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"Guysssss!!! I wanna go to Auction!!! It's not fair! I wanna go!!" Neon nostrade started yelling and screaming as she threw an expensive vase across the room and it smashed to the floor. Kurapika was standing by Melody as he was getting ready to leave for the auction.

     "Are you guys sure you have everything under control here?" Kurapika asked the people who were watching Neon.

     "Yeah, all this screaming will wear her out eventually. She can't keep this up forever." Basho said dodging another thrown object.

     "Alright...Melody we should go." Melody nods and follows Kurapika down to the lobby. Kurapika felt uneasy. Would the troupe really show up? When the time came could Kurapika really face the men and women who killed his fellow clan members? He tensed up and Melody looked at him again.

     "It's like that night. You are tense again."

     "I am fine." Melody looked at Kurapika and sighed. Even if she could sense his discomfort she couldn't make him say anything he didn't want to say.

     "Alright, If you say so..." Kurapika and Melody walked to the building that they would be watching from the top. It wasn't far at all so walking was no stress for the two of them. It actually helped Kurapika release some negative energy he had bottled up inside. When the two of them arrived, they made their way to the top of the nearby building. Kurapika and Melody didn't talk until they got to the top of the building.

     "Are you feeling alright Kurapika?"

     "I told you before, everything is fine."

     "Alright..." Melody uses her binoculars to take a look at the building then hands them to Kurapika.

     "Wanna take a look?"

     "Why? Do you see something suspicious?"

     "No, I was just wondering if you wanted to take a quick look at the building. The Boss' fortune-telling skills did say something might happen here tonight besides an auction didn't they?" Kurapika tensed up again. He didn't answer. Melody wondered what Kurapika was thinking about and then she remembered. She remembered the day where each member had to get an item to prove they could do the job. She remembered when Kurapika saw one of the items he was filled with rage. Rage, Rage, Rage. Everlasting Rage. Which item was it though? Oh, how Melody wished she could remember.

     "I suppose I could take a quick look if you think it's important. I don't want to fail the job I came here to do."

    "Alright." Melody handed Kurapika the binoculars and he took a quick look then put them down.
     "Everything looks normal like you said."

     "Why did you doubt what I said?"

     "No, you haven't given me any reason not to trust you so why shouldn't I?"

     "You just seem a little slower to trust people."

     "Maybe that's true." Melody thought hard about all the things that made Kurapika uneasy about then she remembered something. There was only one item that nobody was able to retrieve that was on the boss' list. That item, the scarlet eyes.

     "The scarlet eyes. What do they mean to you?" Kurapika gasped and looked at Melody. His heartbeat was more uneven than ever before, he was filled with rage more rage then you could imagine. Kurapika looked at the building and then back at Melody.

     "I know that you must have your own reasons for being here other than just helping the boss obtain more items for her collection." Kurapika sighed and looked at Melody. He still wasn't calm by any means.

     "The scarlet eyes were from the Kurta clan. The clan was wiped out by a group called the Phantom Troupe...Let's just say I want to avenge the Kurta." Kurapika looked at Melody curiously.

     "Why did you ask me that? I also want to know, if you thought I had some motivation for being here other then job pay then maybe you have a different motivation as well. I shared my motivation with you so maybe you can share yours?"

    "Well, I am here to get a certain script of music. I suppose you could say I'm a music hunter."

     "Music? What kind of music are you looking for?"

     "Music that was composed by the devil."

     "What? I doubt something like that actually exists I mean isn't that just some old legend?"

     "I wish it were but I know it exists. Once my friend had the Devil's music. The person who sold it to her said that we should never play it under any circumstances. Well, one night we got all drunk and giddy and my friend played the flute solo. It was said that anyone who played it would die and anyone who heard it played would be terribly cursed. My friend died that night and it's also how I became the way I am today." Melody exposed part of her arm to show Kurapika how the curse had affected her. How it had scared her and left permanent marks behind.

     "That is also how I gained my ability. My ability to hear heartbeats of others to tell what they are feeling." Kurapika looked at Melody interested and also sorry for her.

     "Your heartbeat plays a song of rage. I was wondering why."

     "That's understandable."

     "I can tell that you don't want to kill anyone but at the same time, you wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if they decide to get in your way."

     "That's correct..." Kurapika sighed.

     "I can't read emotions but I can read faces so I want you to be honest with me. Do you really think the Phantom Troupe will show up?" Melody looks at Kurapika. "I can't really say but the boss' fortune did mention something may happen."

     Suddenly, Kurapika and Melody saw people surrounding the building. They saw people rush inside. Kurapika's eyes widened at the sight and quickly grabbed the binoculars. Soon, Melody took the binoculars and took a look too.

     "Kurapika! Something is happening inside!" Kurapika's eyes flashed a quick shade of scarlet.

     "It's them..." Kurapika ran two of the elevator to go back down.


      "Contact the others!"

     "Ok, Kurapika I will try and call them." The elevator didn't come fast enough so Kurapika ran as fast as he could downstairs and outside. He gasped as he saw a police car zoom past him.

     "It has to be them..."

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