We'll find you, A.J...

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Clem's POV.

We made our way to the bridge, outside of Richmond where we fought some walkers and jumped down off it to a garbage truck below and climbed off it onto the street. As we climbed down, we saw quite a few walkers in front of us. Too many to kill with our knifes. So I took out my pistol and shot the first one in front of me. Then Ellie and Y/N shot some walkers and soon we killed all of them in our way. After that, we came up to a crossroads and me and Y/N turned to Ellie.

Y/N: "So, your heading north I take it?" He said as he points north.

Ellie: "Yeah. I'm gonna try and find this community called The Hilltop. See if I can join them."

Clem: "You can come with us, Ellie. We don't mind your company."

Ellie: "I know that but the thing is that you both have enough to worry about. Looking out for each other, keeping your supplies in check and looking for A.J. You two don't need to worry about me, I can handle myself."

Y/N: "We know your capable, Ellie. Thats why it would be good to have you with us. Strength in numbers. Cause we don't know if those people that have A.J are friendly or not."

Ellie: "I want to go my own way. You two are smart, you can handle it." Me and Clem looked at each other and nodded in defeat.

Clem: "Okay, Ellie. If you wanna head your own way, that's okay." Me and Ellie then embraced ourselves in a hug. "I'll miss you, El."

Ellie: "And I'll miss you too, Clemy clue."

Y/N: "Hey, What am I? Chopped liver?"

Ellie: "Course I cant forget to hug my favorite big oaf." She went up to Y/N and they shared a hug goodbye. The let go of each other and Ellie backs away from us. "I won't forget you guys."

Clem: "We won't, El."

Y/N: "I might forget some things. But not everything." They both laugh and we parted ways. We are heading south to Charlotte and Ellie's heading up north. Before we got to far away from each other, we looked back and waved goodbye to each other.

Soon we will see you again A.J. I promise......

Clem's and Y/N's story will continue...

Season three done for my friends!!! Now, if you haven't seen my last announcement, I'm making a short story of Clem's and her boyfriend, Y/N's search for their long lost child, A.J. I think if I make this story, It would be a good way to hype up for Season four. Let me know if you want me to write that short story or not. Cause I'll make whatever my fellow readers want. Anyway, thank you all for reading THE NEW FRONTIER (Clem x male Reader story).

TWDG S3: THE NEW FRONTIER. (A Male reader X Clementine story). Where stories live. Discover now