need from our shopping list but the problem is that A.J is sick and they won't even give him even a little medicine! So me and Y/N made a plan to get A.J some medicine. He distracts the rest of them while I go and get A.J some medicine for this sickness he has. I just pray that it's not fatal. I carry A.J to a tent where we keep all the medicine while I see Y/N talking to the rest of the guys about how he got his scar. As I got to the tent, I gasped quietly when I saw Lingard there sleeping. This guys our doctor but I think he's also a drug addict. I then heard A.J crying.

Clem: "A.J, please. You have to be quiet. Do this." I put my hands on my mouth and he does the same thing. "Good job. Let me see here..." I looked inside the medicine box and found the medicine we needed. I read the labels. "Damn it. Of course it needs a shot." I then saw a syringe on top of the box and picked it up. I put the needle in the medicine bottle and got it in the syringe. That's when I heard Dr. Lingard yawn. He looks terrible.

Dr. Lingard: "Clem..."

Clem: "Dr. Lingard? What's wrong with you?"

Dr. Lingard: "Oh nothing, I'm okay." He looks at the medicine in my hand and looks at A.J. "That's the last of the Vancomycin. Please, don't. It's gonna get wasted on poor A.J."

Clem: "You selfish jerk! You rather have it yourself than help a baby!"

Dr. Lingard: "Because that stuff won't do jack for him. I'm sorry kid. I tried everything I could for him. I really did."

Clem: "This WILL help him."

Dr. Lingard: "Clem, sweet pea-."

Clem: "I told you not to call me that!"

Dr. Lingard: "Right, sorry. But there's nothing you can do for that boy now. Just put the drugs back, before anyone finds out you took 'em." I look at The syringe and A.J.

Clem: "I'm sorry. But A.J needs this more than anyone else here." I took A.J arm and he squirms a little. "Hey, it's okay goofball. It's only gonna sting for a little bit." I inject the syringe into his arm and push the medicine in his arm but he screams loudly and that alerts David. "No, A.J!"

David: "What the hells going on here?!" He looks at the scene and I run passed them.

Dr. Lingard: "I told her it was a bad idea!"

David: "Are you fucking high again, man?" He goes to him and yanks him off the cot. "Get your shit together!" He turns to me as I try to back away. "What in gods name were you thinking?! Giving him medicine that we told you wouldn't work?! How could you be so damn selfish?!"

Y/N: "Says the guy that won't help a sick baby!" Y/N runs up to me and stands in front of me as the rest of the group slowly surrounds us.

David: "Your in on that too?!"

Y/N: "Of course I was! I'd do anything to keep Clementine and A.J alive. Give my life for them."

David: "There's Nothing left to do for your kid! That medicine. Could cost somebody's life down the road! Someone in this camp! Even your two friends, Ellie and Sam!"

Ellie: "First off, Id do the same things Y/N just said. I like A.J. Second off, they we're trying to help their kid, David."

Sam: "So really, That medicine was put to good use. So just chill out, David."

David: "No it wasn't! We did all we could for that kid! You two should've just left them out in that trailer where you found them!"

Clem: "But it's working! Look!"

Dr. Lingard: "It doesn't exactly work that way, Clem. All you did was give him a peaceful rest. Nothing more."

Y/N: "That's more than what you all have done for him!"

Sam: "Now That ain't fair!"

David: "You ungrateful little shits! We opened our arms to you, made you one of us! This is how you two repay us, by stealing?! Your done here!"

Clem: "This was about his survival! So don't put all of that on us!"

David: "It's always about survival! I think we have a better chance at that with you two gone."

Y/N: "Good! Because we were doing good for ourselves before we ran into you guys!"

Ellie: "No you weren't."

Y/N: "Don't piss me off even more, Ellie."

Dr. Lingard: "I think we should give them another chance."

David: "I gave them enough chances! You know exactly what Jone would say if she was here. I'm sorry, kids but you brought all of this on yourselves."

Clem: "Whatever, Fuck all of you. Let's get out of here, Y/N." We tried to walk away but some of the group blocked our way.

David: "Expect for your kid. He stays..." They slowly closed in on us.

Y/N: "Move. Out. Of. Our. Way!"

Clem: "Don't lay a fucking finger on us or A.J! I mean it!" They closed in on us and Max tried to grab Y/N but he kicked in the balls. Y/N try's to fight back but they grabbed him and held him. As for me, David grabbed me and Ellie took A.J from my arms and gave him to Lingard. David threw me and Y/N away from them. "YOU MONSTERS!!!" They all stood in front of Lingard with A.J in his arms. "Well what about this?!" I rolled up my sleeve, that had their brand on my arm. "We're still one of you!"

David: "Not anymore..."

Sam: "Let them say goodbye to him. Let them at least have that..."

David: "Fine. Say what you want to say, then you go. Don't make me regret this offer." We go passed them and to A.J. I take his hand.

Clem: "I love you, Goofball...We both love you..." I said trembling.

Y/N: "Be strong for us, little fireball. I'll never forget you..." He said, like he was about to ball his eyes out. We go passed the people we thought we could trust and don't look at them and go into the dark and cold night. Not looking back at A.J.

A.J: "Clem! Y/N!"

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I ligit almost cried writing this!!!

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