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Clem's POV.

Gabe, Ellie, Y/N and me go over to the kitchen to talk for a while.

Gabe: "God, my dads such an asshole! He was never like this before. Especially towards me. I mean, he had a few moments but never go as far as hurting me..."

Ellie: "Be thankful that both your parents are here, Gabe. Wanna know what happened between me and my parents? They left me in Toledo, when all this started." Gabe looked at her surprised. "Yeah, didn't even say goodbye to me. Just left me on the street while they took off in their car. Assholes."

Gabe: "This isn't a competition on who has the worst parents, okay?!"

Ellie: "Alright, sorry! I'm just...trying to make conversation." As her and Gabe talked, I looked over at Y/N, who was by the window, looking down into the streets filled with walkers.

Y/N: "Goddamn. There's so many of them. We're never gonna make it through that."

Clem: "Unless if we had a bulldozer maybe."

Y/N: "Wait, Say that again?"

Clem: "Unless if we had a bulldozer?" Y/N then clapped his hands together.

Y/N: "That's it! Remember the place where we got the truck?"

Clem: "Yeah, So-." I then realized where he was going with this. "The bulldozer at the expansion area."

Y/N: "Correct. We take that bulldozer and flatten those basterds all the way out of town."

Clem: "Great. We just need to figure out how to get there."

Y/N: "I don't know but we should-." Before he could finish, he noticed something out of the window. He opens it and sticks his head out. He quickly brings his head back in. "Tripp's down there!"

Elenor/Clem: "What?!" Elenor ran over to the window and looked down. I looked over her shoulder to see Tripp two stories below us on top of a car with the walkers surrounding him.

Elenor: "Tripp!! Look up!!"

Tripp: "Elenor! Y/N!"

Y/N: "Are you Alright?!"

Tripp: "I'm fine! Just stuck right now!" He said as he hit a walker with a wrench.

Elenor: "Hold on! We'll pull you up with something!" She brings her head back into the window and turns to Y/N. "Y/N, do you have anything in your bag?! Like a rope?!"

Y/N: "Yeah but it's not long enough!"

Elenor: "Shit!" She says as she puts her hand on her head in distress.

Ellie: "I've got an idea!"

Gabe: "What is it?"

Ellie: "Find things we can use to tie together with Y/N's rope. Like sheets, curtains, anything that's strong enough." We all nodded and separated to find what we need to save Tripp. I found some sheets in one of the bedrooms, Elenor found some curtains, Kate found some sheets too and Gabe, Y/N and Ellie found some towels. We tied them all together with the rope and tied the rope to the refrigerator door.

Kate: "Will this Hold?" I checked if it's tight enough and gave Kate a thumbs up. Y/N took the other end of the makeshift to the window.

Y/N: "Alright, Tripp take this! And you can climb up to us!" He said as he lowers the rope down to him. We saw the rope tighten up as I go over to the window and saw Tripp climbing the building up to us. "Just go nice and slow, Tripp and you'll be fine."

Gabe: "And don't look down!"

Everyone: "Shut up, Gabe!" Tripp got closer and closer to us as I looked at the rope and felt that something was off about it. I looked at the end of the rope and see It loosing up!

TWDG S3: THE NEW FRONTIER. (A Male reader X Clementine story). Where stories live. Discover now