New plan.

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Javi's POV.

We drove down a road for a few hours after the fall of Prescott. Kate, Elenor and Gabe were riding with me. I look at Kate and she don't look to good. Back in Prescott, Elenor tried to help her, but she lacked the equipment necessary to help. Now Kate looks pale and shaking a little.

Elenor: "You think their following us?" I look back and see Tripp's van still behind us.

Javi: "No. We're fine. It's just the others." We came up to an inter section on the road and I parked on the right side, while the van parked on the left. We all got out of our vehicles and Elenor ran up to Tripp and hugged him.

Tripp: "You Alright, Elenor?"

Elenor: "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that we lost everyone at Prescott. Our friends and family." We looked at Conrad, who was standing away from us. "Oh, Conrad..."

Javi: "Conrad, I'm sorry. Really. She didn't deserve that."

Conrad: "Your absolutely right, Javier. It should've been you!" He walked up to Javi, who backed up a bit away from the grieving man. "Your the reason they came there in the first place! She's dead because of you!"

Tripp: "Conrad...Take it easy, buddy. This was nobody's fault." He said, putting a hand on his friends shoulder but Conrad smacked it away.

Conrad: "Bullshit! Francine. Prescott...All because this washed up cheat came walking into my bar!"

Javi: "Hey, I lost my niece, man. Those basterds killed her as well. Right in front of me!"

Conrad: "You think that makes you special?! That you lost your niece?! When we lost a place we called home to a bunch of maniacs?! I don't think so!"

Y/N: "Conrad, you need to calm down! This won't help!"

Conrad: "All I'm saying is that if it weren't for him-!" Suddenly, we heard a gun cock. We look over and see Gabe aiming his gun at Conrad!

Gabe: "Back the fuck away from him! NOW!" Conrad backs away from me with his hands up. I slowly go up to him.

Javi: "Gabe, this isn't necessary!"

Gabe: "Yes it is! I told you I wasn't gonna sit around and watch everything! I'm gonna do what I want from now on!"

Clem: "Just put it down, Gabe."

Gabe: "Javi, if someone is threatening you, I'll-." Y/N suddenly came out of nowhere with his gun aimed right at his head!

Y/N: "Go ahead, Gabe. Pull the trigger. Then I won't hesitate. And I don't care how many Muretoes in this forest hear it. Cause we'll be long gone while they'll feed on your corpse. Your choice..."

Tripp: "Y/N, your not making things better!"

Javi: "Just Stop, Please!"

Y/N: "Not until he calms down." Gabe arms were shaking and soon, he puts away his gun. Y/N holsters his gun and he walks up back to us. Gabe, however, stomps away from us.

Javi: "Gabe, where you going?!"

Clem: "Let him go, Javi. He needs time to cool off." We then heard Conrad fall into a sobbing mess on the ground as Elenor comforts him.

Conrad: "I wanna go back. I need to bury my girl."

Tripp: "I wish we could, pal. But Prescott's gone. We can go back."

Elenor: "Well, it's not exactly safe here, either."

Clem: "We can go to Richmond. Me and Y/N heard there's a big community there. It's got food, walls and maybe a hospital."

Y/N: "Hold on a minute, Clem."

Clem: "What? Where else can we go?"

Y/N: "Can we talk, Privately?" The two of them go into the woods to talk privately. What's gotten into him?

Y/N's POV.

Me and Clem get far enough from the group and we stood in front of each other.

Clem: "Look, I know what your gonna say."

Y/N: "Yeah, it's "Why the hell are we going back there?" Do I need to remind you what is in that gated community?"

Clem: "I know, but what choice do we have? It's the closest community out here and Kate's in bad shape. We have no where else to go except there."

Y/N: "Well, for all we know, they'll just shoot Kate on sight once they see her condition."

Clem: "That's not true. Kate will be fine. You can't always jumped to conclusions."

Y/N: "I'm not immediately jumping to conclusions. I stating true facts here. You saw how New Frontier treaded us, to others. They're a big fucking lie."

Clem: "True, but just listen to what I'm saying, for me..." She grabs my hands. "These people, including Javi, needs us as much as we need them. We know the way to Richmond and once we get them there, we'll leave before New Frontier gets to us." I ponder at what she said.

Y/N: "Okay. Besides, we need to take care of something outside of Richmond."

Clem: "Whats That?" She said, giving me a confused eyebrow.

Y/N: "You remember Adrian, Right? From Wellington?"

Clem: "The guy you beat the shit out of? Yeah, I remember. Why?"

Y/N: "I found out where he is. He's somewhere outside of Richmond. He's still alive. With that blue truck full of supplies from Wellington."

Clem: "Your kidding? Where did you find this out?"

Y/N: "Back in Prescott. I over heard some guys talking about a kid that sounded just like Adrian. Just thought that we would engage in some revenge after what he did."

Clem: "Yeah, I cant wait to see the look on his stupid face."

Y/N: "I'm surprised that idiot lasted this long. You would think he would be a walkers dinner the first week he be by himself." We both laughed at this and I realized that we were still holding hands. "Clem?"

Clem: "Yeah?"

Y/N: "Your hands are a little cold." She looks down and swipes back her hands blushing. I smiled at this and we walked back to the rest of the group.

Javi: "Clem, Y/N, you guys can ride with me." Before we hopped in, Gabe came back with an angry face. Clem went up to him and started talking with him. I didn't hear much but I heard Gabe started to flirt with her a bit. I raised an eyebrow and thought that there's not a chance Gabe could end up with her. After all, it seems like Gabe has never matured yet! Javi noticed my reaction to them taking. "What's wrong? Jealous?" He said, teasing me.

Y/N: "Shut up! Shouldn't we get moving?"

Javi: "Right, Hey Clem, Gabe. Time to go. We have a long ride ahead of us." We all hopped in the car with Elenor and Kate. Me, Clem and Gabe all rode in the third seat row. It was a bit awkward, sitting next to Gabe after I aimed a gun to his head. But we agreed not to talk much to each other on our way up to Richmond. I was feeling a little tired, so I arched my head back on the seat and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

Richmond here we come...

TWDG S3: THE NEW FRONTIER. (A Male reader X Clementine story). Where stories live. Discover now