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Clem's POV.

2 months later...

It's a nice summer afternoon and it's the best time for hunting. Me and Y/N are walking along a railroad, with our rifles out. We were talking about random things as we walked along the tracks.

Y/N: "You really think we are gonna find something out here? We've been through here two times already and haven't even found a squirrel. I think we should try a different spot."

Clem: "This spots great. We just haven't had any luck yet."

Y/N: "We could really use some of that Lady Luck right now. The only thing we managed to catch was a rabbit and that barely fead anybody with that."

Clem: "We wont starve tonight. Don't worry."

Y/N: "It's not that I'm worried about. I'm worried they might not pay was anymore if we keep on coming back empty handed." Suddenly, I heard some bushes ruffling on my right. I then noticed some cars down by a small trail.

Clem: "Here's what we should do. I'll head down this way. You head down the other way and find us some game. I'm gonna check those cars."

Y/N: "Our one rule is to not go alone or split up when we're on this job. You know that."

Clem: "Just don't go to far. If something happens, just radio me." As I pull out a walkie talkie. Y/N reluctantly agreed and he went down the left side of the tracks. I went down to the cars and started searching them. I didn't find much and as I started searching the third one, I saw some stickers that looked awfully familiar. I picked them up and remembered. These are the same stickers I used to put on my walkie back in the motel! Before I could think anymore, I heard a walker approaching me and it pushed the door right on my hand!

Clem: "OH MY GOD!!!! FUCK!!!"

The walker got back up and I picked up a rock and hit it with it. As I tried to get my hand out of the door, more walkers came of the woods, slowly approaching me.

Clem: "Oh come on!" I then heard a gunshot and a walker went down. I look and it's Y/N, shooting with his rifle out.

Y/N: "GET AWAY FROM HER!!" He shot and killed the walkers and killed the last one with Luke's machete. He ran to me and saw my hand in the door. "Okay, um...I'm gonna have to open the door. It's gonna hurt..."

Clem: "Just Do it..."

Y/N nods and puts his hand on the handle.

Y/N: "On three. One...two...Three!" He opens the door quickly and the pain was unbearable. I looked at my hand and my third finger was bent backwards!

Clem: "Oh, God...Fuck..."

Y/N: "Let me see." He looks at my hand. "This is gonna get a very bad infection. We're gonna..."

Clem: "Gonna What?"

Y/N: "Gonna have to cut the finger off..." I looked at him in shock and disbelief.

Clem: "Can't we just get to Wellington and get it fixed?!"

Y/N: "No time. Remember what happened to that Gus guy? When his hand got caught in the gate? It infected so bad, he had to cut his hand off..." I looked at him with fear now.

Clem: *sigh* "Okay, but I'll do it." Y/N nodded and he hands me his knife. I take the knife and go to the car hood. I placed the broken finger on the hood and raised my knife in the air. I looked at my finger and closed my eyes for a lot of pain. I then quickly put the knife down hard at my finger and I felt no pain at first and saw my finger was gone.

Clem: "Ha..." I must have adrenaline filled in me to where I feel no pain, for a short while at least. Y/N ran to me and held me as I held my hand.

Y/N: "We need to get to Wellington and get this fixed." He said as he put a bandage around my missing finger. "Are you gonna be Okay?"

Clem: "Yeah. I still have nine left at least."

Y/N: *Chuckles* "Funny. Let's get a move on."

We got back on the tracks and I had a long and painful walk back to Wellington.

30 minutes passed...

Y/N's POV.

We saw the main gates and I began waving my hands in the air.

Y/N: "Gets the gates open! We have wounded!"

We got closer and the front gate opened with Edith, holding A.J on the other side of the gate.

Edith: "My god! What happened?!"

Y/N: "A car door slammed on her hand. She needs immediate medical attention, Now!"

Edith hands me A.J and we ran inside. We ran to the Doc's office and Edith took Clementine inside. A.J started to cry and reached out for Clementine. I then soothed him and said.

Y/N: "Hey, it's okay buddy. Clemy is just getting her hand looked at. She'll be fine."

I walked A.J to the waiting area and waited for Clementine to come out. I set A.J down in front of me to play with the toys on the ground. I sat down on a chair and watched him play with some action figures. A.J picked up one of the figures and grabbed his head and pulled it off! I looked at the baby boy surprised and he giggles at my reaction.

Y/N: "Wow! Violent one, ain't out?" Just then, Doctor Michals came out. I immediately jumped up and asked him. "How is she?"

Doctor Michals: "Aside from losing the finger, she'll be okay. There's seems to be no critical damage to the rest of the fingers or hand itself."

Y/N: "How much will this cost us?"

Doctor Michals: "Edith already paid for it." As he said that, Clementine and Edith walked out. A.J then giggles with excitement at the sight at Clementine. She smiled and picked up A.J.

Clem: "How's my little goofball doing?"

Y/N: "You mean, "our" little goofball?"

Clem: "Yes, you too."

Edith: "Hey, are you guys sure you wanna continue this job? Cause what happened out there could've been a lot worse."

Y/N: "It's better than working with Adrian."

Clem: "And working with a bunch of dumbass girls."

Edith: "I'm just saying. You've gotta think about who is depending on you." She said, referring to A.J.

Clem: "We know, Edith. That's why we'll be more careful when outside the walls."

Edith: "Okay...Just remember, if you kids get tired of this job, come find me and I'll get you a new job. Dutch wanted to see me about something. I'll catch you two later. Bye." We said bye to Edith and went back home for a good nights sleep.

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