Resolution and Marriage

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     Kurapika stared wide-eyed at the guards who were attempting to capture Chrollo. He didn't want Chrollo to be captured. "Wait! Stop!" Kurapika said and got in the way of the guards. Suddenly the guards disappeared, the restaurant disappeared and Chrollo and Kurapika were standing in the middle of nowhere.

     "What's happening?" Kurapika questions. Kortopi comes out from behind a big rock with the rest of the troupe and even Chrollo looks surprised. Chrollo stares at his troupe members.

     "What is the meaning of this?" Chrollo asks them and Kortopi answers.

     "We wanted to see if You and Kurapika really had feelings for each other!" Chrollo blushed and stared at them. He had feelings for kurapika and based on kurapikas reaction, he did too. Kurapika blushed and looked at Chrollo.

     "Well...what happens now?" Kurapika asked. Chrollo smiled and blushed unsure too.


     "Kurapika! You don't want to be late for your own wedding do you?!" Shouts Leorio as Kurapika rushes in with a white suit on. Kurapika was getting married to Chrollo. After Chrollo and Kurapika finally confessed their love for each other, Chrollo let Kurapika go and Kurapika went back to his friends and normal daily life however, Chrollo and Kurapika couldn't keep apart from each other. They met up almost daily and would go on dates all the time. (Real ones without troupe interference) Kurapika and Chrollo discovered that they enjoyed each other's company a lot and they continued to hang out and the relationship got more and more serious until Chrollo finally popped the big question. Kurapika looked at his engagement ring and smiled as he took it off. That would be replaced with a wedding ring today and Kurapika couldn't be happier. At first, Kurapika's friends weren't so excited about Kurapika marrying the leader of the phantom troupe but after meeting Chrollo on numerous occasions, they slowly warmed up to the idea. Leorio had agreed to be Kurapika's best man and was honored that Kurapika had asked him to play such an important role. Kurapika was finished getting ready and hugged Leorio. "Wow, I really thought that this would be a lot less stressful..." Kurapika said nervously.

     "Of course it's a little stressful Kura, this is life-changing after all."

     "I suppose it is but moving in with Chrollo will be the only major difference of married life and Chrollo crashes on my couch all the time..." Chrollo would get lazy after a mission and go to Kurapikas place and sleep on his couch. Kurapika never really understood why he did this since he wasn't coming to see Kurapika and would fall asleep right away. Kurapika smiles at the happy memories.

     "Yeah! It won't be so different Kurapika so doesn't worry too much about it." Leorio said with a smile. After their conversation, Leorio and Kurapika took a limo to the church. When they arrived, Shalnark was waiting outside. He smiled.

     "Ready Pik pik!" He said and smiled happily. Kurapika exchanged a friendly smile. Music started playing and Kurapika took a deep breath and started walking inside. Chrollo looked stunning too. He was in a white suit similar to Kurapika's and he was looking at Kurapika as he walked down the isle. He was looking nervous too. Kurapika felt better about his own nerves knowing he wasn't the only one who was nervous. When Kurapika goes to the altar, Chrollo took his hands and the priest starts talking.

     "We are gathered here to witness the union of Chrollo Luclifer and Kurapika Kurta! If anyone is against this union, please speak now or remain forever silent." The priest looks around and when he hears nobody talking he continues.

     "Alright, Chrollo repeat after me. I Chrollo Luclifer, take thee, Kurapika Kurta, as my lawfully wedded husband. For better and worse, through sickness and health and till death do we part."

     "I Chrollo Luclifer take thee, Kurapika Kurta, as my lawfully wedded husband. For better and worse, through sickness and health and till death do we part." Chrollo takes out a golden wedding ring and slips it on Kurapika's ring finger. He blushes truly happy.

     "Alright now Kurapika Kurta, repeat after me, I Kurapika Kurta take thee Chrollo Luclifer as my lawfully wedded husband for better and worse, through sickness and health and till death do we part." Kurapika looks at Chrollo and blushes as he grabs a golden wedding ring and smiles.

     "I Kurapika kurta take thee Chrollo Luclifer as my lawfully wedded husband for better and worse, through sickness and health and till death do we part." Kurapika puts the golden wedding ring on chrollo and they both smiled.

     "You may now kiss the groom!" Kurapika kissed Chrollo like there was no tomorrow because sometimes, Your nightmare is your lover.


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