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Y/N's POV.

One year earlier.

Me and Clem ran away from a horde of walkers in the woods for a while after we failed to sneak passed them. We took a quick breather as the walkers were drawing closer to us. A.J started to cry a little. I put my hand gently on his back and rubbed it.

Y/N: "Your okay buddy. We're gonna find somewhere safe from the monsters."

Clem: "You see somewhere we can hide?" I stood up and looked around in the woods. I see what looked like an abandoned trailer. I put A.J back in the bag that Clem carries him in. She puts on the bag and stood up.

Y/N: "Come on. There's a place we can hide!" We ran to the trailer and it looks like no ones been here in a while. Clem tried the door but it's locked.

Clem: "Keep then off me. I'll get it unlocked."

Y/N: "No time! Just kick it open!" I Said as we saw more walkers appeared from the woods. As I got out my pistol, Clem kicked the door open and we all went inside. The place was a mess but we didn't care. Clem placed A.J on the bed and I saw a shelf by the door as the walkers approached the trailer. I moved the shelf in front of the door. A.J started to whimper again and Clem kneeled down to him.

Clem: "A.J, you need to be quiet. We know your hungry, we are too." A.J continues to cry loudly and coughs a little. I think he might have a head cold. Clem then started to hum him a song to calm him. This works a little and I go to them.

Y/N: "Goofball, remember what we practiced when we need to be quiet?" He looks up at me. "Go like this." I put both my hands up and A.J did the same thing.

Clem: "Good job, kiddo." Suddenly we heard voices outside. They went to the other door and started to pound on it.

???: "Hey! We can hear you in there!" It sounds like a girls voice.

???: "We won't kill you! Just let us in!" The other voice sounds like a boy. We both look at each other and pull out our guns and stood behind A.J. They eventually got in and looked at us as they blocked the door with their body's. The girl had a ponytail, a red shirt and looked to be Clem's age. The boy was an African American and had a yellow hoodie and looked a year older than me.

The girl: "Hi there."

Clem: "Hello..." She said as we aimed our guns at them. The door then was forced open a little by a walker and the boy pushed it back out and they held to door shut.

The boy: "Listen, trust us or not, there's a lot of them out there. Help us block the door or we'll all die!" Me and Clem quickly looked at each other and nodded. I went to them as Clem held A.J as I grabbed something heavy and placed it in front of the door. I backed away from them and sat next to Clem and A.J as they sat in the other room.

The girl: "Holy shit! There was way to many of those fuckers! Their dumber than chicken shit, but when there's a group..." She then noticed A.J. "Cute little kid."

Y/N: "Yeah, he is. Now, who are you?"

Sam: "Names Sam. This is Ellie." She waves to us and we just stare. "We we're by a highway with our group when that horde came outta nowhere."

Ellie: "We ran for I don't know how long. Then we saw this place. So, this is your trailer?"

Clem: "No. we found it too."

Ellie: "Well, now that you know who we are, who are you?"

Clem: "Clementine."

Y/N: "Y/N. And this is A.J." I Said as he coughs a little.

Sam: "So where you guys from?"

Y/N: "Whats it to you?"

Sam: "Nothing, Just trying to make conversation." He said as he puts his arms up. "Since we're gonna be in here for a while, we might as well try and get to know each other."

Clem: "We're from Georgia, originally."

Y/N: "Where you guys from?"

Ellie: "Ohio. Sam's from Hartford."

Sam: "Guess We're all far from home, ain't we?" He says as A.J whines again. Clem starts to bounce him lightly up and down.

Ellie: "So..."

Y/N: "So what?"

Ellie: "He isn't yours, is he?"

Sam: "Ellie!"

Ellie: "What? I'm just asking!"

Clem: "No. We promised someone we'd look after him."

Sam: "Well, you guys clearly don't have any supplies. Or food for that baby."

Y/N: "So?"

Sam: "What if you guys come with us to a group?" He rolls up his sleeve and shows us what looks like a some sort of tattoo. "We're called The New Frontier. We're a pretty big community in Richmond. Took over part of the city."

Ellie: "We have food, water, a hospital and even some food for A.J."

Clem: "How can we trust you?"

Ellie: "Guess you'll just have to find out. Besides, if that baby wasn't with you, we'd assumed you'd just be like every other pair of assholes out here."

Y/N: "And we'd would've shoot you before you had a chance."

Sam: "Well you didn't. So, what's it gonna be? You wanna join us?"

Ellie: "We're not forcing you two to join. Just trying to recruit some new members. Plus, take some consideration for your baby. He won't last this long out here." Me and Clem looked at each and nodded.

Clem: "Okay, we'll join you. But if your leading us into a trap-."

Ellie: "Yes. We get it, you'll kill us."

Sam: "This hordes gonna be a while until it passes. We might as well try to get to know each other better." They moved up closer to us and throughout the night we talked about who we were and why we have a one year old baby with us.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating this story since last week. I was trying to get some stuff done for my school and it was Mother's Day weekend. So I wanted to spend time with my mother. Hope you guys enjoy these chapters!!! 😊😊😊

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