The Boss

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Kurapika was many things but he was not stupid. He followed Feitan to the hideout willingly because he didn't want Feitan to attack. He had no idea how strong Feitan was in terms of nen, so he didn't think it would be a good idea to test him. Kurapika also thought that perhaps this capture would be useful for him. Right now, Feitan was leading Kurapika directly to their hideout now, Kurapika would know exactly where to find the troupe. He would escape and create a plan to destroy the spiders and then return. Kurapika saw no downsides to his plan so far. He walked beside Feitan calmly not showing any fear at all. Feitan would look up at him from time to time as if he were wondering why he wasn't more afraid of what was about to happen or where he was going. "Why are you so calm?" Feitan questioned him.

     "What do you mean?" Kurapika replied.

     "Don't play games with me, why are you so incredibly calm after you have just been kidnapped by a nen user? By the Phantom troupe! Are you really so dense that you don't understand how much danger you are in? Do you fail to comprehend the fact that your very life is at risk?"

     "I don't fail to comprehend anything! I'm not stupid I'm just not afraid of you."

     Feitan glared at Kurapika. He wasn't sure what drove Kurapika that he somehow felt he could stand Feitan up. Feitan effected everyone around him, and he didin't like the feeling that someone was not affected by how obviously dangerous Feitan was. Feitan growled a little, If it where up to him he would have already attacked Kurapika, Probably killed him even. Something about the blonde was giving him vibes that he didn't like and Honestly, Feitan didn't want Kurapika near him anymore. However, Feitan was loyal to the spider and he obeyed the rules that Chrollo had set. If he killed Kurapika it could somehow mess up the mission. Feitan had to bring Anyone who interfered this directly back to the hideout. This boy was an unpredicted obstacle that just happened to get in the spider's path. Feitan knew the best course of action was to bring him to the boss. He knew Kurapika told him that he wasn't stupid but Feitan thought that not fearing him was a pretty stupid thing. "You say that you aren't stupid but I honestly think that is bullshit."

     "What did you say?!" Kurapika's eyes flashed scarlet for a second before returning to their original state.

     "I said the whole you aren't stupid thing is crap. Smart people know when to be scared."

     "Do you think just because you are in the Phantom troupe that everyone will fear you? You aren't even the boss!"

     "Trust me, If you were smart, if you really knew anything about the troupe at all then you would be afraid of me."

     "Haven't you heard of bravery?"

     Feitan sighed at Kurapika. "Look, I know that you must be pretty damn stupid so you probably won't understand this but, There is a difference between bravery and ignorance. Bravery is when you are forced into a bad situation so you don't back down or give up. Bravery does not mean you walk around looking for danger, It means you aren't afraid or That you stand up to your fear when it comes to you. Stupidity is lurking around dangerous situations that you don't fully understand. That is what you did. I could tell by the look in your eyes, by the fact that you had the bandanna that I lost in York new. It was no mistake that you found us, you sought us out on purpose. That was stupid, not brave."

     Feitan looked at Kurapika in the eyes.

     "And I hate stupid."

     "You don't know anything about me! How can you assume anything about me when we just met?!"

     "Well, Maybe I know nothing about you but I know things about emotions. I know things about the way someone looks at another person when they are feeling certain emotions, especially the emotion of fear and you are not showing fear."

     "Everyone is different you know."

     "Perhaps in some ways people are different but, there are also some ways that everyone is the same."

     At last, when they finally reached the hideout, Feitan walked inside and sat on a rock. He looked at Kurapika. "You can choose to sit or to stand upright now but that is the only choice that you will be getting here. The boss will decide what happens to you from here on out."

     "I Don't care what you say or do!"

      "Tsk...So annoying. I honestly do not care if you live or die as long as you disappear from my sight."

     "Oh don't worry I will disappear!"


     Chrollo walked out of the long corridor up ahead and saw Feitan. He looked at Feitan briefly but more importantly, he looked at the man next to him. Who was that? Chrollo had no idea.

     "Good evening Feitan, is the mission already done? Where are the others? Who is that?"

     "Some stupid mafia got on our tail but I am assuming that Uvogin has handled them by now."

     "Alright good. I got a call earlier that the items were missing. Does this man have the merchandise?"

     "No, I really think he knows nothing about the merch but, he was following us and tracking us down. He is definitely a nen user I can feel his aura. I wasn't sure what to do about him he isn't as weak as the mafia. The mafia doesn't have nen for the most part other than the shadow beasts who Uvogin handled by now."

     "Ah, I see."

      Chrollo looked at Kurapika curiously and grabbed his hand. "May I speak to you?"

     "I won't tell you a thing!"

     Kurapika's eyes flashed a deep scarlet and Chrollo gasped but in an instant, they were back to their normal color.

     "Feitan did you see that?"

     "See what? I don't care about this guy boss I simply brought him into you. I wasn't watching him."

     Chrollo looked at Feitan. "Alright."

     Chrollo grabbed Kurapika and led him into another room. "What do you want with us?"

     Kurapika's eyes turned full on scarlet and they didn't revert back right away. He stared at Chrollo in anger and fury wanting nothing but terrible things to happen to this man. Chrollo saw his eye color and gasped.

     "What are you?"

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