The young shall surrvive.

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??? POV.

Ugh, damn! My fucking head hurts. I get my bearings together and realized I'm in the front seat of a moving truck, with my hands tied together. I try to wiggle out, but they're tied on tightly. I look over at the driver, who was the same guy that was at the junkyard.

???: "Hey, my family! Where are they?!" He ignored me and looked back at the road. "I'm speaking to you, asshole! What did you do to them?!"

The driver: "Let's just go ahead and pretend that your still asleep. Cause I wouldn't start talking if I was you. If we don't do things differently, I would've put a bullet in between your eyes after what you did to Lonnie back there!"

???: "What happened to your friend, was an accident."

The driver: "An accident. Right. You keep up with that mouth of yours, soon we're gonna find ourselves in another accident. You feel me?"

???: "Please. We were just trying to get gas for our-."

The driver: "Not another fucking word or god help me, I'll permanently put you to sleep! Now we still have got a ride ahead of us. So keep your trap shut and I-. What the hell?!" Up ahead, a tree started to fall onto the road.


The driver: "Oh shit!" He swerves to the left just as the tree was about to hit us and we crashed into a ditch. I shook my head to get my vision more clearer and I saw a gun on the dashboard. I quickly grabbed it and got out of the truck as the driver regained his consciousness and got out too. I chased after him and he was going up the hill.

???: "Hey!" I aimed my gun at him and he puts his hands up. He seems to not have anything to defend himself. So I lowered the gun and let him run off into the woods.

(Did you guys shoot the guy or let him go?)

I sighed and thought about how the tree fell. Before I could think anymore, I heard footsteps coming from around the front of the truck. I was about to raise my gun up at him until I heard a shotgun cock behind me. I see a young boy come from around the truck and he's aiming a pistol to my head. He's wearing a brown trucker hat, green army jacket, dark green pants and a scar across his left cheek.

The boy: "Drop it."

???: *quietly* "Fuck! Okay, okay, you got me."

???: "Good. Just keep looking at my friend there." The person behind me sounded like a young girl. I did what she said and kept eye contact with the boy. Honestly, he's scaring me a little with a vicious death stare.

???: "Look, I'm clearly am not a threat to you two, Okay? I surrender!"

The girl: "Well, that's obvious. Seeing as how you didn't shoot that guy." She goes to the gun I dropped and picked it up.

The boy: "Don't try anything to get you killed. Cause me or her will not hesitate to pull a trigger. Unlike you." He goes to the front of the truck and so does the girl. I followed them and said.

???: "Wait, your just a couple of kids...Did you two do that? With the tree"

The girl: "We we're trying to stop the truck."

The boy: "But I cut the tree down to late. Now this rig isn't capable of driving at least five feet." The boy said as he hands the girl an apple and takes a bite out of it.

???: "But, why?"

The boy: "To sell it chocolate. What the fuck do you think we were gonna do with it?" As he said that, the girl takes another bite of the apple.

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