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Chrollo Luclifer, a leader if the feared Phantom Troupe sat in the troupe hideout alone in his room. He didn't know what the other troupe members were doing but he had seen them earlier so he didn't care. Chrollo had almost nothing in his room. The only things that accompanied Chrollo were a few books, a bed, and a small candle providing a light source. Chrollo didn't care much for socializing he never really understood the point. People are born alone and people die alone at least that is how Chrollo saw it. Chrollo sighed and closed his book he was going to take a look around the hideout and see who was there. He blew out his candle and proceeded to walk down a long corridor into the main area. The main area was still dark but some hints of moonlight shone in through the windows in the front of the room that Chrollo was now directly facing.

     Looking around there wasn't much to see. The area was barren and contained almost nothing other than maybe some huge rocks that troupe members would sit on. Chrollo saw Feitan and Phinks having a conversation and decided to listen in. "I didn't see anything unusual when I went out Phinks, It is the same as it appears every year this should be easy."

     "Of course it should be easy Fei! They are just a couple of mafia men after all. What could they do to a group as strong as us?"

     "Nothing, absolutely nothing."

     "Exactly! Even if something looked different we wouldn't have anything to worry about so why did you go down there anyway."

     "I was looking at the items for sale that won't be sold at the underground auction. The boss did not ask us to steal those so I am free to steal some of it for myself."

     "Well? Did you find anything you like?"

     "Yes, torture tools. Ones I can use to slit the stomach in a second and remove a bowel." Feitan had a dark look on his face as he said this.

     "Geez Fei! You're creepy! I wouldn't want you as an enemy." Phinks said laughing nervously.

     "Nobody would want me as an enemy. That is good because fewer people will try to be an enemy to me that way and if they are an enemy..." Feitan chuckled darkly. "They'll die."

     "Yeah, yeah I get it Feitan can you stop being so creepy now?"

     "Why? Phinks isn't an enemy."

     "Yeah I know but still! It's just a creepy thing to say to your partner!"

     "We work best together. Our partnership beats any partnership in the whole troupe." Feitan said proudly. "We can kill the most people."

     "Hell yeah, Fei," Phinks smirked

     Chrollo watched their conversation with interest. He didn't understand their emotions, not in the slightest but Chrollo didn't really understand emotions in general. Emotions were a confusing thing well, at least to Chrollo they were. Chrollo never really felt much of any emotion except for boredom. The boredom killed him. That's why he started the troupe anyway. Chrollo wanted something to mean something to him he thought that the Phantom Troupe could be that something. The Troupe did seem to keep Chrollo's boredom at bay but Chrollo still didn't truly care. He saw the members of the troupe as replaceable, he saw himself as replaceable yet when he looked at other members such as Feitan and Phinks he felt weird. Phinks didn't find Feitan replaceable. Feitan didn't find Phinks replaceable. They were friends? Chrollo didn't understand friendship. He didn't understand why one person couldn't just be replaced by another person with equal power.

     Some things made no sense to Chrollo. Chrollo just tried as hard as he could to continue his life and find interest in something. Chrollo sighed. He wondered if he would ever find something that truly interested him, something that made him just want more and more. Chrollo wasn't so sure exactly what he wanted he just knew he wanted something. He decided to go Talk to Feitan about it for a little bit maybe Feitan knew of something that could entertain him. Chrollo walked back to where Feitan was.

     "Hello, Feitan."

     "Hmm? Boss? Want something?"

     "That's just It. I do want something but I'm not really sure what I want."

     "How would I know what you want? I don't concern myself with the needs of others however, you are the boss so I suppose if you need help figuring this out I can help a little."

     "I want something to be entertained by but I don't know what."

     "Then your answer is simple Boss. Why didn't you see it before?"


     "Yes, Boss. You want an Obsession."

     "An Obsession?"

     "Yes, you want something that you can't stop yourself from giving attention to, something that entertains you and draws you in constantly. Am I wrong?"

     "No, you described it. The point is how can I become Obsessed with something?"

     "Well once you're obsessed with something you will know. I recommend trying out some new things if you don't have a deep interest in anything currently."

     "Just how deep does obsession run? Would it be fair to say you are obsessed with stealing?"

     "No, I just feel loyal to the troupe so I steal. I am not obsessed with stealing."

     "Are you obsessed with anything?"

     Feitan thought for a minute then responded. "Yes."

     "Is it torture?"

     "No, it runs deeper than just that. I am obsessed with Power. Torture allows me to have power over the fate of a person. I like that feeling." Feitan paused again. "It's not hard to understand when you are obsessed. You stop thinking rationally, your whole focus is concentrated on that one thing and nothing else."

     "Alright Feitan, thanks for the advice." Chrollo turned to walk away.

     "Wait! Boss!"

     "Yes, Feitan?"

     "If you are looking for an obsession that is fine but remembers this."

     "What Feitan?"

     "It is entirely possible to become too obsessed with something. If you become too obsessed it's no good at all so be careful."

     "Alright, thanks again."

     Feitan nods and walks off to go talk to Shalnark who was signaling him over to discuss if a move Uvogin made in a card game against him was a fair move or not. Chrollo went up to the big glass windows in front of the room. Chrollo sat down up there and everyone came over. They knew this meant their boss wanted to speak with them.

     "What's the order now boss? I'm ecstatic!" Uvogin said as he walked closer so he could look Chrollo in the eye.

     "We will need the whole troupe to pull this off and everyone will have different roles. I have prepared a plan I think will be suitable. Feitan and Franklin will start us off by eliminating the immediate threat of the mafia in the building. Shizuku, you will stand at the doors to dispose of evidence once Feitan and Franklin are done. Shalnark, Machi, Uvogin, and Nobunaga will be in the area as a backup they will also do the stealing. Kortopi will stay here and make more hideouts as the illusion of an abandoned city so that when the Mafia guards realize what has happened and call in more members they won't be able to find us. Phinks, Pakunoda, and Hisoka will stay here with me to protect our hideout."

     Everyone seems in agreement and Feitan grabs his concealed sword. "Alright! Me, Franklin, and Shizuku will spend the day in the city then. We can contact you guys 30 minutes before. We don't know if they could start early or late so we should stay in the area."

     "Alright, Feitan sounds good."

     Feitan ran out the door quickly followed by Shizuku and Franklin who were not as fast. Chrollo looked up. He put his hand on the part of his jacket that held his nen book. Chrollo Luclifer a calm, feared man. He wanted an interest, he wanted an obsession.

     He felt sure about his life's stability. He never had changed since the moment the troupe started. Little did he know his future was covered in chains and his obsession was closer then he thought.

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