Te quiero...

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Y/N's POV.

Me and Javi rode through the streets to track down where David and Gabe went. We narrowly avoided walkers in the way and other pieces of trash on the road.

Y/N: "How far could they be? They could be all the way out of Richmond for all we know!"

Javi: "I don't know! Just don't let your hat blow away!" I then held onto my hat as we continued down the street. Just when it seemed hopeless, I see something in the road up ahead.

Y/N: "Javi, stop the bike!" He stops the bike to where I saw something in the road. It looks like tire tracks along with some walkers ran over in the road. "That has to be David's doing. Follow it."

Javi: "My brother was always smart like that. Leaving behind something in case we got lost." He said as we rolled out. We turned on a street and saw the truck with walkers surrounding it and screaming from the inside.

Gabe: "Their everywhere!"

David: "Don't give up, Gabe!"

Javi: "Hang on, Gabe!" He said as he pulled out a pistol and his bat. I was about to come and help but I stood in my tracks when I look at this whole scene closer. It reminds me...of when me...and my dad and sister were on the highway...outside of Atlanta. Remembered what happened afterwards....No! I can't let that memory get to me! Not now! I'm not afraid of my nightmares anymore!!!! I took out my machete and pistol as I charged towards a bunch of walkers on one side of the truck with anger and hate. I kicked one walker in the leg and stabbed another with my machete in the head and shot the one I incapacitated in the head. I see five walkers approaching me and I took my pistol and shot all of them dead. One came up behind me and I kicked it in the knee and stomped on its head. I was about to shoot another walker but I ran out of bullets. So I took my knife out from my boot and stabbed it in its shoulder with my machete, which I forced it down to its knees and stabbed it in the head with my knife. I took both my blades out of the walker and stabbed one in the face with my machete and threw my knife At another's head. I took my machete back and ran to my knife but walkers were in my way. I then see a brick on the ground and picked it up to smash a walkers head in with it and killed the other two with my machete. I grabbed my knife from the walkers skull and took a minute to catch my breath while walkers are shambling towards me.

Y/N: "That's right, you mother fuckers! Come to me! Come get your fucking dinner!" I chopped at a walkers leg and made it fall to the ground, giving me a chance to slice it in the face. I get ready to hit another walker with my machete. I then build up all my rage and hate on this one walker. When It got close, I swung at its head so hard, I managed to slice its head clean off.

Gabe: "Javi, Y/N! Is that you?!"

Javi: "I'm coming Gabe!" He looks at me. "Help David. I'll get Gabe!" I nodded and ran towards the drivers side, where i see a walker inside the cap from the drivers side window. And that's when I heard screaming. David's screams! I ran at the walker and pulled it out by its legs and curb stomped it. I looked inside to see David with a bite mark on his neck.

David: "I couldn't fight them all, Javi....I'm sorry." He said holding his neck.

Javi: "Oh no, No, NO!"

Gabe: "Dad...?"

David: "Gabe no! Look away, Son!" He said, waving his hand. Javi reached in and helped his dying brother out of the truck and carried him over to a wall of cinder blocks. I look to Gabe.

Y/N: "Gabe...what happened?"

Gabe: "I...I tried to stop him, Y/N. That's why we crashed..." He said sobbing. I looked over at David, who was holding his neck, trying hard to talk to his brother. I walked up to them and stood next to Javi.

David: "You know what our pa told me...the day Gabe was born?"

Javi: "No, what?"

David: "It takes everything to raise a child, mijo. Not just money, patience or the time. I mean...everything." When you give everything, it's hard not knowing what to do when...Lose everything..." He said in his dying breath as he looks towards his son. I'm now getting flashbacks to when...my father...No! I can't think of that. Not now.

Javi: "I know it's not easy, David. But you did what you thought was right."

David: "Gabe..." He says weekly as his son looks at him. "Take care of him, Javi...you have to take care of each other..." He then looks at me. "Y/N...Thank you. For protecting my family...and my only son..." All I could do was nod in response. "Your a strong child...look for A.J...and always keep him close to you...as every father should do..."

Y/N: "He'll never leave my side again, David. I won't let that happen." Gabe then comes up to us and kneels down to his father. David then takes his sons hand.

David: "I'm sorry...I was a terrible father...I wish I could *cough* Could go back...And try again..."

Gabe: "At least you'll be with Mari." David nods, too weak to say anything else until.

David: "Te quiero, Gabreal..." He looks at Javi. "Te quiero, Javier..." He looks up at the sky. "Te quiero, Mariana..." He takes one more dying breath before he closes his eyes and dies.

Gabe: "I'll do it..."

Y/N: "No. Javi should do it."

Gabe: "He's my dad. He'd want me to."

Y/N: "No kid should ever have to do this to their parents. I...I had to do the same to my father...and it still haunts me...every single day...So David would never want you to go through with that. Please, let Javi do it..." I Said with a tear going down my face. Gabe nods and runs away from what's about to happen. Javi takes out his gun and loads it. He points it at his brother.

Javi: "Sorry, Brother...."


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