Meetings and Emotions

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     Kurapika was starting to get accustomed to his new surroundings. He had been with the Phantom Troupe for about three weeks now at least that's what it seemed like to him. He wasn't keeping track of time. It could have been longer. Nobody miss treated him or abused him like he thought they would. In fact, the way the Phantom Troupe acted was similar to that of a family. It made Kurapika feel like he was back at his old village with his clan in some weird way. Some of the Phantom Troupe members were becoming friends with him, mainly Shalnark and Shizuku. It was early morning and Kurapika was fast asleep until Shalnark came in. "Wake up PikPik! The boss says we are having a special meeting!"

     "Why do I need to go to the meeting? I'm not even a troupe member." Kurapika pointed out and looked at his friend.

     "I don't know. The boss just said he wants you there." Shalnark frowned at the thought that Kurapika was questioning his intentions but he thought he was simply being careful. Chrollo still didn't let Kurapika leave afraid that he would escape.

     "Hey PikPik after the meeting maybe you can play cards with me and Uvo. I promise he isn't as scary as he seems." Shalnark told him. Kurapika liked how Shalnark was trying to be nice to him but he still wasn't completely comfortable. He was becoming pretty used to the troupe by now. He went downstairs and saw that the rest of the troupe members were already present. Chrollo smiled at everyone.

     "Good morning everyone. As you all know, due to recent events, Hisoka has left the troupe." Feitan smirked.

     "Good. Didn't like him."

     "Be quiet when the boss is speaking Fei." His partner Phinks said.

     "Tch...Annoying dummy."

     "Hey! We are partners!"

     "I can still think you are annoying even if I like you." Feitan pointed out and Machi got in between them to break whatever fight may begin.

     "Continue Boss," Machi told him and nodded. Chrollo cleared his throat before continuing.

     "Well, I said before that Kurapika is a particularly strong individual and that he would make a very powerful spider. Of course, I can't force someone to be a spider that is something that is only able to be done out of the free will for all the obvious reasons. I told you all before that we are going to keep him here as a prisoner until I decided what to do with him. I have decided now." The whole phantom troupe remained quiet while Chrollo continued.

     "Kurapika, I would like you to join us. It is clear to me that you are a powerful and useful individual however If you do not join us and we let you go free then who is to say that you won't describe the information to others that can put everyone here in danger. You have seen all our faces, heights, and some of our abilities. You know our names. If we let you just leave then that could just as well be the end of the troupe. Since the creation of the phantom troupe, I vowed that the troupe would be an immortal force even if it's members can not be that way. That is why we always replace members when they die, that is why we work as hard as we do. It is all for our purpose of meaning and creating something powerful that will never die, even after every member in this room is dead, even after I am dead. I can not allow anyone to destroy what we have built." Chrollo spoke now looking directly at Kurapika.

     "You are an interesting person Kurapika. The thought of killing you honestly doesn't sit well with me but if you endanger us that is what I will have to do. There is no way to erase this from your memory so the only way to shut you up is to put you six feet under." Kurapika shudders and grabs his chains but then remembered that Chrollo still had his ability on lock. Chrollo stepped over to Kurapika.

     "I am officially inviting you to join us, Kurapika. You do not have to die, you can live your life happily with everything you would ever want." Kurapika wanted to say something but he wasn't quite sure what to say. Chrollo smiles softly like a gentleman on a date.

     "I am going to give you three months to make the final decision Kurapika. I know there must be a lot going on in your head right now." For some reason that statement made kurapika feel safer. Chrollo was obviously selfish in many ways by putting his troupe over his life but at least chrollo took into consideration the stress that he was feeling. After the conversation, Chrollo went to find Kurapika who was in his room. Chrollo smiled when he saw him.

     "Hey, Kurapika can I talk to you?" Kurapika knew Chrollo was going to talk no matter what so he just nods in response and chrollo smiles.

     "I only say I will kill you because if I don't, more lives will be lost. If our existence becomes known to common public police will come after us and we will obviously have to kill them and it is always likely nen users will come to kill us or we will kill them. We would all end up dying at the end plus many other people. I would like to prevent the spilling of too much blood. My troupe members may not feel the same. They spill blood often. The reason I like to stay off the battlefield is that on the battlefield I will have to kill people to get what I want. My troupe members are willing to kill if I give the order so why would I kill when I don't have to?" Chrollo said and looked at Kurapika. Poor Kurapika was exhausted and overwhelmed with emotions by everything. He started to cry and clings to Chrollo because he is the only person there. A red blush appears on Chrollos face.

     "Kurapika? Kurapika-" Kurapika fell asleep in his lap and Chrollo gently plays with his blonde hair and blushes again.

     "I guess maybe I don't mind..." Chrollo said and repositioned them so Chrollo could fall asleep too. That was the first time Chrollo and Kurapika fell asleep in each other's arms.

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